Saw it last night. I liked it, but didn't quite love it.
If this had been made 10/15 years ago, I feel Burton would have produced a snappier and more kinetic cut. As it is, it felt about 15 minutes or so too long.
Samuel L. Jackson didn't feel menacing and hammed it up far too much. And did Asa Butterfield come across really weak in his performance for anybody else?
What I liked:
Ella Purnell and Eva Green were fantastic. Both were born for Burton's lens, even if Green wasn't given much to do.
The romance angle between Jacob and Emma was nicely done. I was actually rooting for them to get together, but then I've always felt Burton handles this aspect well in his films.
The score was beautiful (A refreshing departure from Elfman).
Overall, it's a solid film that definitely deserves a second viewing and I agree with most that it is the most assured Burton has felt behind the camera in years. I can't say I'm eager for a sequel, but I mostly enjoyed this one while it lasted.
If your on the fence, I say give it a shot and you might be pleasantly surprised.