How many of you want to see HAWKEYE back from the dead?


Apr 28, 2006
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Now since we all know, Bendis is responsible for killing one of Marvel's coolest heroes ever. I've heard some talk that he may return with in the next few months, so I'm really crossing my fingers on this one. But my question, would you or would you not want to see alive and walking again?

I think my answer is obvious...Yes, I would!
This has been discussed already and has a thread.

Do a search.
Is cool, doing a search will save you a lot of time.

I used to do the same thing.
That ******** bendis!!:mad: if the genius's at DC killed off green arrow and then brung him back form the dead why can't marvel bring back Hawkeye!!and give him his own book and his own avengers team,and let him kill bendis once or twice in every issue-and give him a lot of sexy female partners,like wolverine-no better,cause he can cuss alot and kick ass and kill all the lame vilians:)
deemar325 said:
Is cool, doing a search will save you a lot of time.

I used to do the same thing.

Search doesnt work so stop lying.
deemar325 said:
Is cool, doing a search will save you a lot of time.

I used to do the same thing.

Thanks for the heads up, I'll do that next time. :)
Either way Bendis said he'd be back...
comicbookmaster said:
That ******** bendis!!:mad: if the genius's at DC killed off green arrow and then brung him back form the dead why can't marvel bring back Hawkeye!!and give him his own book and his own avengers team,and let him kill bendis once or twice in every issue-and give him a lot of sexy female partners,like wolverine-no better,cause he can cuss alot and kick ass and kill all the lame vilians:)

This post has made my day, I want Hawkeye back and his own title immediately!! :mad: :up:
At first I wanted Hawkeye back. Now, I've noticed that I really don't care anymore if he's alive or dead.
Hawkeye is probably my 17th favorite character.;)
Hawkeye is alive as per HoM...

My only hope is that if he comes back, someone other than Bendis writes him (stupid glory hound).

Now, my work here is done...

*realizes he has yet to see Gambit pop up and decides to stay for a bit*
Wolverazio said:
Hawkeye is alive as per HoM...

My only hope is that if he comes back, someone other than Bendis writes him (stupid glory hound).

Now, my work here is done...

*realizes he has yet to see Gambit pop up and decides to stay for a bit*

Yeah I know, I read HoM which is why I want him back so badly. He was awesome when holding down Wolverine, and I agree Bendis should stay AWAY from the character. Especially if he's shown in New Avengers, dammit. I want someone like Brubaker writing him one day. :)
when is the Scarlet Witch coming back? She should bring him back.
SpeedballLives said:
when is the Scarlet Witch coming back? She should bring him back.

Aren't who two sons in Young Avengers? :confused:
yeah, Tommy and Billy are her sons. Maybe Billy can bring him back, but his powers are a little different than Scarlet Witches
SpeedballLives said:
yeah, Tommy and Billy are her sons. Maybe Billy can bring him back, but his powers are a little different than Scarlet Witches

I think they're close, but not close enough. The possibility of him bring back Hawkeye is....possible.
Perhaps I should clarify (though it is only conjecture, I do think it's one of those assumptions we can go with).

Hawkeye doesn't have to be brought back.

He is alive in the current universe.

We just don't know where he is living, much like Wanda.

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