I made a quick run through of a treatment for what I would like to see for a Superman sequal.
Gabriel iVAN Orendain-Necochea
August 17, 2006
The television news report that Lex Luthor is to be tried for nearly attempted genocide and nearly 1000 environmental code violations (in the previous film his maniacal attempt to create a fresh real-estate market nearly killed “billions”.) Kitty Kowalski, Lois Lane is to testify in a week, along with Superman.
Richard and Lois are at their lake house. They tell Jason to behave and that Daddy will be back shortly. Richard tells Lois he has to get his sunglasses and runs upstairs to get his sunglasses. Meanwhile, Lois is telling Jimmy all the medication Jason needs.
Richard quickly finds his glasses on the self, but then opens the bottom shelf and pulls out a box. He opens it and reveals a wedding ring with a huge diamond. When he goes back outside he starts the plane, and Lois seems stressed. He tells her to relax but she says she has been so busy lately that she cant think straight.
As they are flying Richard begins talking about how he knows things have been hard, but he really wants to show how much she means to him. Lois, meanwhile just looks out her window. He talks about how he thinks maybe they should take the next step with their relationship and make it official. As he pulls out the box they receive radio transmission that a bogy is coming and fast to their coordinates.
Richard asks “Your friend?” Lois is looking out the window. She sees something coming, but can barely make it out. Suddenly the bogy rips right through them, causing the plane to spiral out of control. Lois passes out while Richard tries desperately to stabilize the airplane. The plane continues to spiral but, it is stopped by Superman. He tries to protect the plane but Zod keeps on interfering. Zod-
“I didn’t know how else to get your attention.”
All Richard can see is Superman and has no idea what is going on. Superman flies down and grabs the plane that was pummeling out of control and stabilizes it. He flies down and sets it on the water. Zod lands a HUGE punch that sends Superman up above the clouds. When Superman regains control Zod is right there to take it back. Zod delivers a series of punches that send Superman tumbling down into the city. Zod throws a fast punch but Superman catches it and tosses Zod on to the floor, Zod goes through the concrete and is in the sewers. He floats back up enraged.
“Careful Superman,” Zod says with a cocky smile on his face. “We wouldn’t want to get this wet, now would we?”
Zod holds up a Kryptonian crystal, Superman looks at it in disbelief. He flies in and grabs Zod’s arm. They wrestle for the crystal. Zod head butts Superman, gaining the upper hand.
Superman is fighting General Zod in the middle of Metropolis. Superman flies through a bus after being thrown by Zod. Zod is enraged, but Superman is not shaken. Superman breaks the bus in half and all the people evacuate. Zod zooms towards but gets driven down to the ground by the bus. Zod gets up, only to be blinded sided by Superman and tackled into the air. Zod recovers and the two smash right through building, exchanging blows left and right inside the buildings, through cubical, and throw stories. Superman lands a hard left on Zod, sending Zod pummeling the air.
As he recovers, he notices a chunk of the ceiling (once the floor) is losing stability and begins to fall. He intercepts it before it hits some civilians below it and throws it out the window. It flies out and hits an Zod (who was flying back towards Superman.) Zod smashes through it and is greeted by the hardest punch ever delivered. Zod flies up in the air. Superman flies up after him and takes the crystal from Zod.
After he struggles with Zod for control of the crystal he obtains it then hits Zod, sending Zod towards the ocean. As Zod is falling towards the water brakes of a small piece and throws it at Zod. As soon as Zod hits the water the small piece of the crystal wraps Zod, creating a crystal cell. The black outs happen again, A wedding is interrupted, the hospitals go crazy, all the airplanes lose power. Zod is completely immobilized.
Superman is breathing heavily. He puts the crystal on the roof of a building then flies down and gets Zod, in suspended animation, pulling him out of the water. Then all the power comes back. The media shows up to the scene but most of their cameras aren’t working. This agitates them all. Superman flies to go check on Lois and Richard, the plane is empty. He is confused. He flies around looking for Lois. He goes to the hospital as Clark Kent.
He asks a worker if a Lois Lane has checked in, she says he’ll have to wait until the computers come back online. Clark notices a check in sheet. The girl realizes who Lois Lane is and says she thinks Superman brought her in. Clark questions her.
