The Cow Question

Colossal Spoons

Paper boi
Nov 24, 2004
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I ask this question every so often(in real life and online), and well; I'm in the mood again. It's a running joke between some old friends and I. This is going to sound silly, but really think about it and answer honestly...

Suppose you are eating somewhere(sitting down). Maybe a school cafeteria or lunch room at work, whatever. As you're enjoying your meal, a herd of cows; roughly 10 or 12, enter the room and approach you slowly. They don't look threatening or mischievous or anything to make you panic outside of the fact that a herd of cows just walked into the room lol. One cow is obviously in charge and this one trots up to you and says(yes, actually talks) "Come with us". It's not a demand, more of a suggestion.

The question is "Would you go with them?" Explain your reasoning either way :up:. For those of you who choose to go with the bovines; imagine the best and worst case scenarios of your decision
Then yes i would could be fun,

Maybe were going to the moovies (could not resist)
I never trust cows. Those sons of b****es.
you sir, and your friends, are legally ******ed.

You gonna answer the question? This isn't a joke, I'm just curious to see how many people would go despite how utterly ridiculous the whole thing is. :up:

1 year ago, the Hypsters then were able to respond to this thread well. I have faith in you new kids.
As odd as it is, i'd go, there talking cows it could be fun, odd but fun. hopefully where were going is fun. though i would wonder why they demanded i come along. Actually i'd probably think it was the effects of CJD.

That said chances are i'd run.
I would absolutely go with the cows. It's not everyday you see a cow that speaks. They'd take me to some super-cool, magical hangout spot. I'd dig it. And, what's the worst that could happen? Okay, so they'd be alien cows who would probe me and turn my brain into alien grass for them to chomp on. Either way, it sounds like something I could tell the grandkids. :up:
I wouldn't go anywhere with a bunch of strange cows. Fatties. :down
I would absolutely go with the cows. It's not everyday you see a cow that speaks. They'd take me to some super-cool, magical hangout spot. I'd dig it. And, what's the worst that could happen? Okay, so they'd be alien cows who would probe me and turn my brain into alien grass for them to chomp on. Either way, it sounds like something I could tell the grandkids. :up:

My sister goes "I'd totally party with those cows" :heart:
I would follow them. I would try to get to know the cow-way, so I could see how I cow thinks. I would also like to learn how to sleep standing up. Then after I learned everything I could, I would milk them and make steaks.
I would follow them. I would try to get to know the cow-way, so I could see how I cow thinks. I would also like to learn how to sleep standing up. Then after I learned everything I could, I would milk them and make steaks.

Aren't you bold. You act as if they're just gonna let you milk and eat them at the end of your adventure

12 cows > 1 badger :(
]I would follow them. I would try to get to know the cow-way, so I could see how I cow thinks.[/B] I would also like to learn how to sleep standing up. Then after I learned everything I could, I would milk them and make steaks.

Dude there cows, not Jedi.
Aren't you bold. You act as if they're just gonna let you milk and eat them at the end of your adventure

12 cows > 1 badger :(

They will, I grew up on a dairy farm. A little grain and they're putty in my hands. :o
They will, I grew up on a dairy farm. A little grain and they're putty in my hands. :o

They can friggin talk, so they're obviously not regular cows. These suckers might know calculus or Latin too.
So they're nerd cows.

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