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The New Masters of Evil

Pretty good lineup deemar. I'm not sure that Red Skull would be postulating an ethnic purity this time so much as simple grabs for power with everyone sharing in the evil spoils while billions die. That wouldn't bother Killgrave as long as there were plenty of nubile young women to turn into his sex slaves, or Bullseye as long as there was money and people to throw things at, Hydra, Nefaria, Taskmaster, and Mandarin as long as they got their own countries. Norman would just want free reign for more madman like experiments and I think Deathstrike might be just too far gone into bloodlust to care either way.
The Question said:
True. Forgot about that.

Still. Teaming with a Nazi would leave a bad staste in his mouth.


Personally, I think the only flaw in your team is that there's far too much of a chance for backstabbing. If you want the group to be around for a good long while, at least.

Well I guess I should have explained the dynamic better?

OK here goes..

Red Skull's Camp and reasons why they are loyal to him:

Bullseye - He's in a morbid way has found the 'Father/Yoda/Obi-Won/Palpitine to his Darth Vader. Using BMB's take on Bulleye's past.
Taskmaster - Money,Money,Money!!! and also fear; Tasky is scared ****less of the evil and vision of the Skull, TM knows it's best to be on his goodside.
Madame Hydra - She admires Red Skull and holds the same values as him, simple as that. *Add to the fact he's probaly next to Captain America is her vision of the perfect 'Aryan' mate.*
Purpleman - He thinks Red Skull respects him and appreciates his talents, (Of course RS is playing him like a fiddel, the manipulator being manipulated by the ultimate false prophet.) Killgrave thinks he'll have a seat next to the throne of the future ruler of humanity.

Reasons why the less inclined are following Red Skull:

Mandarin - He sees the coming storm, he knows Red Skull is basically the 'Anti-Christ' yet, he also realizes it's not like the rest of the world is gonna welcome him 'Mandarin' with open arms. RS is a means to a end, nothing more. 'Mandy' seeks the Rise of the Chinese Empire and Red Skull will be disposed of at the proper time.
Deathstrike - Allied with Mandarin, she is his eyes,ears and fists. He needs a fellow 'Easterner' to conspire with and a 'wife' to rule with. Deathstrike welcomes the power and status of 'ruler' instead of hired assassin, she thinks it's time to climb the social ladder sorta speak.
Count Neferia - Greed gets to everyone, and if your already a egotistical, murdering, elitist bastard well organized crime doesn't have the same appeal as being the 'Ceasar' of the NEW ROMAN EMPIRE! and if genocide is part of the deal? "Well who cares if a few million 'Moulons', 'Heebs', 'Rag Heads' and 'Wetbacks' take the dirtnap?"
LadyMoira said:
Pretty good lineup deemar. I'm not sure that Red Skull would be postulating an ethnic purity this time so much as simple grabs for power with everyone sharing in the evil spoils while billions die. That wouldn't bother Killgrave as long as there were plenty of nubile young women to turn into his sex slaves, or Bullseye as long as there was money and people to throw things at, Hydra, Nefaria, Taskmaster, and Mandarin as long as they got their own countries. Norman would just want free reign for more madman like experiments and I think Deathstrike might be just too far gone into bloodlust to care either way.


And your take is right on the money also.

I just had the thought of Red Skull being a father figure to Bullseye incredibably frightening. Add the most skilled mercenary in Tasky, the mind controlling pervert Purpleman, Ms.Hitler 2007 Madame Hydra, Al Capone with superpowers Count Neferia, A woman who can kill just about anything Deathstrike, and the scariest forgiegn Invader since Fu Man Chu in one line-up as totally bad ass! and it should have happened already in the comics.
Pretty cool. Still, I think Nefaria would be at odds with the Red Skull near the end. Most mafia types pride themselves as having a sort of twisted honor. They tend only kill someone if they've wronged "the family" in some way, and even then they'll often just beat the **** out of them to send a message. I think the story would probably end with Mandarin and Nefaria truning on The Red Skull after the latest body count (though, maybe different reasosn for The Mandarin. He's not shown himself shy towards mass murder. There was the story where he took control of Fin Fang Foom and wiped out several hundred Chinese soldiers in a coup d'état).
Thank Nubis!

Your right Q it would probaly end that way, but that's kinda expected.

I'm more into the Bullseye/Red Skull/Purpleman/Madame Hydra dynamic anyway, sorta a 'NAZI BRADY BUNCH' scenario with Taskmaster as the sniveling 'Marsha Brady'.
I'd like to see Nefaria running the show with Abomination, Klaw, Gravitron, Elektro, Venom/Gargan (Brock wouldnt have any interest in a team most likely but Gargan i could see running with it) and... lets say Omega Red and Sabertooth filling out the roster.

I see no obvious leadership conflicts and the team would be seriously dangerous.
Vanguard07 said:
I'd like to see Nefaria running the show with Abomination, Klaw, Gravitron, Elektro, Venom/Gargan (Brock wouldnt have any interest in a team most likely but Gargan i could see running with it) and... lets say Omega Red and Sabertooth filling out the roster.

