I hope that the MPAA realizes the percentages of this poll. Right now, there isn't a huge crowd that won't see it because of the leaked version...
I love the comments on the front page...it makes the people I think are crazy in here seem absolutely sane.
i agree, I plan to see the movie in theatres, buy the bluray, the whole nine yards.probably for the same reasons people are talking about the leaks on this forum. watching the leak isnt where the legal danger comes. u wont get arrested for watching it. one executive even talked about how those that watched it are the same types who will watch it over and over in theatres. the legal danger comes from distributing it. if u are making it available to others, u can get busted. so unless u are hosting it on a website or making bootleg dvd's, u have nothing to worry about. why would fox want to go after people who watched it when that crowd is full of people like me who will be helping their bottom line by seeing it multiple times in theatres?