The Darker Knight

The Dark Hero

Jun 23, 2006
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How dark should the reboot be for the Batman...I for one want to see him darker grittier still not killing but really messing up criminals.
The recent trilogy was plenty gritty for me. Sustain that level, lessen how grounded the series is though, ie stretch the pseudo-science further.
The recent trilogy was plenty gritty for me. Sustain that level, lessen how grounded the series is though, ie stretch the pseudo-science further.


The only way I'd be fine for something "darker" is if they give us a more darker look of Bruce Wayne, psychologically, in that "BatGod" type of way much like in the Dark Knight Returns films DC Animated has just released.
Exactly. Without pseudo-science we can't have Venom Bane, Perma-white Joker, Mr. Freeze, Poison Ivy, Clayface, etc.

I want something like what Nolan gave us, something like Synder's cinematography being used (because MOS's looks more like Batman than anything else!), set in a place where weird **** happens!
Yea keep the grit the way it is now but let supernatural villains exist. Do not tone it down at all.
Keep the grit and maturity the way it is. Works perfectly for Batman.
I think i'm with most people that want the next film to be based in a "Arkham Asylum" Universe where its a combination of both the fantastical and realistic.
Loosely inspired.

Because visually, those games remind me a lot of Batman Returns with it's gothic style.
There's no trace of Nolan in there anyway.
Loosely inspired.

Because visually, those games remind me a lot of Batman Returns with it's gothic style.
There's no trace of Nolan in there anyway.

Well Batman Returns, visually speaking, is probably the best looking batman film to date. I mean it's just stunning looking and holds up really well. So I can't I would mind if the next film took influence from it.
I agree somewhat. If they mixed in Butrton's Gotham in with Nolan's.

Imagine Nolan's real world Gotham, being filled with more of Burton's gothic style architecture.
We've had enough of dark. The reboot should be more pulpy.
What that means is that it should have an orange-ish hue to it...but you can see that in the beginning of TDKR, lol.
Ideally what I'd like to see, given what has come before:

With the Burtmaccher series, we had an extraordinary man in an extraordinary environment.

With the Nolan series, we had an extraordinary characters in an ordinary world.

With the reboot I'd like to see a normal man, in an extraordinary world. By that I would like to see a Batman who, as Batman #682 states, trained to be a soldier. But as the world around him changes, brining about villains who can operate on the potential level of Poison Ivy and Killer Croc, to the point where he always seems out of his depth.
I'd like to see something more along the lines of a live action version of the Dini-Timm Batman.
It should keep the noir style but have it a bit more stylised than Nolan's version. Sort of somewhere around Sin City and Black Swan.
i wouldn't mind it being "serious house on serious earth " level dark, but i'm not so sure they'd ever go for that.
I'm dying to see a scene like in the TNBAS where the police bust down wayne manor. I want to see wayne manor get more screen time.
I'm dying to see a scene like in the TNBAS where the police bust down wayne manor. I want to see wayne manor get more screen time.
a full length live action " over the edge " type of storyline would be awesome to see for a third act. something unusual for the live action films. a gordon vs. batman movie would work well dramatically speaking and something we haven't seen in movies before.
As dark and serious as Nolan's films, but with a higher quantity of humor and a tint of the fantastical.
Well Batman Returns, visually speaking, is probably the best looking batman film to date. I mean it's just stunning looking and holds up really well. So I can't I would mind if the next film took influence from it.

The gothic style was nice, but it was way too cartoonish for me, like those evil clowns he deals with in the beginning, I recall one had a skeleton head with bouncy eyes, and then there's Penguin in his batmobile ride, or the whole army of penguins thing :whatever: As for the tone of the movie, part of it is how the violence and the consequences of that violence are being displayed. there's room for a lot of improvement there:

-show a bruised Batman (yeah yeah I know, Bane) but what about batman with a black eye he needs to hide the next day, or (God forbid!) a bruised and bleeding lip?

-some thug getting a batarang in the hand just before he shoots his gun

-seeing (and hearing) Batman breaking someone's arm or something

-Batman at a murder scene with the body still there being examined (can you believe that has never been shown?), or him going to the morgue later on

-batman stopping ordinary crime like a bank robbery with hostages, and he doesn't manage to save everyone

- Batman getting back at the cave, throws his mask, frustrated of all he feels he could have done better, and Alferd tries to reason with him.

So grittier can mean a lot of things, but those are good examples for me.
I personally can't stand the look of Batman Returns, or any of those 90's movies. They really feel like they're on a set.

Also, I'm not a fan of the bloody, gothic, style I've seen so much in fan films.
I don't like all this 'grounded in real life' crap, if I wanna watch real life I will look out my window, Batman is supposed to be fantastical, I don't care about seeing lovely skyscrapers, I wanna see Batman on a gargoyle surveying the city in darkness, we've had the time of the Bat in real life, lets explore new things.
As long as we get this mastermind in the next trilogy.


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