The Kipobe Project


Sep 13, 2001
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Okay folks, as you may or may not know I like creative innovative interesting projects. I just usually get bored by them very quickly and don't finish my grand ideas to the end. Who knows, I could've created the next Sistine Chapel, or wrote a symphony that would awake Beethoven from death if I could focus for more than 11 seconds... so instead, I extend my creative invitation to you all in what I so cleverly nicknamed: The Kipobe Project!

But now, you may be asking yourself:

Q: What is the Kipobe project?

A: Well, it's not for the lame. If you're lame, I apologize but you'll have to be escorted from this thread. Basically, I'd like to create a small flash animation series involving not only the hype, but celebrities and created characters. Different episodes would take place in different places, and be written by a team of people. The adventures would be no one person's idea, but a melting pot of several ideas, thus bringing the best out of everyones genre of humor, and creating some of the finest work the internet has ever seen. Of course, I'll take full credit, and give no recognition to the rest of you, because I'm selfish. Love you.

Q: How do I know if I'm lame and should be escorted from the thread?

A: If you're asking this question seriously, then you qualify. Please go peacefully.

Q: What will be involved?

A: A team of skilled gif animation artists/general artists; production members; voice actors; writers... basically, anything that would require such a project to get off the ground. I appoint myself as director so I can see my vision come to life without having to do as much. I like directing. "Get me my ****ing coffee, jack" haha, good times.

Q: What do I need to do to be involved?

A: List your skills here and your desire to be attached. If you have some really grand ideas, contact me via PM and let's get this dealy moving. I can already see I'm gonna recieve alot of request for writers. I'm going to limit the number of writers because otherwise they'll be writing with nothing to write for. Animators/artists are what I really want help with. Hell, I can write, but animators would be great.

Q: Anything else?

A: Probably.

Q: Where's Ryoko?

A: I don't know:(

So that's about the gist of it. Project Kipobe is officially launched. I'd like our staff to come together well. If someone doesn't perform, or perform well, they get cut and replaced, so if you're not picked for the original staff, we'll likely be changing from time to time. No slackers welcome. Peace to all, and to all a good night.

I made this avvy. Drew it and animated it. Does this qualify me as skilled?
I'd list my skills, but this is going to be ditched like the bio thread :down
Im a good writer. Plus I make cookies.
Well, I don't know if this is a skill, per se, but I do happen to be better than just about everyone.
Ronny Shade said:
I made this avvy. Drew it and animated it. Does this qualify me as skilled?
Most definately. Would you stay attached to the project? I'll edit your name in.
Calvin said:
Well, I don't know if this is a skill, per se, but I do happen to be better than just about everyone.
That's an attitude, not a skill
Calvin said:
I'd list my skills, but this is going to be ditched like the bio thread :down
Like I said before, this is sharing the work load. I intend on seeing this one through. Hey, I'm not all bad... I actually hosted an entire Survivor game:o
Kipobe said:
Most definately. Would you stay attached to the project? I'll edit your name in.
Depends how soon sh-- is going down. I'm pretty busy til the end of the month
Kipobe said:
Like I said before, this is sharing the work load. I intend on seeing this one through. Hey, I'm not all bad... I actually hosted an entire Survivor game:o
Hitler wasn't all bad either, he had a fine mustache. That argument doesn't work.
Ive been ignored.:( Fine I dont want to play. :mad:
STAFF (edit)


Ronny Shade

Voice Actors (I'll remove the asterisk once I've heard some work)

*The Lumberjack
*Ronny Shade



Complainers and Test Screeners



Darthphere said:
Ive been ignored.:( Fine I dont want to play. :mad:
I should've been more clear. To be honest, I'd like writers to PM me first. I know I'm gonna get alot of requests, and I have to reserve some space for those who I know can pull off what I'm looking for. I may need you though... stay tuned.
Why not just build a ship in a bottle or do some erotic needle-point or something instead of disappointing all of these people again and again?
Kipobe said:
STAFF (edit)


Ronny Shade

Voice Actors (I'll remove the asterisk once I've heard some work)

*The Lumberjack

PS I can do voices too if nobody shows up for work.
Kipobe said:
I should've been more clear. To be honest, I'd like writers to PM me first. I know I'm gonna get alot of requests, and I have to reserve some space for those who I know can pull off what I'm looking for. I may need you though... stay tuned.
Well what are you looking for? I'd be down for that, but to be honest I'd be a better script-doctor than first-drafter.

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