Except that we haven't had anyone from those countries commit a terrorist attack. And yet, for some strange reason, the countries that did originate terrorists, are just fine. I'm sure its just a coincidence that he has business interests in those countries. We just handed ISIS a propaganda victory. People with green cards cannot leave, and those that left nearly had their lives ruined.
Oh, and that fight against ISIS. Just got a lot more difficult because the Iraquis are understandably upset. And those that were willing to work with Americans aren't going to want to now, with us treating them like this. We just spat in the face of those that worked with us to achieve our objectives, who risked reprisals from their fellow Iraquis.
And if you want to call 3 million more people a minority, that's a fine alternative fact.
The sheer irony of turning back refugees on the day of remembrance of the Holocaust is something you will likely not get. As well with their attempts to "all lives matter" it.