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Suicide: Is it right or wrong?

As a whole, do you think suicide is acceptable?

  • Yes

  • No

  • It's not my place to say

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Jul 29, 2006
Reaction score
I was just wondering what you guys thought about suicide. Do you agree with it? In some cases, is it acceptable? Or should we just be grateful for what we have and remember that there are people less fortunate than us?

Personally, I think if someone is so convinced that the only option left is to take their own life, I think they should have the right to make up their own mind. As long as it doesn't involve other people, eg. walking in front of a bus, mentally scarring that bus driver for the rest of his/her life.

Anyways, I'm really interested to hear your views.
I think it's the wimpy way out.
I think it's wrong in every way, it doesn't matter what has happened there are still a lot of things left to think about for those people who are left behind... it's a cowardly way and nothing is ever bad enough that someone should kill themself... it's selfish and there is always better options that taking your own life
I think it's a sad thing, but if you want to die, for cripe sake get some use out of it. Sell everything you own, buy yourself a plane ticket to New York, get yourself a super-hero identity and fight crime until someone shoots you dead in the street.
If your going to do it, dont do it in a way that kills other people along the way, ala Driving on the freeway the wrong way...

Either way if they want to waste a good life let them
It is a terribly sad option and I think often if they could just reach out they would find that one person who would listen and help them find light in their life again . I often think it just takes small steps to get out of the darkness and if they can look for that hand to hold they would see life is worth living.I am not talking about mercy though that is different .A terminally ill person in severe pain is heartbreaking.

I don't believe in ending a life. I think we are put here to strive to make it better. I know that is a very hard thing to do but it will always get better with time. Who are we to end life when there are so many tomorrows around the corner. I have tried very hard to leave religion out of this but life was giving to us ..embrace it.
there are times when life becomes a burden and you've got nothing to live for anymore. It's hard to go on and you look at death as a relief, the sweet escape. But still, even in this situation, suicide is not a solution; there is always some hope left for better times to come.
Decay said:
there are times when life becomes a burden and you've got nothing to live for anymore. It's hard to go on and you look at death as a relief, the sweet escape. But still, even in this situation, suicide is not a solution; there is always some hope left for better times to come.

Hope? Sure, there's always hope. But I say if your mind is absolutely stone-cold made up, take some street hoods and childkillers with you. You'll leave the world a better place.
This is an emo thread. Murder is wrong. Suicide is literally murdering yourself. Do the math. That's not to say the there are people in the world who would be "better of dead", but that's to big a decision for Man to make.
you don't know what tomorrow brings you...maybe you will save the world. And killing yourself today means there will be no tomorrow.
And I'm not necessarily saying you have to kill other people, but do as much as you can to keep them from committing those terrible crimes. You're doing the world a selfless service and eventually you'll get what you want if you truly don't want to live anymore. Something will get you.
Man, I just realized how cold and sociopathic my second entry must seem if you haven't read my first. Um...everybody go back and read my first entry, please. Heh.
suicide is selfish. my friend commited suicide in february. :(
I hope that victims of suicide would get more help but I dont think its wrong....some people have a really tough life.

For those who dont have a tough life, its just really bad depression and they really need help. Ive had family members whove been suicidal, and if it wasnt for the tough support of my family they'd probably wouldve killed themselves...but imagine if someone didnt have someone to support them like that
If you kill yourself for attention, then people will pay attention at first and feel bad for you, then later they'll move on and forget about you. They will have a life and you won't.

Killing yourself is dumb.:down

Unless you're saving someone else and risk your own life. That's different though.
^^^ookkkaayyy...please tell me why someone would kill themselves for attention if they wont live to see it? :confused:
Sentinel X said:
^^^ookkkaayyy...please tell me why someone would kill themselves for attention if they wont live to see it? :confused:

Unfortunately, I don't think they're thinking that far ahead.
Yeah, some people are just stupid.

They want the attention of "OMG! I WISH I NEVER MADE FUN OF HIM!:("
Suicide is just unnecessary in most cases. People think their lives are so horrible that they don't want to live them anymore, but I think that's WRONG. You can always get yourself together. If something horrible happened to you, you can learn to cope.

You were given a life to live it, not to destroy it.
Heres a short story:
Suicide Various

Suicide Stories

When my first-born son was about 18 he was electrocuted and as a result had to have his right leg amputated at the knee and his right arm amputated at the shoulder. He was outfitted with prosthetic limbs, received rehabilitation, and could walk (a loping walk but very effective) and so on.

To make the ensuing story, short, he committed suicide about two years later (exsanguination: he cut his throat, since a one-armed man can't cut his wrists). He wedged himself between a chest and the wall and died in that position. In his suicide note he said that he wanted to die standing up, like a man.

I write these thoughts because I have been thinking about the tribulations of the human self.


....Psychologically we are all different, no one behaves the same. Thus many of us may react differently to a situation than may another...so is it wrong?? Is it wrong to be depressed to such an extent to take your life away?..I dont think so
Image for a second that there was no point in living. You had no job, no family, no purpose for living, and everything you do just causes harm to everybody around you.

If someone was that depressed, I'm sure they would rather end their lives peacefully than walk down a street at night and have a kid in a hoody who doesn't even know them stab them to death.
TKing said:
I was just wondering what you guys thought about suicide. Do you agree with it? In some cases, is it acceptable? Or should we just be grateful for what we have and remember that there are people less fortunate than us?

Personally, I think if someone is so convinced that the only option left is to take their own life, I think they should have the right to make up their own mind. As long as it doesn't involve other people, eg. walking in front of a bus, mentally scarring that bus driver for the rest of his/her life.

Anyways, I'm really interested to hear your views.
For you, it's right. It's very right.
Suicide is a tragedy, and outside of a very select few scenarios (most of them I'm sure romanticised) it should not happen. That said, I take great offesne to those that call it the "coward's way out". I'm sorry, but that is the mindset of someone lucky enough to have never been put in the place of a person who goes through with it. The instinct to live is strong, and the fear of death and what lies beyond is overwhelming. It takes a great deal of desperation and a great deal of certianty to willingly take one's own life. There is no doubt in my mind that the people who tritely demean those who die by suicide could not in any way deal with such burdens that lead a person to such a state. That said, people who do take their own lives are very often not in a mindset to see the other options available to them and consider them rationaly. This is why suicide is so tragic, because it is almost always preventable, and yet it is often so very hard to understand a person enough to see it coming.
Killgore said:
For you, it's right. It's very right.

I'm not suggesting that suicide is right. I just thought we lived in a society where we could make up our own minds, and decide what's best for us. If people want to escape their depression, then they should be allowed too.
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