“Are you sure a big guy in blue suit with a red cape flying in?” Clark then asks someone else, who tells him that Lois is indeed in the hospital and that he saw Superman fly her in, Clark is puzzled by this. Clark asks if she is ok, the guy says yes, just in shock, but is uninjured. Clark asks if Richard White as been admitted as well, the guy tells him that Superman came with her only. He changes back to Superman and goes back to find Richard. Its nighttime and the clean up crew are already on the scene and they say there is no sign of anybody. Then flies back to the roof to get the crystal, he finds it and flies back to his apartment in Metropolis. He puts the crystal on the table and gets ready to go to bed; all the clocks in the place need to blink “12:00.” He resets all his clocks after his shower.
The next morning he goes to visit Lois, who tells him she was unconscious the whole time and doesn’t remember a thing or what happened to Richard. Clark Kent tells Lois he has something important to tell her. She says that if this is concerning Jason and the fact that Her and Richard aren’t married yet then he drops it now. He starts by hesitantly trying to tell her that he hasn’t been honest about himself, and that he is kind of concerned she hasn’t figured it out yet. He tells her that he is…
Jason and Jimmy walk into the room, Jason is holding flowers. She asks what he wanted to tell her and then asked Jimmy and Jason if he can have one minute to tell Lois something. They step out momentarily. He begins again, stuttering. He collects himself and says it. “Lois, I am-”
“Superman!” Jason says as him and Jimmy bolt in.
Clark, baffled becomes quiet.
“Superman?” Lois looks at Clark. Clark simply smiles.
“No! On TV” Clark turns on the surprise there is Superman, Inside the courtroom, testifying that Lex Luthor is innocent of all charges and that a meteor caused the large land mass to come up.”
“What is he thinking?” Says Lois.
Clark is staring at screen in disbelief. He excuses himself and goes outside, changes into his blue tights. He jets over to the courthouse. He is looking around but cannot find the imposter. A barrage of questions hits him. He simply flies away.
At the Kent Farm Clark is venting to his mother. He explains to her that, that wasn’t him. When she asks why didn’t he just tell them the truth he said it was because people wouldn’t be able to trust him anymore. His mom hands him a glass of milk.
He drinks it and eats his pie. He tells his mother about Zod, and how he hasn’t figured out how he got the crystal, or even how many are out there. She asks what has happened to Zod, and he tells her that General Lane has it under security. She ask if its safe for Zod to be there, if they can handle it, and he tells her that Zod won’t be going anywhere. She then presses about why isn’t he looking for the imposter, and Clark says
“It’s not easy to find yourself in this world.”
Lex Luthor walks into the Vanderworth house. He is excited and baffled. He pours himself a drink and then hears a voice calling his name. He simply ignores it and takes a drink. After he hears the noise again he empties the drink. It keeps calling him and he goes downstairs to investigate. He follows the noise back into the room with the train set. The crystal has grown. Three big red circles that form an upside down triangle illuminate from the crystal. It is Brainiac. Brainiac explains to Lex about the clone, and how he grew it with the use of Kryptonian technology. The room is filled with failed clones and half developed monstrosities. The one that was successful is labeled B2R0.
Brainiac explains to Luthor that he needs a body. When Luthor asks why doesn’t he just grow one Brainiac response by telling Luthor he doesn’t have the resources needed to make the body he needs. Brainiac explains that an organic body lacks the efficiency he demands. Luthor says that for that he is going to need more money. Then he asks Brainiac what else does he know how to build.
Superman is flying around and he looks down at his hands. They are beginning to crack and turn pale. He doesn’t know why becomes concerned. Superman is looking up from the heavens at him, spying on him. His starts off by doing good, putting out fires, but he gives frostbite to the people inside. There is a car accident that causes traffic. Superman, (the clone) merely puts the cars on a roof. There is an upside down car on fire, He merely turns it right side up. Every time we see the clone he looks worst and worst. He sees his reflection on the glass and thinks his “S” is backwards, so he flips his costume inside out.
Lex Corp is born, and Lex Corp rivals Boeing, Lockheed, and Holt Holdings Inc., The now subsidiary of Wayne Tech. Luthor becomes a billionaire after signing one government contract and buys a building in the heart of Metropolis, with the Lex Corp logo being constructed on top of the building.
Lois Lane is at her house. Jason asks her when daddy is coming back and she says she doesn’t know. She tells Jason that no matter what happens she will always be there for him. She holds him and begins to cry. The next morning she goes over back to work. Perry tells her that he hasn’t been getting much sleep. He tells her that as a boy Richard was always the nicest guy and that he was always determined. He was horrible at math but stuck through it because he always wanted to fly. She asks him if he thinks they’ll ever see him again, and he says he doesn’t know, but that deep down he thinks he will.