I see no obvious leadership conflicts and the team would be seriously dangerous.

I like your line-up alot!

Very respectable. Clear leadership.
deemar325 said:
Thank Nubis!

Your right Q it would probaly end that way, but that's kinda expected.

I'm more into the Bullseye/Red Skull/Purpleman/Madame Hydra dynamic anyway, sorta a 'NAZI BRADY BUNCH' scenario with Taskmaster as the sniveling 'Marsha Brady'.

Sounds pretty cool. Since Taskmaster's identity is pretty vague, it might be interesting to reveal that a major reason for Taskmaster being afraid of the others is the fact that at least one of his parents is an ethnic minority, or maybe that his family's Jewish.
deemar325 said:
I like your line-up alot!

Very respectable. Clear leadership.

What about my line-up?

The Question said:
Here's how I see it happening:

To regain power and respect, Count Luchino Nefaria topples several criminal organizations, mostly Mafia, throughout the midwest and sets himself up as Cappi Di Tutti Capi of America's heartland. To help enforce his new territory, he forms the Masters, using past members and new recruits. The roster is:

The Green Goblin: Aswell as being one of Nefaria's cheif superhuman enforcers, Osbon helps control the legitimate enterprises of Nefaria's organization, under the alias of William Harrison. His homicidal tendencies and obsessive need to take revenge against the smallest insults has made him somewhat of a liability to the Masters.

Hippolyta: The leader of the Amazons of myth, Hypolita, and her all female gang, the Bacchae, have joined Nefaria's organization as a means of gaining more power. Aswell as being an enforcer for the Masters, Hippolyta is in charge of recruiting and training footsoldiers for Nefaria's organization. Nefaria has been careful to stress the fact that the Masters are equal partners, and Nefaria is only seen as the leader due to his skills at diplomacy, as to keep the strong willed Hippolyta and other members of the group from rebelling.

Tiger Shark: Serves primairily as an enforcer for the Masters.

Klaw: The team's cheif scientists.

Taskmaster: The team's go to guy for stealth assassinations. He also helps train new recruits as part of an elite squad for special missions.

The Abomination: Major powerhouse and enforcer for the Masters. Also serves as the group's source of knowlege relating to various government operations, both military and burocratic, all over the world.
deemar325 said:
I like your line-up alot!

Very respectable. Clear leadership.

Thanks the way i looked at is you'd need a team that wouldnt tear itself apart and at the same time you want it to be the anti avengers.
The avengers are the big leagues of heroes so the MoE would have to all be people with enough power to be in those same leagues as villains. The problem with villains in that league is that they're too inclined to solo work for it to make sense to be on the team so i bumped some people up.
You get a strong leader to motivate them and lead them and all these under acheivers like Gravitron and Electro can become serious threats.

I tried to pick individuals who had the power but lacked the direction to become A-list threats. Also I'd like to add Purple man to the roster because he's just too damn useful.

I wouldnt put him on a team led by Red Skull or and anything because he'd be too inclined to undermine the orders he gets. Skull tells him to do something he doesnt want to and Killgrave could easilly decide that He'd rather run the show himself. I assume that Nefaria would be immune to Killgraves commands though because of their chemical nature and his being an ionic entity.
Also, I can see Crossbones feeling jealousy towards Bullseye as the 'new favorite son.'

My line up is lending it's self to great conflict and stories, both operatic in nature and a homage to the 'JLA' 'League of Evil' big Guns type line-ups.

I think Marvel is lacking a Major organized group of SuperVillians to rival the Avengers. A lot of times Supervillians teams are boring and/or generic in nature with the usual suspects, usually C-list villians and certain obvious or potential interactions (Skull/Bullseye) are missed.

Hell Marvels years of neglect of Taskmaster is example of them being clueless to the potential of certain evil characters.
The Question said:
Sounds pretty cool. Since Taskmaster's identity is pretty vague, it might be interesting to reveal that a major reason for Taskmaster being afraid of the others is the fact that at least one of his parents is an ethnic minority, or maybe that his family's Jewish.

HOLY ****!!!!

That is brilliant Q!!!

Jeez! Now that's what I'm talking about. See these combination of characters are writing themselves!!!
The Question said:
What about my line-up?

I'm definately feeling the Mafia slant, especially the part with Norman losing his cool over minor insults it really informs his persona, and is telling how his psyche works and why a guy with his intellect and resources would be so focused on a teenage nobody with spider powers for years, instead of reaching the levels of say Doctor Doom in villiany (Within the context of the MU.)
deemar325 said:
I'm definately feeling the Mafia slant, especially the part with Norman losing his cool over minor insults it really informs his persona, and is telling how his psyche works and why a guy with his intellect and resources would be so focused on a teenage nobody with spider powers for years, instead of reaching the levels of say Doctor Doom in villiany (Within the context of the MU.)

