The Supernatural War RPG Season I OOC/Sign-Up thread


A God Named Sparkles?
Nov 19, 2006
Reaction score

Climperoonie - Werewolf/Head GM
Spidey's Super fan - Human GM
Catman_prb - Vampire GM

  • For now, you may NOT have more than one character.
  • If you wish to be a Human, then change your mind after posting, you must RE-APPLY as a Werewolf or Vampire, then have your Human be bitten by a Werewolf or Vampire.
  • If you are unhappy with just being a normal Werewolf, Vampire or Human, there are variants, such as the Skinless Werewolf (See the Werewolf section of racial stats for more info)
  • Normal Hype! rules apply
  • Have fun!
*If I have missed anything out, could my fellow GMs notify me please, as this is my first created RPG.

The Story of the War:
Long ago, the head Vampire create a creature like no other. It was a wolf, but it could stand on it's hind legs and had limbs like Humans and Vampires. It was a vicious beast, ruthless and very strong. The Vampires used to train against it, treating it like a punching bag. But, like most animals, it evolved. Physically, it didn't evolve much different. But mentally, it became smarter. Much Smarter. It realised it could be much more than a living punching bag for Vampires. It broke free of it's chains, and ran. The Vampires were not worried. There was only one, and one alone. However, the head vampire had made one mistake whilst engineering it: It had accidently passed on the ability to bite people and turn them to their own kind. As the conflict came into the 21st century, humans were noticing. This chain of events started the Supernatural War.
So, my friends, allow yourselves to be bitten and become a superior being like a Werewolf or Vampire, or stay as a Human and fight us with your Petty guns and swords.

Racial Stats:
The Vampires are very civallized, like the ones from Underworld, but more evil. Think Lucius Malfoy from Harry Potter. They all share the same hatred for Werewolves, and couldn't care less about Humans. They do however, respect Human's civallized manner, so they generally go undercover when hunting Werewolves in a crowded place. They would only bite a uman were the numbers in their squad that has been sent out against the wolves go low. All Vampires (Bar the leader) hate Sunlight. If they wanna go out in daytime, it either has to be so stormy the sun is blotted out by clouds, or they have to wear sunglasses and one of those face cloths that people wear in the desert, gloves over their hands, and some kind of neck protector. Their only other weakness is being torn apart by a Werewolf (Though because Vampires are really good fliers, they will fly out of the way most of the time if this is attempted).
The Werewolves are kind of civallized. When someone is bitten, if they do not seek out the Werewolf clan straight away, the Leader will place bad dreams in the person's head, so that they then will seek out the Werewolf clan. When Werewolves have their first transformation (In this, they transform every night), they become the bloodthirsty beasts that have no memories or anything, and would just slaughter everything. On their third transformation, they keep their memories and Human personalities, but feel more evil. Fifth, they can start to morph at will. But, by the fifth Transformation, the strain in the Werewolves' genes that makes the person come to hate Humans and Vampires will have taken effect. Werewolves can be killed by humans if they are shot in the heart ten times with a silver bullet in the space of one minute (Though because Werewolves are really fast, this has not yet been accomplished). The only other way [Note: This does not work on the Leader] is to shoot the Human after the fifth transformation (Although after the fifth Transformation, they bascally stay Werewolves). Shoot them before, and a skinless horrifying Werewolf-beast will burst from the corpse and rip you to shreds.

And now, for your ascent into Fame, the applications for you joing the ranks of the armies. If you wish to become a beast of pure nightmare, a Werewolf, fill in this simple form:
Screen Name:

Name of Werewolf:

Fur Colour:

Clothing (If transformation hasn't torn them off):

How long this character has been a Werewolf (How much control the Human has over his werewolf form is defined by Werewolf age):

Colour of Speech:

Three reasons why you have chosen this character:

Do you know how to post pictures on these boards?:

Preview of a post:

If you wish to be a Bloodsucker, the Vampire, fill in this form:
Screen Name:

Name of Vampire:

Skin Colour:


How long this character has been a Vampire:

Colour of Speech:

Three reasons why you have chosen this character:

Do you know how to post pictures on these boards?:

Preview of a post:

To stay as you are, fill in this simple form:
Screen Name:

Name of Human:


Description of character:

Primary Weapon(s):

Colour of Speech:

Three reasons why you have chosen this character:

Do you know how to post pictures on these boards?:

Preview of a post:
Have fun! Start applying!