The clone has deteriorated so much by this point he looks like his comic counterpart, Bizarro. After having flashbacks of his “birth” Bizarro is courious about his origin. Bizarro goes into the Vanderworth residence and asks Brainiac, who he is. Brainiac tells him an imperfect clone of Superman. Bizarro asks if he is Superman, and Brainiac says “No”
“You are an imperfect clone, created to lie.” (For freeing Lex) Bizarro looks at his “birth chamber” and sees the title B2R0, and says “BzzR-O, is that Superman real name?” Brainiac says no then Bizarro says “Bizarro, Superman is Bizarro. I am Superman, Bizarro is me.” Lex tells Bizarro he looks like crap, Bizarro says “Thank you.” Lex gets a call. The military wants missiles from Lex Corp. He asks Bizarro to step outside. Bizarro stays there. Luthor then sarcastically says “Or, just stay there.”
Bizarro bolts out of house, making a hole in the roof. He finds Lois Lane smoking a cigarette on the roof of the Daily Planet. He uses his heat vision and burns it. Lois is scared when she sees Bizarro. She, not knowing its not Superman, asks him whats happening to him.
“Feeling better then ever.”
“What were you thinking? Did Luthor buy you out? How could you do such a thing?”
“Luthor is my enemy, Luthor is also honest. I told the truth.”
“What did you do to Richard?”
“Take him to hospital”
“What’s wrong with you?”
“Lois Lane love Superman?” Lois doesn’t say anything? “Will Lois kiss Superman?” She says no, so he forces himself upon her. She screams and Superman pulls Bizarro off.
Lois is shocked and relieved. Confused Bizarro asks who the “imposter” is. He charges at Superman and they begin to fight. They fight through the city, manuvering through the air, trying to avoid buildings. The two crash through buildings and cause destruction through out the city.
They up in the air, they fight go to the edge of the earth, they fight down in the sewers, they fight over and under water. The news catches them and it is revealed that Superman has an imposter. They fight and go through an oil tanker that catches on fire in the middle of the ocean. Superman is forced to let Bizarro escape in order to save the oil tanker.
Afterwards Lois is at home watching 60 minutes, Mike Wallace is interviewing Lex Luthor and they walk through his half finished office and talk about he is in the record books for making the most money in the shortest about if time. They ask him about Superman, and why he thinks Superman testified. Luthor responds; “Keep your friends close…”
After the interview is over Mike in the Studio says that after the revolation that Superman had an imposter Luthor was unavailable for questioning, and that his newly appointed spokes person said that Lex Corp will be developing a weapon that insures the safety of man kind against alien threats.
Lois Lane is watching the same thing and gets agitaded and turns off the TV. Superman is looking from the atmosphere for Bizarro, but there is no sign of him.
Luthor is walking through what appears to be a secret underground base. One of the personels escort Luthor and tells him he is the only suspected felon to ever set foot on these grounds as a free man.
“Guilty until...” reply’s Luthor “What do you mean, freeman? Is this also a prison?”
“This is where that other Kryptonian is held also. Using some of the Kryptonite you sold us, we were able to extract some blood samples. We had to carefully remove his crystal cell and to keep him at bay we all had kryptonite with us. Later on we discovered the kryptonite had no effect, but the pieces of the blue crystal he came in did affect him.”
“The Kryptonian decade just as the other Superman did over time, and is now reduced to a pathetic shell of his old self.”
“Is he still as strong as he was?”
“All the test we have ran show he is just as strong.”
“So where is he?”
“Over here, Mr. Luthor.”
The hideous Bizarro Zod looks up at Luthor. Luthor stares at him for a while, then focuses back on the personel.
“My missile should still work on Superman, if he is to ever act up, and I’ll make one to take care of the other one too.”
Clark Kent goes and visits Lois Lane. Jason is asleep on the floor after watching TV. Clark picks him up and puts him to bed. Lois thanks him and then they go to the living room. He confesses to her that he is Superman. She tells him to prove it and he begins to fly inside the house. She calls him a coward. He is shocked. She explains that only a coward would do something like that, leave their kid behind, then wait until her fiancé was out of the way. Then she suspects him of setting this whole thing up. She is so outraged she kicks him out of her house. Once he is out she falls to her knees crying.
I havent come up with an ending yet, but the ending would be similar to the IRON GIANT, Bizarro sacrificing himself after Brainiac lauches a series of Nukes.