Thanks. I didn't want the group to be completely without conflict, but not so much so that it wouldn't last. The way I see it working, Norman is in the black suit handling the buisness aspect of the Masters' organization. At one point, he loses a big contract to a rival company. He seems very calm when he learns the news, and then a week later, the head of the company that one the contract is found nailed to the cross outside of his church.
Vanguard07 said:
Thanks the way i looked at is you'd need a team that wouldnt tear itself apart and at the same time you want it to be the anti avengers.
The avengers are the big leagues of heroes so the MoE would have to all be people with enough power to be in those same leagues as villains. The problem with villains in that league is that they're too inclined to solo work for it to make sense to be on the team so i bumped some people up.
You get a strong leader to motivate them and lead them and all these under acheivers like Gravitron and Electro can become serious threats.

I tried to pick individuals who had the power but lacked the direction to become A-list threats. Also I'd like to add Purple man to the roster because he's just too damn useful.

I wouldnt put him on a team led by Red Skull or and anything because he'd be too inclined to undermine the orders he gets. Skull tells him to do something he doesnt want to and Killgrave could easilly decide that He'd rather run the show himself. I assume that Nefaria would be immune to Killgraves commands though because of their chemical nature and his being an ionic entity.

I'm totally of like mind with your thoughts, except I think Red Skull has been doing the 'Evil manipulative Bastard' far longer with better results and on a highter level than Killgrave.

Plus Red Skulls Evil, but he's not crazy (Well he is, but not un-selfaware or foolish.) He'd play Purpleman like a chump, and if you think he can't counter Killgraves abilities? Well you don't get to be Captain America's archnemesis for nothing.
The Question said:
Thanks. I didn't want the group to be completely without conflict, but not so much so that it wouldn't last. The way I see it working, Norman is in the black suit handling the buisness aspect of the Masters' organization. At one point, he loses a big contract to a rival company. He seems very calm when he learns the news, and then a week later, the head of the company that one the contract is found nailed to the cross outside of his church.

Guy I think me and you need to head to a Comic Con or work on submitting some stuff together.

I think your my missing 'I don't know what?' It's like I have these ideas for stories or character revisions, but I'm a dog-face soldier and not a writer.
deemar325 said:
Guy I think me and you need to head to a Comic Con or work on submitting some stuff together.

I think your my missing 'I don't know what?' It's like I have these ideas for stories or character revisions, but I'm a dog-face soldier and not a writer.

Thanks. Another idea I had is that, similarly to your idea, the group would form into little cliques, the same way the Justice League is usually split up into the Big Three, Flash and GL, and J'onn and Aurthur.

Nefaria and Hippolyta are the royalty, and see themselves as the real masterminds. They can barely stand each other, but they both agree that they're better than everyone else. They have a sort of high class equivalent of the relationship of the two main characters from Moonlighting. Sort of walks the line between atraction and pure hatred. Think "Taming of the Shrew" with supervillains.

Green Goblin, Tiger Shark, and Klaw are the psychos. They're the ones who subscribe the the "do as you please" outlook on life. All of them are bothered by the restrictions of the group, though Klaw is less so due to the more methodical nature of his crazy.

Taskmaster and Abomination are the professionals. They're the ones who sit back and wonder how the hell they landed a gig with these loons.
The Question said:
Thanks. Another idea I had is that, similarly to your idea, the group would form into little cliques, the same way the Justice League is usually split up into the Big Three, Flash and GL, and J'onn and Aurthur.

Nefaria and Hippolyta are the royalty, and see themselves as the real masterminds. They can barely stand each other, but they both agree that they're better than everyone else. They have a sort of high class equivalent of the relationship of the two main characters from Moonlighting. Sort of walks the line between atraction and pure hatred. Think "Taming of the Shrew" with supervillains.

Green Goblin, Tiger Shark, and Klaw are the psychos. They're the ones who subscribe the the "do as you please" outlook on life. All of them are bothered by the restrictions of the group, though Klaw is less so due to the more methodical nature of his crazy.

Taskmaster and Abomination are the professionals. They're the ones who sit back and wonder how the hell they landed a gig with these loons.

I think everthing is killer!!!

Each dynamic described is right on point, plus I think Tasky and Abby would make a pretty funny and lethal duo.
deemar325 said:
I think everthing is killer!!!

Each dynamic described is right on point, plus I think Tasky and Abby would make a pretty funny and lethal duo.

Thanks. Also, I think this team compliments the upcoming "Might Avengers" pretty well. In the MU, Hippolyta is Ares' daughter. Way I see it, Ares is the first to notice that the Mastrers' footsoldiers have been trained by his daughter. Throughout the issue, Ares is mentioning his various family problems and how he hasn't seen his daughter in so long. Finally, when they face off, she tries to have a touching family moment with him. He just shoots her in the face with a shotgun, commenting to one of his teammates that "She always was a spoiled brat."
The Question said:
Thanks. Also, I think this team compliments the upcoming "Might Avengers" pretty well. In the MU, Hippolyta is Ares' daughter. Way I see it, Ares is the first to notice that the Mastrers' footsoldiers have been trained by his daughter. Throughout the issue, Ares is mentioning his various family problems and how he hasn't seen his daughter in so long. Finally, when they face off, she tries to have a touching family moment with him. He just shoots her in the face with a shotgun, commenting to one of his teammates that "She always was a spoiled brat."


Ares looks to be a interesting character.

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