Lord Shrike


The Highwayman
Screen Name: Climperoonie

Name of Werewolf: Shuck
Alias: N/A

Fur Colour: Black (With Spikes on his back)

Clothing (If transformation hasn't torn them off): None

How long this character has been a Werewolf (How much control the Human has over his werewolf form is defined by Werewolf age): 127 years (He's the first Werewolf, so he can't be killed by Old age)

Colour of Speech: Georgia, Bold.

Three reasons why you have chosen this character:
1) Because I need to have a character to be the leader of the Autobots, duh.
2) He's a Werewolf.
3) He's fricking based on the coolest myth from my area ever!

Do you know how to post pictures on these boards?:

^Ask my friend.

Preview of a post:
It was long ago that they created me. The Vampires. Stupid Vermin. When I was first born, I had very limited Intelligence. The Vampires used me as a punching bag. Their leader, Lord Shrike, enjoyed seeing me in pain most. I hate him. I have always. Ever since that Godforsaken bastard brought me into this world, I've hated him. But luckily, I evolved. My brain grew, and I knew I could have a better cause than this.

So I broke free. I smashed from the cell they kept me in, and ran. I discovered I could climb, and climbed the tallest building I could find: The Empire State Building. When I got to the top, I threw back my head and howled my first words.

"I am SHUCK!"
Well I'm sure it is if not he'll delete it and you can start over.

Also Climperoonie I have a special idea for for my Werewolf but not entirly sure if I'm allowed to do it so I'll send you a PM.
Username: Harlekin
Name of human: The Highwayman
Job: N/A
Description of character: A trenchcoat wearing badass with a fedora hat and a nasty nicotine addiction. The Highwayman has black hair, brown eyes and a multitude of scars on his body, the most prominent one being two bite marks on his neck, covered up by a red scarf. The rest of his outfit gives off that Western vibe, although he wears your typical army boots.
Primary Weapon(s): An old-fashioned shotgun, an old revolver, and a variety of knives he carries on his person at all times.
Colour and font: Just your typical bolded speech.

Three reasons why you have chosen this character:
1. Because any RPG needs an anti-hero badass.
2. Because Johnny Cash is the man.
3. Because he's called the Highwayman, dammit!

Do you know how to post pictures on these boards?: No.
Preview of a post:
The Barn, just off route 62 near El Paso, Texas.

She had noticed him the moment he had walked in. She'd have to get rid of her current customer, a very good "tipper", but it'd be worth it. Slowly, she moved across the tavern to the man sitting alone at the edge of the bar. He had put his hat on the bar and was throwing back straight shots of whiskey.

"Howdy, stranger."

He looked to her incrediously and then turned back to his drink.

"Won't you buy a gal a drink?"

He looked at her again, now a small smile forming on his mouth.

"Bartender, get this girl a drink will you?"
"Oh, not just a girl, mister. I'm a woman," she said as her hand slid down her body, accentuating her curves. She put on her most dazzling smile and let the slightest hint of arousal into her voice. The bartender shook his head. She was really putting on the act.

"Maybe you've been stuck with little girls all your life, but this woman can show you what love is, baby." Yep, she was really pouring it on. The bartender couldn't figure out why, since nothing about the man had suggested any particular wealth. Maybe she wasn't in it to make money this time.
"You know what it is to love, babe?" she asked, now stroking his hair.

He looked towards her amused.

"Lady, there's only two things in this life that I love, and that's Jack and Suzy."
"Jack and Suzy? Who are they?" she asked, surprised.
"Jack's the name of this drink," the man said, pointing towards his glass.

"And Suzy? Suzy's the name of my gun."
Climp, I'm really sorry, but I'm afraid I'm going to have to drop out, I've got a lot going on in real life now, my dad has cancer and might be dying so I've gotta prioritize.
Screen Name: SenseiofCheese

Name of Vampire: Luther

Skin Colour: African American

A very old, torn black coat that ties to his origin. Other than that, he wears normal clothes.

How long this character has been a Vampire: Since 1680; 327 years.

Colour of Speech: Book Antiqua, Bold, Crimson

Three reasons why you have chosen this character:
1) I'm a big fan of vampire lore.
2) I feel I've crafted an interesting backstory for him.
3) I'd like to participate in a non-comics RPG.

Do you know how to post pictures on these boards?:


Preview of a post:

He couldn't help but laugh.
Darkness enveloped Luther as he raised his arms to his sides. He stood alone on top of a large apartment building, his feet mere inches from the ledge.
He had lived through many lifetimes, like most of his brethren. They had been their in the shadows, some for centuries, silently watching the humans go about their lives, blissfully unaware of the dangers that lurk behind every corner. A war was being waged. A war between the vampires and the foul monsters they had created. The wolves had been created for the sole purpose of being cannon fodder. But like most things, Luther thought to himself, they evolved.
Luther had always been one of a select few that opposed the experiments. The hounds were beaten, mutilated, fed on and when applicable, made to work.
It reminded him all too much of his life before the turn.

