The Dark Knight The Dark Knight: tomatometer predictions, ratings and discussion

Another fresh from the Miami Herald. Up to 89% now on RT...
I really wish it finishes at 95+ in the end. :up:
With an average rating of 8.1

Great, it was a 7.9 last night. So not only was the new review "fresh", it also gave it a really high rating out of 10 (or 5).

I totally agree with the people who say that critics will either love it or not get it. The average movie-goer might not be in to dark, brooding sadistic movies, but critics aren't supposed to be the average movie-goer. The ones that dislike it's gripes will probably come from an unwillingness to accept the premise.

But for the record, all the 'average movie-goers' I know are stoked for the Knight!
I hate how one negative review drops the percentage down by like 10 yet a positive one barely brings it up by one : O

i mean 28 out of 32 might be 88 something but damn insert the other 60+ positive reviews its like RT is looking for the negative ones and holding back the others this movie should of been 40+ before it got its first negative review

either way I see it ending up around 92% I didnt realize there were people out there that actually liked Batman & Robin
Stupid NY critics :down
The Westside Connection was right about the New York critics...


Westside Connection - All The Critics In New York

Two new fresh reviews up - one of them a Top Critic :up:

It's back up to 89% with a rating of 8, and 82% with a rating of 7.2.
I think once the movie comes out, there will be a flood of mostly positive reviews. I agree with the some of the other posters on here that TDK will most likely settle somewhere around the low-nineties, 92% may be. If that does happen, it will still be quite impressive!!
I'm just saying if it doesn't beat Iron Man at RT I'll get upset :o
And yes, I loved Iron man and I'm much more of a marvel fan than DC. However, Iron man wasn't THAT good. It was good not that TDK better get 94+
Damn! Down to 88%
Fresh 36, Rotten 5
Average Rating 7.9/10

Thanks to this guy:

Jurgen Fauth of said:
Plodding, puffed-up kitsch mistaking itself for profound psycho noir that the source material won't support.

Damn! Down to 88%
Fresh 36, Rotten 5
Average Rating 7.9/10

Thanks to this guy:


What an idiot!

His review is a joke. He says: "Heath Ledger's Joker, a sadistic freak with curious facial ticks, is the most compelling person on screen, but tragedy or not, he can beat Jack Nicholson dancing in the pale moonlight to a Prince track."

I notice the negative reviews are very biased and subjective, not objective like a professional critic should be. This *****e had his mind made up before he ever watched it.
Average rating is back up to 8/10
2 more fresh reviews - 38 Fresh, 5 Rotten
Still at 88% though

I'm addicted to tomato watching. :csad:
Ebert liked it! Back up to 89%

Every review has been saying that the movie is too sadisitc...

and the most recent guy said that Heath doesn't compare to Jack's Joker...

Why can't people hire decent critics these days?

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