Suicide Squad Deleted Scenes & Bits (SPOILERS)


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Dec 6, 2006
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Let's talk about the deleted bits from the trailers... I will start with this:

That was cut out? Doesn't this happen when [blackout]Deadshot sees the phone[/blackout]?
Well I guess the wink was a little superfluous. I'm willing to bet they used that shot in the trailer only because it fit with the "she could kill you with a WINK of her eye" line in Ballroom Blitz.
the deleted scene descriptions
"In early cuts, the movie's opening detailed June Moon's posession by Enchantress in real time. Reshoots reshuffled the scene to be later in the movie in flashback form in favor of a new opening centered on Deadshot."
"Deadshot in the prison cell, watching the rain fall and thinking about his daughter."
"El Diablo observing the flame of a lit match, before putting it out due to his vow to no longer use his powers."
"El Diablo being escorted to a training center by being placed in a tube that fills with water to quell his flames, and then unceremoniously dropped onto the ground."
"Early interviews showed Captain Boomerang's racism and sexism, but the movie is light on examples of such behavior, which have apparently been deleted. Most of them were reportedly directed at Katana, to whom Boomerang is attracted to."
"Early reports indicated more backstory for Killer Croc, revealing that he entire life as a social outcast due to his physical appearance and has convinced himself that he is beautiful in his own way. Croc crossed paths with Batman while working as muscle-for-hire for numerous Gotham's crime bosses, while secretly planning to take over one day. There were also scenes displaying his affinity for making sculptures out of discarded materials. Aside from jokes about Croc viewing himself as 'beautiful,' one of these were retained in the final cut."
"Also deleted was a scene where he becomes sick at the helicopter escort to Midway City, throws up half-digested pieces of goat, and then eats them again, disgusting the nearby Navy Seals."
"Early cuts reportedly included a passing reference to Slipknot being serial rapist, likely to further paint him as unsympathetic to the audience ahead of his own death."
"More scenes of Rick Flag and June Moon's romantic relationship, including him reading the files of the Suicide Squad recruits after Waller delivers them to him."
"Another scene where Flag and Moon are out on a date."
"Extended scene of Joker interrogating Captain Griggs, including the line, "I can't wait to show you my toys," which was in every trailer, but was removed from the movie."
"Joker and his men escaping after shooting up a restaurant. Harley, who is already affiliated with the Joker, follows them on a motorcycle and intercepts their car. Joker bangs his head against the glass in frustration."
"Joker and Harley then get into a fight, which ends with Harley pointing a gun at Joker's head. Joker sweet-talks Harley into lowering the gun, charming her, then backhands her across the face. Afterwards he sweet-talks her again and they kiss."
"Extended Ace Chemicals scene where Harley jumps into the chemicals. More bits of dialogue from Joker."
"Extended Batmobile chase scene with more interaction between Joker and Harley. One of the examples, presented in all the trailers, is the Joker punching the roof of his car."
"Harley using her baseball bat as a mock gun to play shoot at invisible foes."
"Extended scene of Joker breaking into the nanobomb manufacture facility to arrange for Harley's neck-bomb to be disabled."
"More interactions between Harley and Boomerang. Early cuts apparently included her really disliking him despite growing affectionate to all the other members of the squad."
"Extended bar scene with Harley taking everyone's orders. Deadshot calls for a shot, Katana wants whiskey, Croc and Boomerang settle for beer, Harley asks Diablo wants and he prefers water which she jokes, "is a good idea." The scene was featured in the trailers, but in the movie it cuts directly to Deadshot's speech about them all almost pulling the mission off."
"Removed several scenes with the Joker to repaint his relationship with Harley as more loving rather than abusive."
"Joker and Harley get into an argument after he rescues her in the hijacked helicopter. In early cuts he reportedly pushes her out to kill her, then the helicopter gets shot down. This was apparently reworked into the helicopter getting shot down first and Joker pushing her out to save her."
"Joker returns during the final battle in the subway station, face half-burnt from the helicopter crash, which apparently leads to a brief altercation with the Squad. He calls for Harley to escape with him but she refuses for once in order to help her friends, and the Joker escapes after throwing a live grenade at the group to cover his own escape."
The only one I noticed missing was at the bar Harley offering Diablo a drink and him asking for water.
Croc attacking Katana, Katana looking at her sword after taking a soul into it, and the bit with her eyes turning black were also not in the movie.

the shear number of them is staggering. i have never seen so much cut material in trailers before. there is at least 20-30 minutes of little bits and whole scenes that got trimmed and this is the movie that could have been longer - it was over too fast for me.
But what could be cut from THIS movie to make room for those scenes?