Almost before it permeated to silence, Luther's eyes shot towards the direction from which a chilling howl came.
He unbuttoned his coat, letting the tail dance in the wind. His eyes glowing a deep shade of crimson, Luther looked up at the night sky.
Perched in the darkness, like a hunter stalking it's prey, sat a full moon.

"Here we go."

Without a moment's hesitation, Luther stepped off the ledge.
Username: Harlekin
Name of human: The Highwayman
Job: N/A
Description of character: A trenchcoat wearing badass with a fedora hat and a nasty nicotine addiction. The Highwayman has black hair, brown eyes and a multitude of scars on his body, the most prominent one being two bite marks on his neck, covered up by a red scarf. The rest of his outfit gives off that Western vibe, although he wears your typical army boots.
Primary Weapon(s): An old-fashioned shotgun, an old revolver, and a variety of knives he carries on his person at all times.
Colour and font: Just your typical bolded speech.

Three reasons why you have chosen this character:
1. Because any RPG needs an anti-hero badass.
2. Because Johnny Cash is the man.
3. Because he's called the Highwayman, dammit!

Do you know how to post pictures on these boards?: No.
Preview of a post:
The Barn, just off route 62 near El Paso, Texas.

She had noticed him the moment he had walked in. She'd have to get rid of her current customer, a very good "tipper", but it'd be worth it. Slowly, she moved across the tavern to the man sitting alone at the edge of the bar. He had put his hat on the bar and was throwing back straight shots of whiskey.

"Howdy, stranger."

He looked to her incrediously and then turned back to his drink.

"Won't you buy a gal a drink?"

He looked at her again, now a small smile forming on his mouth.

"Bartender, get this girl a drink will you?"
"Oh, not just a girl, mister. I'm a woman," she said as her hand slid down her body, accentuating her curves. She put on her most dazzling smile and let the slightest hint of arousal into her voice. The bartender shook his head. She was really putting on the act.

"Maybe you've been stuck with little girls all your life, but this woman can show you what love is, baby." Yep, she was really pouring it on. The bartender couldn't figure out why, since nothing about the man had suggested any particular wealth. Maybe she wasn't in it to make money this time.
"You know what it is to love, babe?" she asked, now stroking his hair.

He looked towards her amused.

"Lady, there's only two things in this life that I love, and that's Jack and Suzy."
"Jack and Suzy? Who are they?" she asked, surprised.
"Jack's the name of this drink," the man said, pointing towards his glass.

"And Suzy? Suzy's the name of my gun."
Johnny Cash
is indeed the man
Username: Harlekin
Name of human: The Highwayman
Job: N/A
Description of character: A trenchcoat wearing badass with a fedora hat and a nasty nicotine addiction. The Highwayman has black hair, brown eyes and a multitude of scars on his body, the most prominent one being two bite marks on his neck, covered up by a red scarf. The rest of his outfit gives off that Western vibe, although he wears your typical army boots.
Primary Weapon(s): An old-fashioned shotgun, an old revolver, and a variety of knives he carries on his person at all times.
Colour and font: Just your typical bolded speech.

Three reasons why you have chosen this character:
1. Because any RPG needs an anti-hero badass.
2. Because Johnny Cash is the man.
3. Because he's called the Highwayman, dammit!

Do you know how to post pictures on these boards?: No.
Preview of a post:
The Barn, just off route 62 near El Paso, Texas.

She had noticed him the moment he had walked in. She'd have to get rid of her current customer, a very good "tipper", but it'd be worth it. Slowly, she moved across the tavern to the man sitting alone at the edge of the bar. He had put his hat on the bar and was throwing back straight shots of whiskey.

"Howdy, stranger."

He looked to her incrediously and then turned back to his drink.

"Won't you buy a gal a drink?"

He looked at her again, now a small smile forming on his mouth.

"Bartender, get this girl a drink will you?"
"Oh, not just a girl, mister. I'm a woman," she said as her hand slid down her body, accentuating her curves. She put on her most dazzling smile and let the slightest hint of arousal into her voice. The bartender shook his head. She was really putting on the act.

"Maybe you've been stuck with little girls all your life, but this woman can show you what love is, baby." Yep, she was really pouring it on. The bartender couldn't figure out why, since nothing about the man had suggested any particular wealth. Maybe she wasn't in it to make money this time.
"You know what it is to love, babe?" she asked, now stroking his hair.

