Teen Titans Movie

The Overlord

Mar 10, 2002
Reaction score
If WB makes a Teen Titans movie in the future, who should be on the team? Who should be the villain? Who should be cast in all the roles? What should the story be about?
Ideally, a Teen Titans movie would coincide with Batman films featuring Dick Grayson, which would make Teen Titans a spin off of Batman.

Robin, Cyborg, Beast Boy, Raven, Starfire should be the team. Setting up sidekicks without movies for Aquaman, Flash, and Wonder Woman would be tough, so that should eb the team.

First film should be against Deathstroke, maybe show Terra's betrayal in that one. The second should be about Brother Blood, and at this point Robin should become Nightwing (show the transition in the Batman films) Nightwing and Starfire should be in a relationship at this point too.

Third film would be full out apocalypse with Trigon as the main villain. Deathstroke would ideally have a role in all three films.

I think Jericho should have a role but not in all of the films, maybe add him to the team in the second or third one.

In the second film, Brother Blood should be the main baddie but Plasmus, Mammoth, Gizmo, and Jinx could have small roles which would be awesome.

If movies for Flash, Wonder Woman, Aquaman and Superman feature origins for Kid Flash, Wonder Girl, Aqualad and Superboy respectively, itd be cool to have them on the team. But without that, and for them to just show up in Teen Titans would be weird.
Ideally, a Teen Titans movie would coincide with Batman films featuring Dick Grayson, which would make Teen Titans a spin off of Batman.

Robin, Cyborg, Beast Boy, Raven, Starfire should be the team. Setting up sidekicks without movies for Aquaman, Flash, and Wonder Woman would be tough, so that should eb the team.

First film should be against Deathstroke, maybe show Terra's betrayal in that one. The second should be about Brother Blood, and at this point Robin should become Nightwing (show the transition in the Batman films) Nightwing and Starfire should be in a relationship at this point too.

Third film would be full out apocalypse with Trigon as the main villain. Deathstroke would ideally have a role in all three films.

I think Jericho should have a role but not in all of the films, maybe add him to the team in the second or third one.

In the second film, Brother Blood should be the main baddie but Plasmus, Mammoth, Gizmo, and Jinx could have small roles which would be awesome.

If movies for Flash, Wonder Woman, Aquaman and Superman feature origins for Kid Flash, Wonder Girl, Aqualad and Superboy respectively, itd be cool to have them on the team. But without that, and for them to just show up in Teen Titans would be weird.

I think it would be a bad idea to try to do the "Judas Contract" story in the first film, you need the first film to establish the characters, their relationships with each other, etc. Having a traitor story won't as much of an impact in the first film as it would for a later film, because the audience won't care about the characters as much in the first film before they have the chance to know them. Plus the first film would have go into why DeathStroke hates the Titans, which would take a lot of set up as well. It makes more sense to establish the Titans as characters and Deathstroke in the first film, then in the second film have Deathstroke recruit Terra to destroy the Teen Titans from within.
This s the team I want:


I do like the original team but personally preferred the team Johns put together. Ideally for me we'd get this team (admittedly mostly because I'm a Superboy fan) and then after a trilogy do a First Class type film with the original team. Tbh though I wouldn't mind the New 52 route I love the idea of Superboy been a villain (sort of) at first then eventually join the team. Ali this would logically are sense as they'd probably want the new film to make new fans of the comic and the current run matching the film would be obvious.

First make a Justice League movie, Then maybe a Teen Titan's
I would love to see a Teen Titans film. It would be great to see the SideKicks of the DC Universe finally get some Big Screen Love, most of them have been around as long as their mentors.

I would totally be fine with the team Rorschach2012 mentioned.
Robin, Cyborg, StarFire, RaVen, & BeastBoy. IMO I think this is probably the most well known formation of this team, just because of the exposure they have gotten. Two Animated Series, A Toy Line, a Cartoon Network inspired Comic Book

I also wouldn't mind if they added Kid Flash, Speedy, Wonder Girl, & Aqualad.

