
|-o-| (-o-) |-o-|
Sep 28, 2004
Reaction score

Normally I wouldn't post this myself but, I don't have a team behind me. :o

But this Tuesday, vote for the candidate that cares. The one who makes you laugh. The one who does it for you.

Erzengel/Brutal 2007
*gets gun* looks like I'm doing some assassinating Tuesday :ninja:
Chuck Norris Erz? Really...? :(

Vote for Mee, cause he's not into bazillion year old fads. :o:up:

Normally I wouldn't post this myself but, I don't have a team behind me. :o

But this Tuesday, vote for the candidate that cares. The one who makes you laugh. The one who does it for you.

Erzengel/Brutal 2007
OMG!! It looks like Shaq is going after Erzie's balls! And I'm not talking about the one that's orange in color!!! :eek:

Erz, you and John don't need a team. You guys don't even need the votes. So why don't you be the loving man that you are and throw some of your votes my way instead? I will guarantee you both a place in my oval office. :heart:
Erz was voted out of Survivor for a reason. He was stabbed in the back by his fellow men, is he really a man to lead?

A man who could not lead his own tribe?

Do you really want this man leading the hype?

'Normally I wouldn't post this myself but, I don't have a team behind me. '
His own words.

Theres areason for everything, theres a reason he has no team.

This tuesday the only sensible choice is Dbella/Hunter Rider.

This Tuesday dont waste your vote on a man who lost histribe from bad leadership, Give it to the real people that count.

Dbella/Hunter Rider.
^To quote Warhammer: "Word."
Erz was voted out of Survivor for a reason. He was stabbed in the back by his fellow men, is he really a man to lead?

A man who could not lead his own tribe?

Do you really want this man leading the hype?

'Normally I wouldn't post this myself but, I don't have a team behind me. '
His own words.

Theres areason for everything, theres a reason he has no team.

This tuesday the only sensible choice is Dbella/Hunter Rider.

This Tuesday dont waste your vote on a man who lost histribe from bad leadership, Give it to the real people that count.

Dbella/Hunter Rider.

How can the good people of the Hype throw their vote away on candidates supported by people who can't even properly put together a post?

This Tuesday, prove your intelligence by separating yourself from the other candidates' supporters...

Vote Erzengel/Brutal 07'
How can the good people of the Hype throw their vote away on candidates supported by people who can't even properly put together a post?

This Tuesday, prove your intelligence by separating yourself from the other candidates' supporters...

Vote Erzengel/Brutal 07'

Your lowering yourself to mocking internet grammar? is there anything lower Brutal.

thats real big man, real big.

If people want to be intellegent and show they can think for themselves the one person they wont vote for is you.
... says the man who created the Twinkie thread.

Vote Erzengel/Brutal 07'

Kirk would too. :o
It's all slander.
How can the good people of the Hype throw their vote away on candidates supported by people who can't even properly put together a post?

This Tuesday, prove your intelligence by separating yourself from the other candidates' supporters...

Vote DBella/hunter 07'
A vote for Erz/BRUTAL is a vote for segregation. After all that efforts that were put in by those before us, do you really want candidates who trample on the little people? Say "NO!" to 'brutality' and say "NO!" to those who oppose diversity!
A man that already couldn't control his own tribe and a mute that speaks through graphics ? I think not, vote for the Fair and just Bella this Tuesday, it's the only real choice.

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