Thor Movie News!!! (sony)

Advanced Dark

Nov 17, 2005
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Movie Version of Marvel Comic’s THOR Moves Forward Towards Sony Production
Mar 25, 2006, 15:10
Posted By Craig Bernstein

MOVIE VINE (March 25, 2006) - has confirmed that Rikki Lee Travolta of the famous entertainment family is the top candidate for the planned film adaptation of the Marvel comic book character based on the Nordic deity.

Although many comic-to-film casting decisions are met with distain by diehard graphic novel fans, the Marvel fan community in general and the Thor-specific fans have embraced the concept of John Travolta’s nephew in the role.

“6-foot 1, muscular, long blond hair. Good choice!” summarized one fan in a recent posting.

In addition to his muscular frame and model looks, Travolta is both a Shakespearean trained actor and high decorated in martial arts and hand-to-hand combat.

According to the media reports, Travolta turned down an offer to take over the role of James Bond from Pierce Brosnan because if he was to be typecast, he preferred the idea of being typecast in a superhero. Few actors are ever accepted in more than one icon role such as James Bond or Thor.

Following the dismissal of Pierce Brosnan, the role of James Bond was first offered to Clive Owen, then Hugh Jackman, and then Travolta. All three actors turned the role down leading to the acceptance of the opportunity by Daniel Craig.

David Goyer (Blade, Batman Begins) is reporting writing the script for the initial Thor feature film for production through Sony Pictures. Goyer also has expressed an interest in directing the feature.


Can't find any decent body shots of this dude.
I don't mind Travolta I just don't want Goyer directing this even though it's his favorite Marvel character. He should stick to writing. I knew he was gonna right this and I knew it WAS at Sony but I'm shocked their rights haven't expired.

Also Rikki isn't signed yet...he's just a top canidate.
I beleive that is what is going to happen since Goyer will be busy with the Flash.

That dude is NOT Thor.
Plz no, the dude is all wrong for Thor....:down
WOW! This is great news that came out of left field for me! Travolta Jr. looks the part that's for sure. Turning down Bond to do Thor? DAMN!

I know I'll be mocked but John Travolta playing Odin wouldn't bother me at all. (As long as you don't force Odin to dance at any point during the film)
YJ1 said:
WOW! This is great news that came out of left field for me! Travolta Jr. looks the part that's for sure. Turning down Bond to do Thor? DAMN!

I know I'll be mocked but John Travolta playing Odin wouldn't bother me at all. (As long as you don't force Odin to dance at any point during the film)

I hope youre being sarcastic.
Please look at that guy, nobody would ever, EVER cast him as Bond.
Darthphere said:
Please look at that guy, nobody would ever, EVER cast him as Bond.

Why not? Look what they went with for Heaven sake...

Everyone should stop moaning! The person who is writing the script did Blade and Batman Begins! :eek:
I just hope that if they DO end up making it that they shoot it in New Zealand and they hire WETA to do the effects and the costumes/props,etc. Thor should be Marvel's LOTR.
Quentin Beck said:
Everyone should stop moaning! The person who is writing the script did Blade and Batman Begins! :eek:
Begins was also supervised by Nolan. And Blade 1 is pretty overrated. :o
Quentin Beck said:
Everyone should stop moaning! The person who is writing the script did Blade and Batman Begins! :eek:

Yea, but he also wrote and directed Blade:Trinity. Goyer is only as good as his collaboraters.
Goyer is a great writer no doubt about it. He's an amateur director and has no clue how to direct what he's written. Or at least he hasn't shown that yet. He is however a HUGE Thor fan and this and Flash are his favorite characters ever per his own words.

The one thing that bugs me is I don't ever remember EVER hearing Travolta being up for the role of Bond and then (cough cough) turning it down. LOL That is the part of the story that bugs me the most. As if Rikki Travolta has big roles like that being thrown at him every day. Whoever wrote that story knew of Goyer's interest somehow so I challenge anyone to find something anywhere on the net that says Travolta was up for the role of Bond. I'd love to read about that if it exists.
Advanced Dark said:
Goyer is a great writer no doubt about it. He's an amateur director and has no clue how to direct what he's written. Or at least he hasn't shown that yet. He is however a HUGE Thor fan and this and Flash are his favorite characters ever per his own words.

The one thing that bugs me is I don't ever remember EVER hearing Travolta being up for the role of Bond and then (cough cough) turning it down. LOL That is the part of the story that bugs me the most. As if Rikki Travolta has big roles like that being thrown at him every day. Whoever wrote that story knew of Goyer's interest somehow so I challenge anyone to find something anywhere on the net that says Travolta was up for the role of Bond. I'd love to read about that if it exists.

He wasnt, and by looking at him you can tell he wasnt. At least Daniel Craig is looking good in the pics coming out showing him as Bond, I dont care what YJ1 says.
Sabretooth said:
Begins was also supervised by Nolan. And Blade 1 is pretty overrated. :o

Blade 1 isn't over-rated. It's the fans who love it. It's not as critics hailed it as a masterpiece and it flopped at the box office. It was a surprise film from a 4th tier character that sparked the comic book movie boom that we're in right now. It was Snipes defining role, and offered some of the best fight sequences captured in a big budget film release for it's time. Blade 2 was even better IMO bringing more horror into the story. Over rated no way...though you may not have liked it.

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