The Many Thoughts of Musclesforsupes

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Aug 18, 2005
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Well this is a thread, that should have been posted months ago, however I want to post it cause, I feel that we need to show this woman's beauty. I give you Lady Elane. If you have seen Mr. Rogers Neighborhood, then you know I am talking about that very fine woman. She is cute, friendly, nice, and HOT. Share your opinion on this wonderful creature here.:thing:
I couldnt find one of her, however everyone knows her sweet smile. She is a real life person not a puppet.
All I can think of is the old lady puppet and the king puppet and that creepy cat(I think that's the one with the man-lady voice).
musclesforsupes said:
No she is the female in make believe land

That was Lady Aberline.

Lady Elaine Fairchild was the scary puppet who owned the Museum-go-round.

And yes, Lady Aberline was kind of cute, circa 1975.
Anyone remember that awful "new Mr. Rogers" where the new mr. rogers guy was wheel-chair bound...

I preferred Daniel Tiger, he was cool. And Henrietta Pussycat cracked me up, especially the parody they did on Family Guy, "Meow meow meow meow-skin graft-meow meow meow!"
Boomerang, toomerang, zoomerang, this thread is lame.
Meow meow Henrietta Pussycat agrees that meow thread sucks meow.
that meow thread ?
I found this crazy lady's site who is a fan of "Feminine Women"
she says:
"I only let my children watch 2 shows each day and one of them is Mister Rogers neighborhood. There is a character on there in the Neighborhood of Make Believe (this is the segment where the famous trolly leaves Mr. Rogers home and goes to this ficticious land-hence the "Neighborhood of Make Believe"). Anyway, this character's name is Lady Aberline. She is such a feminine person! She is caring and loving and loves to dance and sing! She always wears dresses and has pretty long hair. She never gets mad and yells -she always talks in the most gentle way. So, if any of you are ever surfing and see Mr. Rogers on PBS kids(it comes on at 8 AM in my time zone-central)watch for the make believe segment and take notes-she is a real FW!"
I like FWs too.

I'm having problems finding a pic of Lady Aberlin when she was in the bloom of youth however.
Wilhelm-Scream said:
Aye, I only see one where she looks embalmed. :(

Wilhelm, whats up with the "using scottish terms for yes" all of a sudden? :confused:
I have to say for the first time, I feel like I have failed you all with a bad thread :(
Wilhelm could still save this thread with a Lady Elaine/Aberlin/meatnormous manip, but I don't think he's got game anymore.
muscles, I hope, long after we're gone, future generations will be able to discern that you weren't talking about:
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