And Deathstroke as the main villian is a Must.
I'm still waiting for my Teen Titans animated flick.
A Teen Titans film would be awesome. I would hope the filmmakers would take inspiration from The New Teen Titans comics from the 80's and Geoff Johns run. As much as I want Deathstroke in the movie, I think it would be better to keep him for the sequel. Although i'm not sure which villain could be used for the first film.
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Probably catch hell for this, but without having sidekicks already established in solo hero films, for the first live action Teen Titans movie, this is the lineup I want to see:


And being the major Flash (Barry Allen) fan that I am, I definitely want Kid Flash (Wally West) to show up in a sequel and have a big part, along with Speedy (Roy Harper) and possibly Aqualad and Wonder Girl. They could even draw some inspiration from Teen Titans: Year One. :)
...and just for laughs, '60s Teen Titans film:


Lol. :D

...everybody smokes. haha
Probably catch hell for this, but without having sidekicks already established in solo hero films, for the first live action Teen Titans movie, this is the lineup I want to see:


And being the major Flash (Barry Allen) fan that I am, I definitely want Kid Flash (Wally West) to show up in a sequel and have a big part, along with Speedy (Roy Harper) and possibly Aqualad and Wonder Girl. They could even draw some inspiration from Teen Titans: Year One. :)
A Teen Titans film would be awesome. I would hope the filmmakers would take inspiration from The New Teen Titans comics from the 80's and Geoff Johns run. As much as I want Deathstroke in the movie, I think it would be better to keep him for the sequel. Although i'm not sure which villain could be used for the first film.

Look at how well saving the villain until the sequel worked for Green Lantern. That method works for proven characters like Batman, Superman, and now Star Trek, but i'd rather get the best Teen Titans has to offer in the first film. And that is Deathstroke.

Deathstroke has to be in the first movie as the main villain, you can still have him in the sequel too, working alongside another villain
Look at how well saving the villain until the sequel worked for Green Lantern. That method works for proven characters like Batman, Superman, and now Star Trek, but i'd rather get the best Teen Titans has to offer in the first film. And that is Deathstroke.

Deathstroke has to be in the first movie as the main villain, you can still have him in the sequel too, working alongside another villain

yeah, unfortunately your're right. In Green Lantern's case it was made worse by having a great actor play Sinestro. Anyways for a Teen Titans film I would love to see the Judas Contract for a second film. Although I'm not sure how that would work if you had Deathstroke in the first film.

I agree that the film should have the 5 characters from the animated series. If they want to add Wally West and Donna Troy then that great too. But I wouldn't want anymore than 7 heroes for the first film.
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Probably catch hell for this, but without having sidekicks already established in solo hero films, for the first live action Teen Titans movie, this is the lineup I want to see:


And being the major Flash (Barry Allen) fan that I am, I definitely want Kid Flash (Wally West) to show up in a sequel and have a big part, along with Speedy (Roy Harper) and possibly Aqualad and Wonder Girl. They could even draw some inspiration from Teen Titans: Year One. :)

they should keep Robin similar to how he was in the show, for the general audience they should market him heavily and as a 'Batman Jr'.
they should keep Robin similar to how he was in the show, for the general audience they should market him heavily and as a 'Batman Jr'.


Absolutely. I think that is the best, hands down, interpretation of the character in alternate media. He is hella cool, and was my favorite character out of the original lineup. It works perfectly. Also, they need to think Hit Girl in Kick-Ass when talking about doing sidekicks right, but less lethal of course. This is an ideal way to do sidekicks, IMO.

But yeah, Teen Titans Robin is the coolest that character has ever been and really holds well on his own. That's exactly what they need for the movie (and character overall if you ask me). I'd never make fun of that dude or be ashamed to be him, "pixie" boots and all.
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Absolutely. I think that is the best, hands down, interpretation of the character in alternate media. He is hella cool, and was my favorite character out of the original lineup. It works perfectly. Also, they need to think Hit Girl in Kick-Ass when talking about doing sidekicks right, but less lethal of course. This is an ideal way to do sidekicks, IMO.

But yeah, Teen Titans Robin is the coolest that character has ever been and really holds well on his own. That's exactly what they need for the movie (and character overall if you ask me). I'd never make fun of that dude or be ashamed to be him, "pixie" boots and all.

