I know this will probably come across as a Ive heard that the sun will rise in the east tomorrow sort of post, OK? Anyway, Ive heard that Warner Bros. may be kicking up the marketing for THE [COLOR=lightsteelblue ! important][COLOR=lightsteelblue ! important]DARK [COLOR=lightsteelblue ! important]KNIGHT[/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR] -- beginning with the release of a one sheet pretty soon. I wasnt privy to what it looks like, but I was told that it ISNT simply that Bat-Logo exploding image thats on the OFFICIAL SITE. Heres hoping thats true.
I know it's from BOF, and that can never be trusted fully, but it's still worth noting.
I wonder if the teaser will be just Batman, or just Joker, or maybe both. Either way, I have high expectations. BB had one of the best posters for any movie EVER. The teaser poster for BB was one of the greateset teaser posters ever created.
I know this will probably come across as a Ive heard that the sun will rise in the east tomorrow sort of post, OK? Anyway, Ive heard that Warner Bros. may be kicking up the marketing for THE [COLOR=lightsteelblue ! important][COLOR=lightsteelblue ! important]DARK [COLOR=lightsteelblue ! important]KNIGHT[/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR] -- beginning with the release of a one sheet pretty soon. I wasnt privy to what it looks like, but I was told that it ISNT simply that Bat-Logo exploding image thats on the OFFICIAL SITE. Heres hoping thats true.
I know it's from BOF, and that can never be trusted fully, but it's still worth noting.
I wonder if the teaser will be just Batman, or just Joker, or maybe both. Either way, I have high expectations. BB had one of the best posters for any movie EVER. The teaser poster for BB was one of the greateset teaser posters ever created.