I can't really think of one because it was really tight. Some might say prologue introductions but I'd say that was needed here personally because many people have no clue who they are.

With all those scenes we're looking at a 2 hr 30-40 minute cut of a risky new take on a genre. That means less screenings per day... Basically I think they had to keep the running time down.
I know "hope ya got insurance!" and harley's bite in the purple lambo scene was cut too.
But what could be cut from THIS movie to make room for those scenes?

I can't really think of one because it was really tight. Some might say prologue introductions but I'd say that was needed here personally because many people have no clue who they are.

With all those scenes we're looking at a 2 hr 30-40 minute cut of a risky new take on a genre. That means less screenings per day... Basically I think they had to keep the running time down.

I hear ya, but it seems like a lot of the more iconic trailer shots that were cut were also pretty short while also being visually striking or entertaining. Stuff like the drink order would have fit fine and I don't think a person would have begrudged the minute that would have added by itself.

And you've got guys like me who kept hoping to see more Croc or Boomerang, and got almost nothing from either in the third act of the film.
It's ridiculous all the stuff that got cut. I'm shocked Ayer hasn't pushed for an Extended Edition. I just hope that, moving forward with the new Johns-centric system, Warner will learn from their past mistakes.
As an editor, I actually would have, eventually, cut the drink order part, and started the scene on the shot, and into Deadshot's monologue, like they did.

It was a great bit, but the cut as is wad very effective, and the jokes would have fought the moment.

That said, all that other story ****, ESPECIALLY the Joker/Harley, and Moon/Flag stuff, should have been left in.

I kept thinking how little I gave a **** about Moon. Those scenes could have DEFINITELY fixed a LOT that was wrong with much of their story, or lack thereof.
Just maybe, possibly, could have saved the villain, or at least made he a touch more interesting.

And loose the dumb Brother thing. He was pointless.

Considering the match thing with Diablo, I get the impression he was originally meant to NEVER use his powers until the confrontation with Floyd.
But then some exec said 'You know what would be "fun," and really "cool?" If he was always using his powers as little mundane flourishes, and spelling words, and ****. You know, just to completely undermine, and negate his whole 'I don't want to use my powers' thing."

There's a good chunk of reshoots and additional FX work.

Oh, and speaking of Diablo,[blackout] so much for Ayre not wanting a fully cgi character. What the hell was that that? Came out of nowhere.[/blackout]
I hear ya, but it seems like a lot of the more iconic trailer shots that were cut were also pretty short while also being visually striking or entertaining. Stuff like the drink order would have fit fine and I don't think a person would have begrudged the minute that would have added by itself.

And you've got guys like me who kept hoping to see more Croc or Boomerang, and got almost nothing from either in the third act of the film.

Agree, great scenes but the film was very tight and still over 2 hours long. As much as it hurt I can see why they got rid of the Joker scenes - too much of a B storyline. And the others were just really cool and great character moments. But, I see why those scenes were cut over other scenes in it. As said, at a loss as to what could get cut instead to keep at or very close to 2 hours which I think was the prerogative here for the number of times a film can be shown per day.

It's also easier to release a director's cut. This is the theatrical cut, the cut for the most amount of shows shown per day. The director's cut is if it could have been longer where that wasn't a complication. Or, a regular director's cut with no timing conflict behind it.

BvS could have easily been any length and would have drawn people in. Here, the characters are lesser known for the most part making it more of a financial risk. Basically easy to see over control with BvS, here - just feels more like a typical theatrical cut that unfortunately lost a side story that was running parallel to the A plot line as well as interesting character scenes that while they helped didn't move the plot along.

Basically I'd love to see the scenes, just not feeling studio interference as much in this - feels like most films in what is cut and the reasons why. It's actually more surprising the studio didn't cut more relevant character scenes from the Squad in favor of their money maker - Joker because more Joker at the risk of losing important character scenes for the rest comes off like something studio interference would do (for example cutting the powerful or trimming significantly the powerful scenes between Deadshot and his daughter making it bare bones for more Joker).
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Croc attacking Katana, Katana looking at her sword after taking a soul into it, and the bit with her eyes turning black were also not in the movie.


She is already underdeveloped enough as it is, so why cut more scenes from her? Same with Croc and Boomer it makes no sense removing scenes which would of fleshed these characters out a bit more even if just a little. It is not as if the movie is too long, it could of easily been another 10-15 minutes long and been perfectly digestible.

Removing all alcohol in the bar scene, removing all Boomer's politically incorrect lines, removing Joker's abuse of Harley, it's as if WB set out to make a movie about villains that was as tame as possible after the BvS backlash.
But what could be cut from THIS movie to make room for those scenes?
You're kidding, right?

