The HYPE HOT CHICKS!: Who do we have?

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Logan Howlett

Oct 22, 2005
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Now don't take this as some sleevy guy trying to oogle at young hot chicks on the internet, I'm a very content man in a great relationship with someone I love! I just personaly find it interesting to find out how many of you Hypsters are actualy yound good looking women that are just so nerdy we can't tell you apart! I love nerdy girls, my girlfriend is one, a complete computer geek and an obsesed Batman fan! She has posted a few times on the Hype but shes not quite as frequenting as I.

All in all I think it would be realy cool to reveal how many of you are actualy Beauties in disguise, any oogling and googling done by other members of the HYPE I can not be held responsible for. So please feel free to put up your picture, maybe we can even have a hype beauty contest and I'll put up a poll for people to vote on each of you Hypets :)

Please remeber to keep you photographs within the rules and boundries of the HYPE, I would hate to see any of you get banned.:up:
Olcanucklehead said:
Now don't take this as some sleevy guy trying to oogle at young hot chicks on the internet, I'm a very content man in a great relationship with someone I love! I just personaly find it interesting to find out how many of you Hypsters are actualy yound good looking women that are just so nerdy we can't tell you apart! I love nerdy girls, my girlfriend is one, a complete computer geek and an obsesed Batman fan! She has posted a few times on the Hype but shes not quite as frequenting as I.

You are a liar.
I've got some hot pics of a certain girl on the Hype,canucklehead...
How so? You need proof? Hell I made a thread about my girl a while back, because it pissed off my crazy ex to the point of no return.

I honestly just thought it would be a cool idea.
Olcanucklehead said:
How so? You need proof? Hell I made a thread about my girl a while back, because it pissed off my crazy ex to the point of no return.

I honestly just thought it would be a cool idea.

Stop lying. :mad:
Sabretooth said:
I've got some hot pics of a certain girl on the Hype,canucklehead...
Aunt Petunia? Mmmm... send them my way. :o:up:
Olcanucklehead said:
Do you have her permision to use them?
I was just ****ing with you. Thought it'd be funny to see people clam together for possible pictures though.:o
This isn't relating to the Hype's hottest women thread now is it? We all know not to post nude on the hype.
Sabretooth said:
I was just ****ing with you. Thought it'd be funny to see people clam together for possible pictures though.:o

Lol, I'm sure some people would have.
So then why are you interested in the other girls on the forum if you have a girlfriend already? Go play with her a bit....
I guess I'm a ball-buster, 'cause I immediately "took this" as "some sleevy guy trying to oogle".



U.S War Machine said:
This isn't relating to the Hype's hottest women thread now is it? We all know not to post nude on the hype.

No its not the same thing, this is specificaly for members of the HYPE. No outside celebrities, or girlfriends Unless they are on the hype.
Wilhelm-Scream said:
I guess I'm a ball-buster, 'cause I immediately "took this" as "some sleevy guy trying to oogle".



Is that a sword she's holdin' or is she just happy to see me?
Master Chief said:
If you weren't lying you wouldn't go to such lengths to prove you aren't lying. You're such a frickin' liar. :mad:

So I'm guessing that your one of those people that continues to throw poo no matter the situation??? Ok. Seriously I stoped laughing a while ago, you fun is over let it pass.

In all seriousness I just thought this was a cool idea that hadn't been done before.
Master Chief said:
If you weren't lying you wouldn't go to such lengths to prove you aren't lying. You're such a frickin' liar. :mad:
Don't you think "Freakin'" sounds better than "Frickin'" ?

Like,..."What's yer FREAKIN' DEAL, MAN?!?!?"
Or,....."What's your FRIKKIN' DEAL, Man?!?!?"

"Frik" always sounds like "Hick" to me, personally.
"Freak" sounds like "Chic"! :up:

I'm drunk and neglecting my baby.
Well it's been done before and it was cooler then. :up:
Sabretooth said:
So then why are you interested in the other girls on the forum if you have a girlfriend already? Go play with her a bit....

I just find it entertaining to see people who you never met and never though could be remotly good looking turn out to be georgeous......and besides gal is bi, she wanted to know if you have to worry about anyone oogling......its her...sorry
Wilhelm-Scream said:
Don't you think "Freakin'" sounds better than "Frickin'" ?

Like,..."What's yer FREAKIN' DEAL, MAN?!?!?"
Or,....."What's your FRIKKIN' DEAL, Man?!?!?"

"Frik" always sounds like "Hick" to me, personally.
"Freak" sounds like "Chic"! :up:

I'm drunk and neglecting my baby.
I say frik,:(
Olcanucklehead said:
I just find it entertaining to see people who you never met and never though could be remotly good looking turn out to be georgeous......and besides gal is bi, she wanted to know if you have to worry about anyone oogling......its her...sorry
Or maybe she just SAYS she's bi to make you seem interested in her instead of people over the internet..:(
Haha.......ya SAYS.........maybe thats why she has had several girlfriends, of whom I've been friends with, of who we anyways.......back on topic?
Olcanucklehead said:
So I'm guessing that your one of those people that continues to throw poo no matter the situation??? Ok. Seriously I stoped laughing a while ago, you fun is over let it pass.

In all seriousness I just thought this was a cool idea that hadn't been done before.

Who's throwing what now, liar?

Wilhelm-Scream said:
Don't you think "Freakin'" sounds better than "Frickin'" ?

Like,..."What's yer FREAKIN' DEAL, MAN?!?!?"
Or,....."What's your FRIKKIN' DEAL, Man?!?!?"

"Frik" always sounds like "Hick" to me, personally.
"Freak" sounds like "Chic"! :up:

I'm drunk and neglecting my baby.

Yeah, it's just I save the good words for good occasions. :up:
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