Superman Returns Superman Returns - Extended Cut


Aug 10, 2003
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I know, for the last six years a "Director's Cut" or, more appropriately, a complete extended cut has come up in our circles.

I want to know if anyone has heard anything about a complete, LOTR-style extended cut treatment for SR.

Yes, the Return to Krypton footage has been released, along with many deleted scenes, but there's still a whole subplot we have yet to see! I'm talking about the Clark isn't sure about returning to Superman...the T-shirt rip, suit change in the closet, and so on...

I wanted an SR sequel. I won't get it.

But PLEASE give me every drop of Superman Returns!
This scene was not in the theatrical version and it is not in Blu Ray either. (I think.)

Well, I agree with you treeringralph. I think after 6 years we should be able to get an extended version. I've seen bits of it here and there. But unfortunately I haven't heard or seen anything about it. :(
The popular and false idea that SR was a flop has made this ridiculous scenario where perhaps the higher ups at WB might not think there's any money in making an extended cut.

They are wrong.

I bet even those who troll around here looking for every reason to tear the film and its participants apart would buy a copy, if not at least RENT it.

What can we do?

If they released an extended cut of Superman Returns it would look like a whole different movie. I mean in that you'll have:

  • The whole sub-plot (before Superman Returns on if there should be a Superman anymore) done mostly in Smallville with Clark and Martha talking. Which is why the reaction he got after the plane rescue means so much more.
  • Young Clark finding his ship.
  • You have the whole Lex Luthor Sub-plot that is very good and was shoot and shows he is not a rip off of Donner's Lex but a man with a plan.
  • You would see the opening titles changed explaining or giving hints as to what happened to Superman through Newspapers. Something I always felt they should have kept
  • You would have had a great moment when Superman first changed.
  • You also would have seen a Lois that wasn't as cold as she seemed to Superman and after he told her why he left would have according to the scripts showed a little compassion and sadness in he facail expression and voice.

See this would have been a different movie all together. I think it would have been great to see all of this although I highly doubt we will see this.
Well, anyone up for starting a petition? :cwink:
While it's not official, look up Superman Restored.

It's a really great fan edit including all the RTK footage.
"Video has been removed by user" is all I get.
I tried and had the same problem plus it doesn't have all the thing missing that were shot
I know, for the last six years a "Director's Cut" or, more appropriately, a complete extended cut has come up in our circles.

I want to know if anyone has heard anything about a complete, LOTR-style extended cut treatment for SR.

Yes, the Return to Krypton footage has been released, along with many deleted scenes, but there's still a whole subplot we have yet to see! I'm talking about the Clark isn't sure about returning to Superman...the T-shirt rip, suit change in the closet, and so on...

I wanted an SR sequel. I won't get it.

But PLEASE give me every drop of Superman Returns!

You can follow Robert Meyer Burnett @BurnettRM on twitter. He worked on the SR docu and says he has lots of footage from the movie or something like that.
I keep wondering if the extended cut will ever get released (and I mean the real extended cut as fan edits only have what was on the extras on the Blu/DVD). I don't think they'd release it whilst the new film is out as I feel they'll want to distance the new film from SR's as much as possible. I hope one day it gets released though.
I hope we still get the EE of SR some day, I love the movie as is but some scene's being restored, especially the RTK scene, would make it even better IMO.
Wonder if there is any extended version.
Well, the movie doesnt seem to be in circulation here in Australia anymore, cant find it anywere on BD or DVD here in the stores. Doesnt this normally mean a new one is coming out in the near future?
maybe, will out together with MOS... like they alway do.
^Well I think if it was coming out that soon we will have heard something by now, MOS is out very soon. I still hope we are getting an SR extended cut though.
Well, the movie doesnt seem to be in circulation here in Australia anymore, cant find it anywere on BD or DVD here in the stores. Doesnt this normally mean a new one is coming out in the near future?

Same here (In India.), No Blu-Ray or DVD is available in stores and online stores....but I found this new cover (looks photo shopped but it's released by WB's marketing) on Amazon India's says Blu-Ray currently unavailable.

^It does looks photoshopped, but who knows. So thats India and Australia that have stopped selling the SR BD? Curious, really hope an extended edition is on its way and thats why.
I believe there is a completed extended version ready to go. I remember rumours of it back in 06, with some comments of deleted scenes from people in the know proving to be accurate long before the script and dvd deleted scenes were released. The DVD also clearly stated "2006 Theatrical Cut" in its promotional material which is not something that is usually highlighted unless there is an alternative.
The subsequent change in public opinion has kept the extended cut hidden, but I am confident it will surface one day. Well i'm hoping it does anyway!
^Hhmm, you'd think they would get the EE out anyway as it might change peoples perceptions of the movie if its better, strange thinking.

But yeah, I hope we see it someday, I love the movie as it is, but with everything added back in it would be even better IMO. And may even change peoples perceptions on the movie as a whole like I suggested.
I've just watched the Superman Restored Cut and I think its definitely a more improved cut than the one we saw in cinemas or on TV, Blu Ray, etc. Now don't get me wrong it isn't perfect, there are one of two moments where his editing was a little off but nothing major. From a personal stand point I wanted the deleted scene where Lex and co are heading to the Fortress adding in but the editor obviously didn't feel it was needed. Bosworth still grates on me (although thankfully a little more than less with some nice editing), the kid aspect is obviously still there and the ending is still bloated but some problems cannot be fixed by simply re-editing. However, he did re-edit many things and to great effect:

Adding in the Return to Krypton Sequence, more Smallville portions of the film (i.e. restoring Ben Hubbard's scenes and Clark burying the ship) and adding the voice over conversation between Clark and Martha over the flying scene (in place of the Jor El speech) go a long way in making this feel more like Clark's film. I felt the theatrical cut really made it seem like Lois Lane/Lex Luthor Returns featuring Superman but not in this version.

Another note on adding in Clark's conversation with Martha VO really harkens back to Superman the Movie where his Father (Glen Ford) is telling him he was sent here for a reason, especially with the similar imagery of Superman flying towards the clouds. I loved that about it.

I think omitting the Brando dialogue was clever in certain scenes, as other than Superman the Movie fans I can imagine people wouldn't understand why it was there.

I think what this guy did best with his cut of Superman Returns though was simply in re-editing. He makes scenes fly by (no pun intended) with the way he cuts them. No longer do certain scenes seem slow and laboured but thrilling and fun, this is most notable in the way he cut the museum robbery in with Kitty's car trouble.

To be honest I think this cut makes Singer look worse as a director, he didn't seem to know how to edit his film to better the pacing. Here some guy off the street whose come in and re-edited it. Turning it from an average film to a decent film. If there is one thing this edit proved its that simply re-adding the scenes won't make the film any better but doing that along with some re-editing (to make the pacing better) would. I will definitely re-visit this from time to time and had this version been what was released I'd definitely give it a 7.5-8/10.
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