The Dark Knight Rises The TDKR General Discussion Thread - - Part 134

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This was after Bruce came back. He needed Lucius I think. So they staged it like he'd been kidnapped to get him in the room with Lucius.

Ah..that article described the scene a bit differently with the barbed wire and all..I dont even remember selina saying that? But I guess maybe it is the same one.
It would have been so cool if Bane would have been so wounded due to [BLACKOUT]Batman breaking his tubes, that even Talia get's p***** and stabs Bruce, while Bane is dying she tells Bruce about his, and her past. Boom that would have been way better! Don't let Bane get back up![/BLACKOUT]
Bane is in his 20s when saving the child.
Ras trains Bruce about 20 years later.
Bruce retires for 8 years.

Doesn't this mean that Bane is close to 50 years old and Bruce is actually younger?

Bane, however, appears as a younger stronger man.

Anyone else disappointed that TDKR did not play into the theme of the physical limitations of an older Bruce being batman (ala the Dark knight Returns) by having him face a younger, stronger adversary in Bane?
Not really Bruce is not really that old considering The dark knight was set 6 months after Batman Begins, bruce is just in his late 30's very early 40's hardly old.
Anyone else disapointed at how Bane died? just a little too fast, barely even registered.
Anyone else disapointed at how Bane died? just a little too fast, barely even registered.

The first time yes. The second time i watched the film it didn't bother me as much. The gun on the Bat-pod could destroy cars after all.
Bane was built up as a huge physical threat but then his death and the twist reveal of Miranda at the end destroy's Bane's character.

His death made it even worse.

I think the film missed completely on setting up a compelling theme of Bruce meeting a stronger adversary and coming to terms with his own physical limitations.
For him to be just taken out like that was pretty unsatisfying.
Bane was built up as a huge physical threat but then his death and the twist reveal of Miranda at the end destroy's Bane's character.

His death made it even worse.

I think the film missed completely on setting up a compelling theme of Bruce meeting a stronger adversary and coming to terms with his own physical limitations.

Id say the first absolute brutal beatdown totally negates this statement.
Bane had to go by being blasted by the Batmobile cannon. Why?

Redemption for Selina and her earlier betrayal of Bruce/Batman.

Batman already beat him in hand to hand before Talia's intervention. Yet another fight wouldn't have served the story or the characters.
It was just too quick, i understand the pod could do that, thats not the problem, it should have been a little more drawn out instead of 'boom' flies across the floor, hits wall, dead. over in seconds.

I thought he was going to die gasping from having his mask ruined/ripped off.
The first fight between Bane and Batman makes it clear that Bruce cannot use brute strength or skill to fight Bane.

BUT, when the fight again, Bruce decides to do the exact same thing and over-power Bane physically. This seems out of character for batman. Instead, he should have used his intellect or another tactic to weaken Bane first by damaging his mask and then taking him on physically.

The 2nd fight shows that Bruce did not learn anything from their first encounter and he dies like a throwaway character. Hell, I would have preferred in Bane, right before Batman is about to defeat him, does something in desperation to try and kill both him and Bruce.
Id say the first absolute brutal beatdown totally negates this statement.

TDKR clearly shows that Bane is a stronger adversary but doesn't at all touch upon Bruce realizing his physical limits. In fact, Bruce starts out with a cane and, after getting a knee brace and doing some push ups, is in top physical form (strong enough to now beat Bane in a brawl).
What the hell does bane say to dagget or w.e. his name is? He says 'I'm Gothams Reckoning', then something else... there is also another scene I didn't understand Bane, just cant remember right now.
The first fight between Bane and Batman makes it clear that Bruce cannot use brute strength or skill to fight Bane.

BUT, when the fight again, Bruce decides to do the exact same thing and over-power Bane physically. This seems out of character for batman. Instead, he should have used his intellect or another tactic to weaken Bane first by damaging his mask and then taking him on physically.

The 2nd fight shows that Bruce did not learn anything from their first encounter and he dies like a throwaway character. Hell, I would have preferred in Bane, right before Batman is about to defeat him, does something in desperation to try and kill both him and Bruce.

Idk what this even means. He wasnt going to take bane out by any other means besides physically beating him. He broke his mask. He obviously was a tad stronger in their second fight having been back in action for awhile. Again, this totally negates your point that they didnt show that batman wasnt ready for bane after being out of commision. He clearly wasnt, but because of his physical and mental torture in the pit, he came back more than anything mentally reborn and ready to face him instead of the haphazard way he approached fight number one.
It was such a weak death that it worked because someone like Bane would want a big grand theatrical victorious death so because it was lousy it was better. Well thats the reasoning someone posted before that I'm clinging to.
What the hell does bane say to dagget or w.e. his name is? He says 'I'm Gothams Reckoning', then something else... there is also another scene I didn't understand Bane, just cant remember right now.

Daggett: You're pure evil.

Bane: I'm necessary evil.
What the hell does bane say to dagget or w.e. his name is? He says 'I'm Gothams Reckoning', then something else... there is also another scene I didn't understand Bane, just cant remember right now.

Wasn't that before "You think you're in control over me?"

I love how Bane used Dagget, just like in BB Ras used Crane for personal gains.
There were a few Bane scenes that i couldent understand at first, took me a few seconds, my fiance said she couldent understand alot of it though.

I did like his line 'he has a lovely voice' though about the choir boy.

Bane loves him some male choir boy, in the most innocent way of course.
Wasn't that before "You think you're in control over me?"

I love how Bane used Dagget, just like in BB Ras used Crance for personal gains.

It's right after the 'Gothams Reckoning' line.. he says hes 'there to blahblah the false blah blah' or something along those lines...
TDKR clearly shows that Bane is a stronger adversary but doesn't at all touch upon Bruce realizing his physical limits. In fact, Bruce starts out with a cane and, after getting a knee brace and doing some push ups, is in top physical form (strong enough to now beat Bane in a brawl).

Like I said, he didnt hardly beat bane in the second brawl. until he fractures the mask, Id say at best the fight was even. The resurrection from the pit was more than just a phsical rebirth but gave him back his mental strength and determination to fight the man who broke his back. I think your looking at it in too black and white terms.
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