The movie begins with introduction for Deadshot, and then for Harley. Next you have scene with Waller when by extremely lazy exposition and flashy editing and some cool filters and on screen writing you have ANOTHER introduction for Deadshot and ANOTHER introduction for Harley and all other introductions when Waller is TALKING who they are, how bad and crazy they are. It's called bad writing. It's lazy.

In every good screenplay you learn who characters are by their actions. In this movie you can't, because everything is TOLD to us.

I just can't with this movie.

And guess what? Even after release, they're still using shots that aren't in the movie!
And guess what? Even after release, they're still using shots that aren't in the movie!
Yea, I know that occasionally a movie trailer will have a quick glimpse or two of something that's not in the final film. That having been said, this is just silly. Over half of the Joker's scenes in the trailers are no where to be found and a lot of other cool scenes from various characters are missing as well. It's getting to the point where it's like, why show us s*** that you're more than likely going to cut? It's better to not let us get attached to these quick little glimpses that let our minds wonder and then build with excitement over what the scenes pertain, than it is to show it to us and then not show it in full and ultimately disappoint.
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Why the studio decided to make these bad guys less bad is beyond me. Really rather pathetic
^ It's simple, I think WB may have learned the wrong lesson from all those "too dark" criticisms of BvS.

Croc attacking Katana, Katana looking at her sword after taking a soul into it, and the bit with her eyes turning black were also not in the movie.

What? Ok, now it's personal. :cmad: :o

I've never wanted an extended/director's cut of a movie so much in my life (I mean, I'm sure that many of the problems I'm reading about would still be there, but still...), and I haven't even watched the damn thing yet. :funny:
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You're kidding, right?

The movie begins with introduction for Deadshot, and then for Harley. Next you have scene with Waller when by extremely lazy exposition and flashy editing and some cool filters and on screen writing you have ANOTHER introduction for Deadshot and ANOTHER introduction for Harley and all other introductions when Waller is TALKING who they are, how bad and crazy they are. It's called bad writing. It's lazy.

In every good screenplay you learn who characters are by their actions. In this movie you can't, because everything is TOLD to us.

I just can't with this movie.

And guess what? Even after release, they're still using shots that aren't in the movie!

I'm not saying the script is perfect. But, just so I get this straight, you want to get rid of some of the only real character scenes we have with the actual leads of the movie to focus on a supporting character with a B storyline? From a fanboy perspective, mad that there's not more Joker. From a story perspective his scenes would be the first to go and the most to be cut since he largely wasn't involved with the main storyline of the film - it was a parallel story that had little to do with the main plot. In most to all movies, that's the first thing to go. Only here, that happens to mean the Joker. Deadshot and Harley are the two leads of the film, from a story perspective - not from a fan perspective - they take prominence over Joker B story scenes. As said, they aren't doing anything other films don't do - just here, the B story happens to belong to the Joker so people are taking notice to something that is a common practice: focus on leads and main plot over B storylines that don't have a big to no impact on the main plot of a film.

In a perfect world more time and energy would have been put in to streamline more things and studios wouldn't care about how many showings can occur in one day. But, with the script they have and the film that resulted - it is the most normal cut, focus on the leads and plot driven scenes over the B story and character scenes that don't propel the plot or offer important information while keeping it very close to the average film running time of 2 hours (of which, it's already longer than average).

It is not as if the movie is too long, it could of easily been another 10-15 minutes long and been perfectly digestible.

It most likely, like with a lot of other films wasn't a pacing issue 100% but rather the business of it. How many times can the movie play per day, what are the risks involved, and etcetera. A different take on the superhero film focusing on the bad guys is risky enough since it's a brand new venture. That it's following Batman vs Superman made it even riskier of a proposition. Thus, trying to find a way to ensure that there could be more as many screenings as they could. A part of me thinks if WB saw an easy way to do it - they'd cut ten more minutes off of the film to make it the regular 2 hour running time film. Sucks from a fan perspective, very common from a business one. It is already longer than the average film.

And yes, I know people will hate me for playing devil's advocate and said - I'm just surprised they didn't cut character scenes from the leads to focus on the B storyline more because more Joker bottomline ensures more money, which is why I'm not surprised Ayer is saying it's his cut. Taking attention further away from the leads to focus on the Joker in this case would be a studio driven move. Not the optimal cut, but the theatrical cut within the time limitations WB most likely gave him (which is something most to all films contend with).

The only scene that I think they could have squeezed in is more of Croc's background, not the entire thing, just more of a quick overview.
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man, that's a lot of deleted scenes

i watched the movie last night and right off the bat you can tell that so much was cut out and the editing was off. then the reports came about reshoots and how Ayer's original version differed from what WB wanted. really hope we get a director's cut because this movie needs it badly

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