Thor: Love and Thunder | Official News and Speculation Thread

I wouldn't mind if Natalie Portman got so big and muscular that she looked like a female bodybuilder and even thought of entering some competitions.
Chris Pratt Teases ‘Tomorrow War,’ ‘Guardians of the Galaxy 3’ and ‘Thor: Love and Thunder’
Reflecting on working with Gunn and “Thor: Love and Thunder” director Taika Waititi, Pratt described the directors as “rock stars in their own way” who have their own styles of working. He continued to gush over Waititi, calling him a “madman” and “genius.”

“He is the kind of guy who can deliver an amazing movie…That’s the destination,” Pratt said. “The journey to getting there [is] just as fun as watching the movie. He’s vibrant, he’s always making the crew laugh, he’s doing bits. You can’t believe he’s the director.”
Taika Waititi on how Thor Love and Thunder differs from Ragnarok

Thor: Ragnarok revitalised the God of Thunder's solo Marvel movies by becoming an off-the-wall '80s romp, but for follow-up Thor: Love and Thunder, we've got to wonder how director Taika Waititi will change things up to keep it fresh.

That's also what the folks over at Empire had in mind when they interviewed the man himself, and he explained that the fourth Thor movie is going to be even more off-the-wall – while at the same time having more of an emotional core.

"It's very different from Ragnarok," he told the magazine. "It's crazier. I'll tell you what's different. There'll be far more emotion in this film.”

"And a lot more love. And a lot more thunder,"
he added. "And a lot more Thor, if you've seen the photos."
Karen Gillan Explains Why Nebula Is Feeling Both Relief and Loss Going Into 'Thor: Love and Thunder'

“I think we left Nebula in a really interesting place where she experienced the death of her father, but also of her abuser essentially, the person that made her life a living hell. And so those feelings are really conflicting. I think for her, she’s feeling a sense of relief, the catharsis of it all, but she’s also probably feeling a sense of loss to a father figured because these relationships can be really, really complicated where even though they’re treating you so badly, you can still be desperate for approval and love from that type of figure in your life. And so for her, I think it’s both.”
Leaving how you can't take Taika's words without a giant pinch of salt given his comedic tendencies...

Is this admitting that TR didn't have much of an emotional core? :o
I believe his words about TLT being more emotional because other cast members have also shared the same idea and the source material is also a good hint of what to expect.
Chris Hemsworth: The film is gonna be bat**** crazy off the wall funny and might also pull a heart string or two. Lots of love, lots of thunder!
Tessa Thompson: "It's very funny and very touching."
'A lot more Thor' might not necessarily mean more Chris Hemsworth, but the fact there are two Thors hahaha
I hope that this movie can make me like Jane Foster much in the same way Wandavision made me like Darcy. I hated how Jane and Darcy were written in the first two movies and I found Darcy to be quite annoying in the first two movies, so when I saw her in WandaVision my first thought was "this is the last chance for me to like the character" and lo and behold, by the end of WandaVision, I was like "I hope Darcy returns in the future." I right now feel the same way about Jane Foster.
Thor Ragnarok is the best of the Thor films so far.

And Taika's films have always had a comedic bent to them. What We Do in the Shadows is my favorite film of his but Jojo Rabbit is really good as well and it was well deserving of the Oscar nominations it got.
Kinda relevant to this movie since it will be borrowing so heavily from Jason Aaron's work:

Let's hope Feige and Co. aren't so stingy this time.
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Chris Hemsworth’s trainer/stunt double describes going from “Fat Thor” to god shape in ‘Thor: Love and Thunder’ - Everett Post
Of course, he can’t give spoilers, but Hanton says of Love and Thunder, “We knew that this was going to be amazing. I’m excited to say it’s going to be crazy.” The film was written and directed by Thor: Ragnarok director Taika Waititi, who Bobby first met when doubling for Ryan Reynolds in 2011’s Green Lantern.

Hanton added, “I’ve got a little part in it which I’m stoked about. The stunt team [was] absolutely incredible out in Australia with stunt coordinator Kyle Gardiner. And we put some really amazing stuff together.”

He enthuses, “Chris was on form, Taika’s on form. I think everyone’s going to be very, very, very pleased with the final result.”

All the crying about Fat Thor's body from two years ago...

So silly.

To be fair, a lot of the problems people had weren't just due to him being fat per se, but rather the way in which he was constantly used as the butt of jokes.

