the official Super Mario Galaxy Thread!


Dec 8, 2005
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beautiful images, and i can honestly say that i dont think a gamecube can produce these.






looks great cant wait to play mario!
It's definetely looking original. It's good to see Nintendo using their heads to create a more original Mario game everytime.

Cannot wait :D:up:
I will love this game like I loved Super Mario 64. Im getting this game first day it comes out.
I think they really need to create an old school Mario in 3D.

I mean Mario 3/Mario World but in Wii stylee.
you really don't think the gamecube could produce images like that? i admit the game will more than likely rock, but those graphics are nothing special at all.
Though I agree with the "Gamecube could do these graphics" statement, this actually looks like the Revolution (No pun intended) from Super Mario 64 as opposed to the evolution that Sunshine was.
Mr. Credible said:
you really don't think the gamecube could produce images like that? i admit the game will more than likely rock, but those graphics are nothing special at all.

The graphics for the Wii aren't complete yet. This game along with others are going to look better eventually.
Those screens aren't impressive but I thought the gamepay videos looked beautifull. I'll definatley be picking this up. :)
this game looks great im suprised Nintendo went this route after Sunshine didn't go as well as expected. Maybe we can get this game and 128 in the future
I thought it was established that Wii is about gameplay not graphics, and if that keeps the price of the system and games down, I'm all for it :up:
hippie_hunter said:
The graphics for the Wii aren't complete yet. This game along with others are going to look better eventually.

i hope so, but we'll see. nintendo themselves haven't said anything (that i've read) to the contrary. all i've heard from them is that their new system isn't about graphics.
ok im just gonna make this quick and this will be the end of the graphics conversation. the GPU is not done. nintendo is secretive about thier specs, always have been. nintendo would never make aconsole that is similar specs wise to a previous console, that would be just stupid and would ruin there reputation.

"At this present time, it is difficult to provide a concret answer, for Nintendo has refrained thus far from providing a comparable specs sheet as well as in-game screenshots. However, as Nintendo President Satoru Iwata said in a G4 interview towards the end of September 2005, "If you are just going to compare the spec sheets and spec numbers, Revolution may not have an equal or higher number as the PlayStation 3 or Xbox 360. But the fact of the matter is that if people are going to connect our machine and their machine to an ordinary TV set at home and try to compare the differences, I really don't think that they can tell such a huge difference between the machines."

Despite not having the ability to run games in high definition, much of Nintendo's leadership has constitently stated that the Wii will compare graphically to the competition. Quoting Iwata from E3 2005: "When you turn on the machine and see the graphics, you will say 'wow'."


thats all i have to say end of discussion. now back to the game.
SMG looks very fun. I doubt it will be as great as SM64, but nothing ever will be.
giggs11uk said:
this game looks great im suprised Nintendo went this route after Sunshine didn't go as well as expected. Maybe we can get this game and 128 in the future

Super Mario Galaxy is Super Mario 128 I beleive
hippie_hunter said:
Super Mario Galaxy is Super Mario 128 I beleive
except that is actually 356.

128 was last generation's number
I think that the graphics are looking tight, from the video I saw. :up:
Corinthian™ said:
except that is actually 356.

128 was last generation's number

Bit number means nothing it was just a super-ficial way of showing off a system's power back in the 90s.
The Amazing Lee said:
I think they really need to create an old school Mario in 3D.

I mean Mario 3/Mario World but in Wii stylee.

They just released a game like that for DS. It's called "NEW Super Mario Bros"., and so far, it has recieved positive reviews. If the sales follow, I think you may get your wish for a Wii version of it.
I cannot wait for this game. I'm a little aprehensive about trying to control Mario with the nunchuck and tinker with his environment with the wiimote at the same time, but overall, the clips that I saw made me cream my pants.
Itsa Space...
The Final Frontier...
Super Mario Galaxy... The newest Mario game for the Wii... It's mission...
To boldly go where no plubmer has gone Before...
I AM SOOO THERE!! I'm a sucker for Mario...
Everything I've seen so far has me really excited to try it. Great graphics for the game.

It's third on my list of most wanted games for the Wii....I'm most excited for Metroid: Corruption, second for SSBB, and them Mario Galaxy.:up:

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