The Dark Knight Rises The TDKR General Discussion Thread - - - - - - - - Part 140

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I liked The Town's ending more than this movie. At least

Doug wanted to really leave Boston behind, including the girl, and the money. He really put it all in his rear view. Also, The Town's ending felt more true to his character and his character's desires as established throughout that film. Doing something very similar with Bruce doesn't ring true to their own interpretation of the character. This stuff with Alfred wishing Bruce never ever came back to Gotham was really forced and a retcon of Alfred's character in the first two films. They transferred Alfred's fantasy wishes into Bruce's reality.
I liked The Town's ending more than this movie. At least

Doug wanted to really leave Boston behind, including the girl, and the money. He really put it all in his rear view. Also, The Town's ending felt more true to his character and his character's desires as established throughout that film. Doing something very similar with Bruce doesn't ring true to their own interpretation of the character. This stuff with Alfred wishing Bruce never ever came back to Gotham was really forced and a retcon of Alfred's character in the first two films. They transferred Alfred's fantasy wishes into Bruce's reality.

I thought TDKR's ending was the best part of the trilogy....

Nolan's Bruce never seemed like a man determined to be Batman forever. He was ready to move on with Rachel about halfway through TDK.
I thought TDKR's ending was the best part of the trilogy....

Nolan's Bruce never seemed like a man determined to be Batman forever. He was ready to move on with Rachel about halfway through TDK.

Bruce never said anywhere he wanted to live with Rachel in Italy and leave Gotham forever and fake his own death. This stuff is all new to TDKR. And Bruce doesn't say this stuff--Alfred does. Except faking the death part.

The desire he expressed in TDK was for a time when Gotham didn't need Batman anymore and Rachel would be with him.
Bruce never said anywhere he wanted to live with Rachel in Italy and leave Gotham forever and fake his own death. This stuff is all new to TDKR. And Bruce doesn't say this stuff--Alfred does. Except faking the death part.

The desire he expressed in TDK was for a time when Gotham didn't need Batman anymore and Rachel would be with him.

I doubt his plan ever was to leave Gotham, move to Italy and fake his death but the oppurtunity presented itself with the events of TDKR. He probably just went to Italy to please Alfred and spent the rest of is time travelling. My point with Rachel was that he did always have a plan to move on and was never obsessed with fighting crime therefore him moving on at the end of TDKR didn't just come out of thin air and feel out of character.

Alfred also had his doubts throughout the trilogy but knew by TDK that there was no way of talking Bruce out of it. He said he was gonna "call the men in white coats" in BB yes that line is likely meant to be a bit of comic relief but he probably also meant it. He himself believed Batman believed for something more but still didn't like the affect it had on Bruce physically and (in TDKR) mentally. I also feel Alfred's "I never wanted to you to come back to Gotham..." line would have had the same effect if it was in BB or TDK as it did in TDKR.

TDKR's ending felt perfectly natural to me.
I thought TDKR's ending was the best part of the trilogy....

Nolan's Bruce never seemed like a man determined to be Batman forever. He was ready to move on with Rachel about halfway through TDK.

The point of the ending was Bruce Wayne was wrong for Batman because of the baggage. It was killing him. His end game was to inspire and make the symbol legendary. And he succeeded.
The point of the ending was Bruce Wayne was wrong for Batman because of the baggage. It was killing him. His end game was to inspire and make the symbol legendary. And he succeeded.

I know. He did yet he almost done that in TDK with Dent which is why he was ready to move on with Rachel.
After my second viewing...

How, when Bruce Wayne quit being Batman after TDK, did he somehow manage to build a "dual rising cube" platform in front of the waterfall for The Bat to land on...before he apparently knew The Bat existed?
After my second viewing...

How, when Bruce Wayne quit being Batman after TDK, did he somehow manage to build a "dual rising cube" platform in front of the waterfall for The Bat to land on...before he apparently knew The Bat existed?

Does... does that matter?
He didn't build it for the Bat to land on...
After my second viewing...

How, when Bruce Wayne quit being Batman after TDK, did he somehow manage to build a "dual rising cube" platform in front of the waterfall for The Bat to land on...before he apparently knew The Bat existed?
He did that just for you. He knew you'd come back and point that out.

Yep. Its a hidden place for the computer and the suit.
Doesn't he land The Bat on the platforms and then move down the catwalk to the other platform where he then works at the computer and gets lectured to by Alfred?
Doesn't he land The Bat on the platforms and then move down the catwalk to the other platform where he then works at the computer and gets lectured to by Alfred?

I've seen it twice. ::shrugs::
He did that just for you. He knew you'd come back and point that out.


I don't know... I think Batman is Jett. He knew what will happen years before. :oldrazz:
Actually, its just the batsuit that's part of that platform. The computer is on the other side of the bridge. So it's not a plot-hole or whatever you may be trying to call it lol..
How did Bruce know to build a computer in the Batcave...before he knew he'd need it to track Selina and decode the clean slate program?
Probably the same way he knew he needed to fix the autopilot so he could fake Batman's death with a nuclear bomb. :oldrazz:
Pretty sure he was joking. :funny:
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