I thought it was a fun comic. As photojones said, it seems to be going for a combination of Invincible's fun, upbeat superhero tone and The Walking Dead's grim, violent melancholy, and it works pretty well. The idea of turning into a werewolf is pretty scary, but this is clearly a superheroish, non-threatening kind of werewolf, since Gary changed right next to his wife in bed but ran out into the cold for rabbity goodness rather than snack on her.
I thought Jason Howard's art was pretty cartoony but kind of fit. It doesn't click perfectly like Moore did on The Walking Dead, but it's rare to find that kind of a match. I like how Howard's very basic, minimalistic coloring style gives the book a washed out feel while still remaining vibrant. If that makes any sense.
I'll probably pick the series up when it starts in earnest. Now that I've started reading The Walking Dead, I'm all over Kirkman putting his spin on any horror classics.
Won't this book be like $5 when it comes out?
I was, but I stopped. I'm going to get the hardcovers and pick it up again after I'm caught up with The Walking Dead. I must have more Walking Dead first, though. I just got through a part where I literally had trouble breathing, I was so shocked and invested in what was happening.
Dread said:I did read ASTOUNDING WOLF-MAN #1 by Kirkman. It's a rather straightforward werewolf-as-superhero sort of book that reminded me a lot of Marvel's Werewolf-by-Night, only with more broad strokes. Man gets bitten in the woods, somehow recovers, but transforms into a nasty beastie at night. Just as his curse is discovered by his security & wife, a mysterious stranger shows up, promising to train him in how to use his powers for the greater good, and apparently himself a vampire. It's quite simple, the sort of quirky hero action Kirkman likes outside of WALKING DEAD, but I liked it. Marvel's too grim and self-important to do that sort of thing line-wide, so whatever books I can get that in, I will. It didn't hit the ground running as much as INVINCIBLE or DYNAMO 5 from Image, but I'll definately be looking out for issue #2. It could be a fun post-Hellboy work.
i understand it will be released as a regular comic series the fcb issue may've been a preview version of it
The FCBD issue was issue #1, I think. It had a big "1" in the corner. That's actually a pretty smart idea, starting a series with a free issue. I know there are a few series I never tried because they looked interesting at a glance, but I didn't want to cough up $3 or $4 in addition to all the stuff I'm already buying to try them out.
Unfortunately, no. Meaning the reprint of #1 will ship a month before #2 hits, and the reprint'll have a price tag.
40 PAGES, FC JULY 5 * $3.99 Witness the birth of the world's most unlikely superhero-WOLF-MAN! Featuring all the material from the Free Comic Book Day edition as well as loads of bonus sketches, character designs and script excerpts. Don't miss out a second time!"
i hear that