The Dark Knight Rises The Dark Knight High School Prequel


Jul 16, 2007
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I edited this using footage from a ton of high school movies and films that the cast of The Dark Knight trilogy appeared in when they were younger. It's technically set in Nolan's Dark Knight universe but it's inspired by the Gotham High cartoon that almost came out a few years ago. There are quite a few of easter eggs for the franchise if you can spot them.

I also edited these if anyone wants some more Dark Knight fun.


going to miss the hype for another Nolan entry :(
OK this is awesome I love this :funny: Which show is Heath Ledger from where he's with JGL too?
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OK this is awesome I love this :funny: Which show is Heath Ledger from where he's with JGL too?

they starred in 10 Things I Hate About You together, which was kind of the impetus to cut this :)
That's great! Dammit, I had that film but ignored and deleted it. Ugh :(

It's so funny - John Blake and the Joker :funny:

This was really funny parody. Seeing all the actors in their other films so cool.
That was... Awesome! :awesome:

You should do more AUs of the trilogy! You're very good. :up:
That was incredible!

So you are the one who did the ultimate trilogy trailer? Wow, great work!
I ****ing love it
So you did the trailer that's on my sig? I LOVE it. Thanks for making it! :up:

And the high school thing is quite brilliant and funny at the same time.
That's awesome! And very well made too! It was hilarious man! And the ending made everything come together.
Could you try doing another trailer like a teen sex comedy? that would be clever.
I loved the video. It had that classic teen movie spirit :woot: And the ending was brilliant. The editing was excellent.

I edited this using footage from a ton of high school movies and films that the cast of The Dark Knight trilogy appeared in when they were younger. It's technically set in Nolan's Dark Knight universe but it's inspired by the Gotham High cartoon that almost came out a few years ago. There are quite a few of easter eggs for the franchise if you can spot them.

Just saw this, it's amazing ! :up:


I edited this using footage from a ton of high school movies and films that the cast of The Dark Knight trilogy appeared in when they were younger. It's technically set in Nolan's Dark Knight universe but it's inspired by the Gotham High cartoon that almost came out a few years ago. There are quite a few of easter eggs for the franchise if you can spot them.

I also edited these if anyone wants some more Dark Knight fun.


going to miss the hype for another Nolan entry :(

So you're the one to thank for that monumentally beautiful piece of work that is that Trilogy trailer. I kept showing that to people at work when I first saw it. Bravo to you! OH, and you're gotham high one is great too.
Absolutely LOVE your stuff man - brilliant editing on the trilogy piece and the Gotham High video is creative, and expertly crafted.
Great job! :applaud:bow::up:
Wow, thanks guys, it meand a lot that the community that matters most digs the trilogy trailer, it's easy when you're source material is as rich as Nolan's series. What I wouldn't give for the full movie of TDKR and clean audio from all three, haha. Hope to cut more Batman related stuff down the line.
Wow, thanks guys, it meand a lot that the community that matters most digs the trilogy trailer, it's easy when you're source material is as rich as Nolan's series. What I wouldn't give for the full movie of TDKR and clean audio from all three, haha. Hope to cut more Batman related stuff down the line.

Ya did aces.
This was so clever, reminds me of my teenage years.
I love this video. Can't believe a SHHer made it. You work for movieclipTRAILERS?

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