You mean the guy with the good opening that then became a useless character in the film?
No. I mean the guy with the great opening scene that automatically became one of the most memorable in the entire genre… and from a character that the Hollywood machine doesn’t shove down the throats of audiences in an attempt to make up their minds for them.
The scene where everyone in the theatre raved about, and the scene Roger Ebert LOVED was the invasion at the mansion.
So much so that he forgot to mention it in his review (both of them)...
Funny enough, he mention's Nightcrawler's as one of the best.
Wolverine's attack on the soldiers was the high point of X2
Wolverine’s attack on the soldiers is the high point for Wolverine, and it isn’t even the most visually exciting scene of the movie, nor does it have the most memorable dialogue. The build up to that scene, which had been foreshadowed since X-Men, is exciting in and of itself and not simply because Hugh Jackman is on-screen. The school could have been attacked with Cyclops, Jean, and Storm retaliating in place of Wolverine and it would have been a highlight of the movie because of what it represents.
Even the people behind X2 (Singer, Hayter, Shuler-Donner, Palermo, Dougherty) all agreed [on the DVD commentary] that scene starring WOLVERINE owned the spotlight.
What are you talking about? No they don't. At no point do they say anything like that. I've just listened to them. Singer discusses ratings issues, technical issues, and Daniel Cudmore. Shuler-Donner, Winter, Dougherty, Harris, and Hayter discuss other mutant cameos, especially Colossus, and other technical issues such as the Danger Room and Iceman's ice wall. They hardly discuss Wolverine at all... and John Palermo isn't even a producer on X2.
Nightcrawler had a cool intro.
Wolverine had a super cool MASSIVE killing spree.
Wolverine gets shot in the face and walks right back up.
Wolverine makes out with Famke.
Wolverine remembers a flashback of his escape from Weapon X.
Wolverine kills Deathstrike.
Who's got more cool scenes? Or better yet who's scenes matter?
In general? Or to a Jackman/Wolverine fanboy?
Patrick Stewart’s scenes matter. Ian McKellen’s scenes matter. Famke Janssen’s scenes matter. Alan Cumming’s scenes matter. I could go on and on, but you’re response shows just how much regard you have for anyone or anything that isn’t attached to the hip of Hugh Jackman.
It’s funny that you mention Roger Ebert, as though his opinion is the only one that matters, because in his personal review, he mentions everyone except for Wolverine. In his Ebert and Roeper review, he especially likes Janssen, and in his personal review he goes out of his way to note Janssen, McKellen, and Ashmore’s scenes… but there’s zero mention of Wolverine.
And we both know which character is getting his own spinoff movie.
It sure as hell isn't Nightcrawler.
Magneto? X-Men: First Class? See the second half of my first comment... although I do find it funny that, while I'm listening to Ebert and Roeper's review, they discuss how they would like to see spin-offs involving Storm, the intriguing Mystique, and Rogue (no mention of Wolverine).