World to those who think a Batman /Superman film would suck: watch this!

This is picture proof enough that a Batman/Superman movie would be amazing:

The video was very bad and seemed like anybody could make it in 10 minutes. This thread should be closed or moved for it has nothing to do with SR.
Kane said:
This is picture proof enough that a Batman/Superman movie would be amazing:


No its not... The films are set in two vastly different universes you can never get them to match up.

For a BvsS film, you need two characters set in the same film universe. We dont have that.
Mentok said:
No its not... The films are set in two vastly different universes you can never get them to match up.

For a BvsS film, you need two characters set in the same film universe. We dont have that.

They could be in the same film universe, everyone else seems to agree. The stylized BTAS-like classic look of Metropolis could be a sign of the affluence of the city.

Gotham is pretty beat down, corrupt and in serious turmoil, thats why it looks so ghetto and realistic. However, at Bruce's parties and in the flashbacks, the clothing and look conformed to the more stylistic look.

They could easily fit together. Im surprised press are already asking Brandon and Singer questions about possibly doing a crossover.

It wouldnt be a Batman VERSUS Superman movie anyways. Like Brandon said, they shouldnt be fighting each other.
Mentok said:
That sucked :down :(

Completely whole-heartedly absolutely positively agree!

*Captain Picard tells me a simple 'yes' would have sufficed*
I presented this clip more for the potential it has (story wise) than for its quality. I'm aware its far from top notch. But when I saw Superman and Batman on the same screen, It didn't feel wrong, it felt...consivable.
Kane said:
They could be in the same film universe, everyone else seems to agree. The stylized BTAS-like classic look of Metropolis could be a sign of the affluence of the city.

Gotham is pretty beat down, corrupt and in serious turmoil, thats why it looks so ghetto and realistic. However, at Bruce's parties and in the flashbacks, the clothing and look conformed to the more stylistic look.

They could easily fit together. Im surprised press are already asking Brandon and Singer questions about possibly doing a crossover.

It wouldnt be a Batman VERSUS Superman movie anyways. Like Brandon said, they shouldnt be fighting each other.

It wont work. Singer even killed any talk of a crossover saying 'The worlds are too far apart, too different'
When did he say that? Its likely that he may not even continue with the franchaise that far into the future, who knows. I dont see how it couldnt fly if done properly. It just needs a kickass script and great director.
Its not so much if they could do a movie with the two of them. I'm sure they're some director out there who could meld the two universes into something interesting. Its more a dollar thing. Why would WB want to put two potential cash cows into one revenue stream? They wouldn't. There is more money to be made by seperate Batman and Superman movies coming out every three years than there is to be made by one movie with the two of them.

Having said that after three movies of each I'm sure WB would review the revenues being generated and if they are waning perhaps then a combo movie would be deemed finacially the right move as a last kick of the can so to speak before retiring the characters for 15 years for the next generation inturpertations.
That makes perfect sense Rob-el, but keep in mind that by making such a movie, fans from each two characters would want to see it. So, when you say «Why would WB want to put two potential cash cows into one revenue stream?» You gotta keep that in mind: they might make about twice as much money with this.
Rob-el said:
Its not so much if they could do a movie with the two of them. I'm sure they're some director out there who could meld the two universes into something interesting. Its more a dollar thing. Why would WB want to put two potential cash cows into one revenue stream? They wouldn't. There is more money to be made by seperate Batman and Superman movies coming out every three years than there is to be made by one movie with the two of them.

Having said that after three movies of each I'm sure WB would review the revenues being generated and if they are waning perhaps then a combo movie would be deemed finacially the right move as a last kick of the can so to speak before retiring the characters for 15 years for the next generation inturpertations.

After they do about 3 movies each, thats some pretty good revenue. A teamup movie could even generate a stronger revenue than the individuals if each film franchaise builds up its own fanbase.
Kane said:
After they do about 3 movies each, thats some pretty good revenue. A teamup movie could even generate a stronger revenue than the individuals if each film franchaise builds up its own fanbase.

Kane said:
When did he say that? Its likely that he may not even continue with the franchaise that far into the future, who knows. I dont see how it couldnt fly if done properly. It just needs a kickass script and great director.

He said it in the wizard interview when he said that he had the very strange experience of watching BB with Superman.
Wow, this thing is about 50 times better than the one I showed!! So I guess we do agree!!
From what Ive seen on this site, the vast majority seem to want this but its only under the condition that its well written and has the right director.

They dont want the Batman VS Superman script that was passed around hollywood. That sucked.

It has to be a World's Finest movie.
Not with those two actors. The Superman fan in me won't have Batman out manly-ing Supes for 2 hours.

Batman always owns Supes. Hes the greatest.

But its not like theres anyone else thats right for this Superman here besides Brandon :up:
Bad idea all around. I disagree that ppl from both camps would want to see this -- maybe the hardcore like us -- but casual viewing audiences? As ppl here have pointed out, I can ONLY see this happening after WB has milked each franchise out (i.e. 3+ movies) ... and sorry, by then it's going to be a watered down, Superman 4/Batman and Robin debacle -- made purely by marketers and driven by cash hounds ... I'd rather keep it in the comics and in animated cartoons -- forget it on the big screen. It'll do more damage than good.
Have you not seen how the DCAU handled the World's Finest movie though? It was good.

Why cant a similar approach be taken to the big screen version?
Kane said:
Stylistically it could work:

Superman is the light and Batman is the darkness. The interactions between these two characters is enough to make this movie amazing.

I agree the only way to tackle it would not to try to cast the characters into a similar enviornment but to embrace their differences in philosophy and psychology. Not only would you be exposing the differences between Batman and Superman in the storyline, you would also need to explore the differences between Clark and Bruce and Metropolis and Gotham. Once the writer sets up these differences he would have to find a way to help them past said differences to reach their ultimate goal.

It shouldn't necessarily be just Batman vs Superman from a physical standpoint, it should also touch about the points I made above, it becomes Batman vs Superman in every way. When faced with a certain issue, how would Batman approach it? What about Superman? This is what a writer has to think about if they want to write a great script in relation to these characters.

I have an outline in which a main part of the storyline involves each hero questioning their alter ego due to developments within the storyline. Bruce Wayne is wondering about the need for Batman anymore. As Bruce Wayne he is a hero to the people of Gotham, he drives the fastest cars and can have any woman he wants. As Batman he is looked upon as a freak and sometimes a menace. Superman is wondering the same thing, but in the opposite way, is there really a need for Clark Kent? As Superman he is admired throughout the world, and is looked upon as a God, a savior of the people. As Clark he is just a bumbling fool, and would anybody miss him if he was gone.

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