He looked towards her amused.

"Lady, there's only two things in this life that I love, and that's Jack and Suzy."
"Jack and Suzy? Who are they?" she asked, surprised.
"Jack's the name of this drink," the man said, pointing towards his glass.

"And Suzy? Suzy's the name of my gun."
I'm not meant to approve people who aren't Werewolves, but cause of this:
Climp, I'm really sorry, but I'm afraid I'm going to have to drop out, I've got a lot going on in real life now, my dad has cancer and might be dying so I've gotta prioritize.
I'll approve you. All Humans will now be approved by me or Catman until we get a new Human GM.
Cool. Sorry to hear about your dad, SSF, hope he's able to recover.
Oh and just as a side-note, that sample post was just something I threw together just before going to sleep. Just trying to get a feel for writing him and such.
Also, Climp, later on I too might have a special idea for Luther, which will require approval from the Leaders (GMs). But that won't be for a while.
Oh and just as a side-note, that sample post was just something I threw together just before going to sleep. Just trying to get a feel for writing him and such.
Also, Climp, later on I too might have a special idea for Luther, which will require approval from the Leaders (GMs). But that won't be for a while.
Sure thing, shoot Catman a PM and tell him to apply you.
Screen Name: Guess

Name of Vampire: Known only as The Romanian (oooo mystery)

Skin Colour: Caucasian, Pale but not 'skull-white'

Various. But mainly shirtless with a brown trenchcoat and pants.

How long this character has been a Vampire: Unknown

Colour of Speech: Brown, Microsoft Sans Bold

Three reasons why you have chosen this character:
1) Vampires > werewolves
2) I want to play someone mysterious.

Do you know how to post pictures on these boards?: Indeed I do.

Inspired by the above :D

Preview of a post:
Coming soon to a post new you!
Screen Name: Catman_prb

Name of Vampire: Lord Shrike, President of the Vampires Court.

Skin Colour: Palest white.

Clothing: Black dinner suit, normally wrapped in a black coat. Carries a long cane.

How long this character has been a Vampire: As long as any can remember.

Colour of Speech: Book Antiqua Red

Three reasons why you have chosen this character:
1) As Vampire GM, I should probably have a character.
2) How evil can I be, whilst staying sophisticated...let's find out.
3) Vampires rule.

Do you know how to post pictures on these boards?:
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He walked through the darkened hall of his mansion, a haunted look upon his face. He would not have dared called himself the first vampire, yet that is how these younglings veiwed him. If he had not done away with the High Council, due to their arrogance in creating the werewolf, he would be happier. But it was as it was, and there was nothing he could do to change that.

A young vampire came hurrying towards him. Shrike expected him to bow down in obedience, but he came for him, fangs in full view. Shrike sighed, sidestepped the feeble assassination attempt, and sliced his head off. It rolled slowly across the hall, and Shrike felt a million eyes watching him.

"Let the fate of those who challenge my will be well known. Foy many of you will soon face it," Shrike declared, before retiring to his study.
Yeah, so uhm, disregard everything I said in my sample post, since what I wrote didn't really fit in to the history.
Nevermind, as soon as Catman approves me :-)cmad:) I'll PM him and you, Climp, about my plans.
Screen Name: Catman_prb

Name of Vampire: Lord Shrike, President of the Vampires Court.

Skin Colour: Palest white.

Clothing: Black dinner suit, normally wrapped in a black coat. Carries a long cane.

How long this character has been a Vampire: As long as any can remember.

Colour of Speech: Book Antiqua Red

Three reasons why you have chosen this character:
1) As Vampire GM, I should probably have a character.
2) How evil can I be, whilst staying sophisticated...let's find out.
3) Vampires rule.

Do you know how to post pictures on these boards?:
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He walked through the darkened hall of his mansion, a haunted look upon his face. He would not have dared called himself the first vampire, yet that is how these younglings veiwed him. If he had not done away with the High Council, due to their arrogance in creating the werewolf, he would be happier. But it was as it was, and there was nothing he could do to change that.

A young vampire came hurrying towards him. Shrike expected him to bow down in obedience, but he came for him, fangs in full view. Shrike sighed, sidestepped the feeble assassination attempt, and sliced his head off. It rolled slowly across the hall, and Shrike felt a million eyes watching him.

"Let the fate of those who challenge my will be well known. Foy many of you will soon face it," Shrike declared, before retiring to his study.
Preview of a post: Coming soon to a post new you! FOOOL

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