Personally, I don't hate Thorbowski as much as I once did, but there are still a few moments (like Rhodey's Cheez-Whiz barb) that still stick in my craw.
Regarding “Fat Thor” I understood the choice from a narrative standpoint, which actually makes total sense in terms of character continuity… but didn’t really appreciate the way it was done, outside from some funny moments and a badass scene.

They could have kept the same general idea of the unbearable weight of failure and it’s toll on Thor’s overall health but tweaked his storyline in a more tasteful manner.

But yeh some of the criticism was so exaggerated/exacerbated and devoid of foresight. Even back then there where signs pointing to the fact that Thor’s story was going to continue far into the MCU’s future and just because he didn’t get his due in AEG(which he did get in IW btw) didn’t meant that things had wrapped up in a underwhelming manner, it was just another chapter on the character's MCU journey.
Regarding “Fat Thor” I understood the choice from a narrative standpoint, which actually makes total sense in terms of character continuity… but didn’t really appreciate the way it was done, outside from some funny moments and a badass scene.

They could have kept the same general idea of the unbearable weight of failure and it’s toll on Thor’s overall health but tweaked his storyline in a more tasteful manner.

Yes. My issues with Thorbowski weren't so much to do with the idea of it, but rather the execution.

But yeh some of the criticism was so exaggerated/exacerbated and devoid of foresight. Even back then there where signs pointing to the fact that Thor’s story was going to continue far into the MCU’s future and just because he didn’t get his due in AEG(which he did get in IW btw) didn’t meant that things had wrapped up in a underwhelming manner, it was just another chapter on the character's MCU journey.

There was a certain poster who shall not be named who started proclaiming the death of Thor on account of it lmao.
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To be fair, a lot of the problems people had weren't just due to him being fat per se, but rather the way in which he was constantly used as the butt of jokes.

Personally, I don't hate Thorbowski as much as I once did, but there are still a few moments (like Rhodey's Cheez-Whiz barb) that still stick in my craw.

I was one that absolutely had issue with how much they leaned into humor undercutting most of the dramatic material they had for Thor.

I agree they turned the dial to 11 for no good godamned reason outside of, sorry to say, the Marvel Formula.

But there were the usual "They have RUUUUUUUUUUUUIIIIIINED THOOOOOOOOOOR MOMMY!!!" type complaints. Same with Hulk. "OMG... HIS ARM! WE CAN NEVER HAVE A HULK! WAHHHH!"

Yeah... Neither of those fictional issues are forever and neither is the narrative road block some fans think.

It's like if we all believed Thanos had won after Infinity War and no one showed up for Endgame. Has no one else read comics or seen a movie before? Wait for the next movie/issue.
I was one that absolutely had issue with how much they leaned into humor undercutting most of the dramatic material they had for Thor.

I agree they turned the dial to 11 for no good godamned reason outside of, sorry to say, the Marvel Formula.

Even within the so-called Marvel formula though, I think they could have approached it a bit better while still retaining the more humorous elements.

For me though, I think what has allowed me to gradually evolve a more positive opinion of Fat Thor is Hemsworth's performance. He manages to convey just enough pathos in key moments (his delivery of "Don't... you... say that name" when Hulk mentions Thanos always hits me right in the feels) that the audience is forced to at least temporarily take pity on him, and not solely see him as a laughing stock. When he tells Rocket and Hulk that they should go and ask the Asgardians ("the ones who are left, anyway") how much his help is worth, you get a strong sense of just how deeply his failure has affected him.

This is what stops it from becoming a total screw-up of the character IMO.
To be fair, a lot of the problems people had weren't just due to him being fat per se, but rather the way in which he was constantly used as the butt of jokes.

Personally, I don't hate Thorbowski as much as I once did, but there are still a few moments (like Rhodey's Cheez-Whiz barb) that still stick in my craw.
I thought at the time it went on one joke too long. I didn't mind it for a little bit, but it felt excessive.
It also matters to me who says the joke. Rocket has always been a jerk who fatshamed Quill and routinely goes after disabled people with prosthetics, which isn't great but at least it's in character for him to joke at Thor's expense. Frigga undercutting a supportive moment of building Thor's confidence back up and saying an emotional goodbye with "eat a salad" though is perhaps the worst joke to me. Given the character and her relationship with Thor she should be the last person to make such jokes.

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