The Official Stupid "Random Comics" Question Thread


Monkey Boy
Nov 23, 2005
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Is there an official stupid questions thread for the Random Comics section?

if not this could be it.
Could do with some questions first.
uhhh, could somebody name all the Valient Comics heroes?
Turok is the only one I can name off the top of my head.
Is Valient the comic company that went out of business quickly?
In the cartoon Splinter, their teacher and father figure, is very cultured and educated. He loves books, art, and stuff like that. So he names them after his favorite artists. Not sure if the comic was the same, and I am not sure why they creators decided to name them after painters.

Perhaps the creators named them after artists they liked as well.

I hope that answers the question.

How influential are comics books and supereheroes in molding character? In you yourself or others you might have known?
Like how important are comics in teaching children to be good people and not to steal and what not. I have seen on shows like the JLU where Green Lantern says reading comics taught him right from wrong, made him want to be heroic, and made him the person he is today.

For me personally, my parents did a very good job to teach all that stuff. Comics just reinforced that I guess, but may not have been that essential.

So how important, do you think, are comics to the development of a child's, or person's, character?
I don't know. I learned good from bad by watching reruns of What's Happening and Fat Albert.
It is the same with TV for me, I learned from my parents but TV did nothing more for me (mostly) than to reinforce. I watched more tv than I read back then too.
But I was just curious if there are those out there who learned alot from comics. Or any specific leasons anyone learned from comics?
Or perhaps, Are comics still educational in this way today? If a kid picked up a comic today would they learn how to be a better person?
Why are the Ninja Turtles named after painters?

Eastman and Laird were worried that if they had too many Japanese names in the story, people wouldn't want to read the book, but they still wanted somewhat exotic names.
Ok, I have a stupid question...

Should I really bother reading Cerebus?
All the critics and Indie Geeks seem to think it's teh awesome. 10,000 guys on laptops in Starbucks couldn't possibly be wrong, right? :confused:
They could be. I just picked up one of the trades; I guess I'll know soon.
Please let us know how it was. (Preferably in the TPB Bought/Thought thread in this very forum.)
Here's a general one. its about comic bags and boards. Maybe this just happens to me or im crazy but i always buy the same count bags and boards everytime. I get 100 boards and 100 bags. Yet without fail i will get the end of the package and either wind up with more bags or more boards and its never the same one each time. does this happen to anyone else or can i just not separate boards and bags properly maing sure there is only one of each. Maybe its just something that happens from the manufacturer...i dunno. Thoughts........
Ok, I have a stupid question...

Should I really bother reading Cerebus?

Yes. It is really a great work of art. It became overshadowed in later issues/volumes due to the creators strange personal beliefs that he carried over into the book, but it is still a phenomenal story.
Here's a general one. its about comic bags and boards. Maybe this just happens to me or im crazy but i always buy the same count bags and boards everytime. I get 100 boards and 100 bags. Yet without fail i will get the end of the package and either wind up with more bags or more boards and its never the same one each time. does this happen to anyone else or can i just not separate boards and bags properly maing sure there is only one of each. Maybe its just something that happens from the manufacturer...i dunno. Thoughts........

I used to find that happened too. I never actually counted them out but I'd always end up with more of one or the other. I don't have that problem anymore since I quit bagging and boarding.

RAMBO (At his prime)




My money has to go with Rambo.
The whole "stupid" question thing isn't meant literally.
Did Savage Dragon ever get off that alternate world where everything was different from, like, 6 years ago?
Do we know who is physically stronger, Tech Jacket or Invincible? I know that both characters have been seen throwing around space ships without breaking a sweat. The question just occurred to me about why Zack Thompson (Tech Jacket) hasn't been brought in by Cecil to have a more prominent role in the Image superhero community and to be on the front lines against any Viltrumite threat, along with Invincible and the Guardians of the Globe.

I'm also curious about why the Viltrumites haven't attacked Geldaria itself, to get ahold of their own Tech Jackets in an effort to become insanely more powerful.
I actually just finished e-mailing the Invincible/PenVinciPals letter column asking pretty much that question.
So maybe you'll get published. He publishes just about everything anyway.

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