The Costume thread

yes i would... i long to see the suit changed back to the traditional costume. i have been a long supporter of that look, and i will continue to be so
No, keep the new costume. Undies over tights look okay on the page, but are silly in live action.

However, I wouldn't mind seeing the T-shirt, jeans and boots Superman from Morrison's run on Action comics. Maybe after a particularly tough fight with Doomsday or someone, the kryptonian suit is destroyed, and Supes has to temporarily cover up with some more regular clothing.

Just IMO.
oh goodness no... that suit is unbelievably tacky, but then again, everything about the DC52 design is terrible and tacky in my eyes.

and i would disagree with that assertion about the traditional look being "silly".

there is nothing silly about staying true to tradition, and the Donner series pulled off the design quite nicely. yes it was bright, but that was the point. i have seen some custom costumes do a pretty good job in keeping the traditional look. Bryan Singer made an attempt, but the other modifications he made did not make the suit visually appealing... it hindered the overall look...
there are right ways and wrong ways to handle the traditional look of the costume, but to make a general statement such as that is to throw the baby out with the bathwater.

and they're not undies, or panties, nor underwear. they're called trunks.
please refer to them as such, so as to not aggravate and insult those who support them
oh goodness no... that suit is unbelievably tacky, but then again, everything about the DC52 design is terrible and tacky in my eyes.

and i would disagree with that assertion about the traditional look being "silly".

there is nothing silly about staying true to tradition, and the Donner series pulled off the design quite nicely. yes it was bright, but that was the point. i have seen some custom costumes do a pretty good job in keeping the traditional look. Bryan Singer made an attempt, but the other modifications he made did not make the suit visually appealing... it hindered the overall look...
there are right ways and wrong ways to handle the traditional look of the costume, but to make a general statement such as that is to throw the baby out with the bathwater.

and they're not undies, or panties, nor underwear. they're called trunks.
please refer to them as such, so as to not aggravate and insult those who support them

Bless this post
having said that, though, i dont mind some of the non-traditional designs that i have seen...

personally, i love the Earth 2 DC52 design

and I've always liked the battle suit Superman got from mother box in the Hunter/Prey series:

and i've always liked the eradicator design...

so im definitely up for change... but not change simply because traditionalism is called "cheesy"
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Keep the undies out of the new movies please..
What works in the comics doesn't always work in the movies, Superman would be laughed off screen from today's audience.
and again, the Donner franchise proves that what is in the comics does work in the movies, it all depends on how it's done. if something is done PROPERLY, it can work.

and no, Superman would not be "laughed off screen from today's audience"... a single article of clothing do not decide the popularity of any said character. Singer's Superman was scoffed at because of many things- poor writing, rehashing of an older movie, etc- but not solely because of his trunks.

granted, yes, the suit was bad, but the suit was not the deciding factor for many people. many things go into a movie that make or break it, and the costume does play a role in it- but just because something goes out of style with today's fickle youth, doesn't make it any less important...

than an appeal to popularity, a logical fallacy.
done right, trunks can work :)

and quit calling them undies.
they're called trunks.
I still like the costume he has now, but wouldn't oppose going back some form of trunks. Even having a red belt would be pretty cool.
No. Superman has never looked better than he does right now. He doesn't look corny as hell anymore.

MOS/BvS & New 52 > classic.
Only problem with the Reeve suit...who the hell designed the S? Looked as if somene stepped on it. Looked fat. The only part that looked off. Costume designer was lazy.

I don't mind if they keep the BvS Superman suit. All we need are brighter colors on screen and Cavill occassionally spot a spit-curl. While I liked the S being more close the neckline in MOS, it looked reat in some shots, but then in some various shots, the large S and being close to the top of the neckline made it look to big, ultimately making Cavill look skinny wearing the suit.

But I don't mind the new suit, in many ways, it is better. The S location, this time further apart from the neckline, and the design itself. They've made the yellow creast elbem inside look smaller and more S shaped. It kind of stands out more super-looking.

Looking at it in contrast, sometimes from different angles or depending on how Cavill was maybe postured, the S logo did sometime look a little off. Essentially I would see just this red, rounded circlfied triangle with three, straight yellow spaces from top to bottom, and it did not really form into an S shape.

I liked the boots just the way they were though, maybe it could be brighter though.
I thought the MOS suit was perfect. I don't particularly care for the changes that were made to it for DOJ, but I'll be the first to say that they could've done way worse.

I think the perfect suit would be the MOS suit with the new suit's colors, shield detailing, and maybe the abs.
I like the MOS suit and all, but I'd want the colors to be more saturated, and maybe give him a red belt, or at least some red decals around the waist. I just feel it looks better with a clearer separation between the torso and the waist. It looks more, I dunno, noble. It also helps him look a bit older too.

The new suit looks alright in set pics, but post production's gonna make it all gritty. MOS already set him up as a paragon figure, so why does he look so gloomy? He's Superman. Even if he is moping around, he should at least dress a little happier.
I wouldnt want for nothing to change on the suit it looks too freakin awesome no matter what angle you look at it from. But if the suit needs to be changed then make it look like from the cover of the new 52 other then that please leave it alone!
Give him the damn undies. They're not making him look any less ridiculous by omitting them. They should embrace the character, not be embarrassed by him.
I actually don't mind that he has no undies. Nobody is making Batman wear his.
Removing one goofy aspect of a costume doesn't equate to being "embarrassed" by the character. It's not like we still have Jon Peters trying to remove his cape and suit altogether. Adding the trunks now would make no sense.
Removing one goofy aspect of a costume doesn't equate to being "embarrassed" by the character. It's not like we still have Jon Peters trying to remove his cape and suit altogether. Adding the trunks now would make no sense.

People used to say that Batman would look silly in anything other than black. Anything can work if it's done right. The Chris Reeve 70s spandex and the Bryan Singer depressing maroon are not indicative of the classic suit done right.
Removing the undies is simply there way of trying to update his costume. I prefer them but they are not essential aslong as he had a red cape, big red s and a blue suit that's all he needs.
I think the BvS costume is perfection! Love the Keytonian writing subtle script on it. Shield is perfect. Colors are better. I don't miss the trunks. Trunks don't bother me, but again, I don't miss them.
The only thing I miss is the S on the back of the cape, I know some think it's overkill but I've always loved it. It's a pipe dream but I would love for that to be on the cape in MOS2.
No need to change anything. A big F no to attempting the undies; anyone who actually supports them just proves they have no taste for what looks good.
And an even bigger F no to the laziness of the black t-shirt and jeans. At most that latter costume should be an intro costume to Superboy.
I don't mind the no \S/ on the back of the cape, but I wouldn't mind if it made a return.
Yeah I am so sick of the undies debate, they're gone, they're never coming back, and they don't need to. And putting him in a T-shirt and jeans would be stupid. This isn't Smallville.
I don't even think it misses the undies at all.

Only way I'd wanna see a New 52 T-Shirt & jeans take is in a reboot

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