Right now on rottentomatoes it's going like this
Doubt is 64% with an average rating of 6.5 (Know it's only 14 reviews, but look at the films I'm predicting and try to remember where they started)
Benjamin Button's at 88% with a 7/10
Revolutionary Road is at 90% with a 7.3 avg.
The Reader is 67% with a 6.5
Gran Torino is at 63% with a 6.2 avg.
Right now I'm changing one slot of my predictions, it's now
The Dark Knight (94%/8.5)
Slumdog Millionaire (92%/8.1)
Benjamin Button (88%/7.0)
Milk (93%/7.9)
Frost/Nixon (91%/7.6)
You know what's funny, the one with the highest ratings is the one with probably the least chance of a nomination (let alone a win).
Like I said earlier I'm definitely checking out Slumdog, Button, and Milk. I think in the end Dark Knight will still be my favorite film of 2008 for a number of reasons. 1 it's the only film I've ever seen to leave me completely speechless and shocked as it went off (usually I'm going crazy with happiness, but here I was completely numb), 2 my favorite filmmaker out of the 4 directed it (the order would be Nolan, Fincher, Boyle, and Van Sant/think they're all terrific but I just love Nolan's strictly old fashioned storytelling focus, and the way so many storylines and dialogues take place at once in montage format in TDK), 3 it gives me my favorite type of film (the best of both worlds/Big with small ambitions), 4 Ledger (Penn looks awesome, so does the Slumdog lead, but Ledger's my all time favorite performance, and number 5. It's Batman.