For months I knew it was coming. Everyday was a countdown to the departure from Los Angeles to Vancouver for filming and editing X2. I felt as if I may be boarding a plane to some prison island with hard labor and whips. Finally came the date, around June 15, 2002. But then I thought, "Hell, maybe it won't be all that bad." Whenever starting a project for Bryan as both editor and composer, I always tell myself that somehow in about a year, I'll be sitting at the final dub stage mixing the sound onto a final edited film and integrating a score that has yet to be conceived. Of course, I always follow up that thought immediately with a panic attack, "There's no way! There just isn't. How's this ever going to get done?!" But I soon regain my composure and make a point never to forget that moment, so that when the day arrives a year later, I can recognize it in appreciation of having made it through. Anyhow, I arrived in the truly beautiful Vancouver airport, which is so clean and modern you can eat off the floors. Here's to airport taxes! I arrived on a very hot (and always beautiful) day, and was driven to the building which housed the production offices for X2. Just as I walked in, a fiery production meeting had just wrapped up where the danger room had, as is well known now, been cut from the script. Clearly there had been an explosion I just missed and sort of saw the debris and war-torn faces around the office. "Oh boy, here we go," I thought.