It would be very good version of Robin to up his image.
Shuts alot of the "Why is Batman fighting crime with little kids?" people up.
Would also need to keep something like the relationship with Slade imo.
One thing I would change is to make it seem more open to the DC universe than the original did. maybe get those few extra DC fans that wouldn't be particularly interested in just Teen Titans.
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It would be very good version of Robin to up his image.
Shuts alot of the "Why is Batman fighting crime with little kids?" people up.
It would also need to have something like the relationship with Slade imo.

Slade (aka Deathstroke the Terminator) as the villain exactly as he was in the Teen Titans show would be ideal. I loved his whole dynamic with Robin on that animated series. It's perfect.
My god, seeing Beast Boy shapeshift in a movie would be awesome. I honestly don't know who I'd be more excited to see doing that, him in TT or J'onn in JL.
My god, seeing Beast Boy shapeshift in a movie would be awesome. I honestly don't know who I'd be more excited to see doing that, him in TT or J'onn in JL.

I would lose my *****, dude. Plus, another thing Teen Titans has going for it is they can get away with just doing 5 in the lineup. I know people suggest that for JLA and it may work but it isn't the same, IMO (I always think of them as 7 and would still prefer to see all 7 of the founding members, ideally). And they have the "balanced" ethnicity and boy/girl ratio, plus it would appeal to the "kids" and take away some of the X-Men/X-Men First Class audience if you ask me. And they'll have the unique opportunity to make Robin "cool" for non comic book audiences! And maybe even for some comic book audiences too!

I'd love for WB to make this. :yay:
I think that Aaron Johnson would make a great Superboy.


I would lose my *****, dude. Plus, another thing Teen Titans has going for it is they can get away with just doing 5 in the lineup. I know people suggest that for JLA and it may work but it isn't the same, IMO (I always think of them as 7 and would still prefer to see all 7 of the founding members, ideally). And they have the "balanced" ethnicity and boy/girl ratio, plus it would appeal to the "kids" and take away some of the X-Men/X-Men First Class audience if you ask me. And they'll have the unique opportunity to make Robin "cool" for non comic book audiences! And maybe even for some comic book audiences too!

I'd love for WB to make this. :yay:

Teen Titans is so popular these days that WB would be fools not to capitalize off of that.

Everything you've just said is what these WB executives need to be saying to each other in meetings when discussing the DCU on film.
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I really wish they'd do it but I doubt they will for a long time.
I think it would actually be easier than doing the Justice League(though that has a better chance of making big money)
WB should take the chance, 2 Titan movies then Robin/Nightwing could easily carry his own movie series.
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Hmm...a part of me sees it, but could you see him as Robin or Nightwing, Power? I see Nightwing a little...maybe. Idk if they'd cast him though because one, he'll be much older by the time they even do this series, and two, and most obviously, he may be too well associated with Kick-Ass to be considered for the part. But who knows haha.

Anyway, unlike the casting directors, we don't have access to every actor out there on the planet, so with that in mind I see no problem with suggesting people like Aaron Johnson for parts. :) I could see it working, although not my ideal choice.

Hmm...I need to make some Teen Titans castings. Where are all the young up and comers...
Hmm...a part of me sees it, but could you see him as Robin or Nightwing, Power? I see Nightwing a little...maybe. Idk if they'd cast him though because one, he'll be much older by the time they even do this series, and two, and most obviously, he may be too well associated with Kick-Ass to be considered for the part. But who knows haha.

Anyway, unlike the casting directors, we don't have access to every actor out there on the planet, so with that in mind I see no problem with suggesting people like Aaron Johnson for parts. :) I could see it working, although not my ideal choice.

Hmm...I need to make some Teen Titans castings. Where are all the young up and comers...

Yeah, I could actually see him as Nightwing as well. Although, he looks like he could be a clone made from some of Cavill's Superman's DNA to me.

But he's only 22 now, so if they ever do this in time he might be up for it. He can pull off a teenager, I think. Like Andrew Garfield, who's 29.

I'd really like to see your casting, though. Be sure to post it here when you finish!

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