Terminator: Dark Fate

James Cameron doesn’t seem to have a good track record when it comes to producing movies. Just this year alone two movies that he produced like Battle Alita Angel & this flopped. I guess Cameron can only have success when he’s the director. Neither Miller, nor Rodriguez have Cameron’s “magic” to turn projects that are met with skepticism and turn them into box office gold. Cameron has never directed a movie that has flopped but will the potential failure of the Avatar sequel finally put an end to his directorial winning streak? I mean who even cares about Avatar anymore? Can Cameron catch lightening in the bottle twice?

I mean, hasn't he been catching lightning in a bottle his entire career? T1, Aliens, T2, Titanic, Avatar...
I mean, hasn't he been catching lightning in a bottle his entire career? T1, Aliens, T2, Titanic, Avatar...
How can Cameron get people to care about a sequel to a movie(Avatar) people barley remember that’s largely kind of faded away from pop culture? 3D doesn’t carry the allure it did ten years ago and is kind of dead. How can Cameron overcome this? What new will he bring to the table next time for a sequel to a movie people have mostly kind of soured on?
Rule #1, don't bet against Cameron at the box office. Just don't. He has a magical ability to make films that connect with the general audience. Even Alita and this are fairly entertaining movies, even if they failed to catch an audience.
How can Cameron get people to care about a sequel to a movie(Avatar) people barley remember that’s largely kind of faded away from pop culture? 3D doesn’t carry the allure it did ten years ago and is kind of dead. How can Cameron overcome this? What new will he bring to the table next time for a sequel to a movie people have mostly kind of soured on?

Look, I have no idea. I'm sure that he's under a lot of pressure to live up to his own standards, and the Avatar sequels may fail to find a large audience. However, all I know is that this man has been making film history for decades, and I'm not about to start doubting him now before even seeing what Avatar 2 looks like.
How can Cameron get people to care about a sequel to a movie(Avatar) people barley remember that’s largely kind of faded away from pop culture? 3D doesn’t carry the allure it did ten years ago and is kind of dead. How can Cameron overcome this? What new will he bring to the table next time for a sequel to a movie people have mostly kind of soured on?

If we're talking real life, Avatar has all but soured people.
If we're talking online bragging and nagging, that's not really saying much.
Avatar is one of the most successful movies ever. The sequel is going to be a smash hit. Just wait for it.
I have to agree. Avatar is not really about fanboys or even necessarily movie buffs. It's about general audiences, who will just go see a movie because they heard it's good, because it's a good opportunity to go to the IMAX and watch something in 3D. And not just because 3D is a craze or anything. But because it's a genuine 3D movie. That being said, I'm really curious how these sequels will turn out, whether they can maintain that momentum. But I do remember Titanic being underestimated, then Avatar...
The Halloween franchise has a much f****ed up continuity. If they keep making sequels to Terminator, they're gonna catch up.
The Halloween franchise has a much f****ed up continuity. If they keep making sequels to Terminator, they're gonna catch up.

Halloween 1978 - Curse of Michael Myers

Halloween, HII, H20, Resurrection

RZ Halloween and HII

Halloween 1978 and New Trilogy

T1 - Salvation

Genisys(is this a sequel to Salvation?)

T1/T2 and Dark Fate

One more reboot to catch up!

This franchise has been terminated.

On the plus side, it’s holding up a bit better than BvS, Dark Phoenix and Fan4stic(it helps that this movie has much better word-of-mouth/reviews than any of those three movies) but the downside is that is still a pretty steep drop off for a movie that had such a low opening weekend domestically. Paramount is bound to lose hundreds of millions of dollars on this. That’s a bummer and I say this as someone who didn’t care for the movie much.

Now it’s time to wait for the inevitable hard reboot ten years from now. That, or a streaming television show.
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Avatar came out before the era of rampant complain culture and toxic fandom. It will be interesting to see how part 2 handles it.

This franchise has been terminated.

On the plus side, it’s holding up a bit better than BvS, Dark Phoenix and Fan4stic(it helps that this movie has much better word-of-mouth/reviews than any of those three movies) but the downside is that is still a pretty steep drop off for a movie that had such a low opening weekend domestically. Paramount is bound to lose hundreds of millions of dollars on this. That’s a bummer and I say this as someone who didn’t care for the movie much.

Now it’s time to wait for the inevitable hard reboot ten years from now. That, or a streaming television show.

Wow, those numbers really are terrible.
Avatar is white bread from the $1 store... Cameron is as much of a hack now as the Terminator 3/Salvation/Genysis directors.

Yes, he was great... But, he hasn't been since Titanic.
Somebody with more talent and motivation than me needs to make a gif edit of T-1000 flailing around in its death throes in the vat of molten steel going through a rapid-fire transformation into everyone its imitated over the whole movie, except the faces replaced with the titles of every entry in this franchise.
Avatar is white bread from the $1 store... Cameron is as much of a hack now as the Terminator 3/Salvation/Genysis directors.
I wouldn’t go that far, but it’ll be interesting to see if he can maintain his box office winning streak with the Avatar sequels that most are not that excited for(yet) but hey I’ll keep an open mind but I’m a little worried is all. But Cameron has proved his naysayers wrong and has yet to prove them right(box office wise).
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Didn't watch Avatar for maybe 8-9 years and while I remember the look and the story beats, I don't remember it as an experience. It will be interesting to refresh it before the sequel comes out.

I remember thinking it's an expertly crafted film. It's just I wasn't crazy about the recycled plot and tree hugging. If Cameron manages to fix at least the former while keeping the rest withing his high standard, it has a chance to be something special this time. Cameron is absolutely not a hack.
Didn't watch Avatar for maybe 8-9 years and while I remember the look and the story beats, I don't remember it as an experience. It will be interesting to refresh it before the sequel comes out.

I remember thinking it's an expertly crafted film. It's just I wasn't crazy about the recycled plot and tree hugging. If Cameron manages to fix at least the former while keeping the rest withing his high standard, it has a chance to be something special this time. Cameron is absolutely not a hack.

In the theater in 3D, it kind of was. I kind of would like to see the first in Imax 3D.

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