Got to agree with everyone in here, as soon as i watched the majority of the deleted scene's, I asked myself why they didnt leave them in. The opening and ALL of the extra's scene's at Betty's house were superb IMO, and Marvel dropped the ball by cutting them.
I posted this in another thread, it sums up my feelings on the deleted scene's in more depth:
I thought they were superb to be completely honest, and I was immediatly fuming that they were cut once I saw them. The dinner at Betty's house was simply sublime, especially when Bruce break's down because he hasnt been able to have a light conversation with friend's for 5 years. That scene would have immediatly garnered more sympathy and emotion for the character that was missing from the final cut IMO.
I also thought the talk with Samson was very good, it explains in an understandable way why he called the army, but at the same time it actually makes you feel for Samson as a character, and doesnt just make him the side-note he was reduced to in the finished product.
I also even thought the plant scene at Betty's house should have stayed, as it showed that Betty's love for Bruce had been undying all of these years, and I felt the scene were Betty break's down while thanking Samson for being so civil about the situation would have been powerful also.
The opening were Bruce tries to commit suicide should have stayed as well, that would have been a superb introductery scene.
It all proves that Norton was right and Marvel were wrong in the end, which I suspected from the start. Marvel are making a lot of mistakes at the moment and its pissing me off.
Its a shame, we ended up with an above average movie, when we could so easily have had a great one. Let's hope the Norton Cut comes out sooner rather than later.