Too much CGI, not learning from last movie's mistakes?

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Corporate Money
Jan 25, 2003
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If there's already a thread on this but did they not learn there mistake with the last movie? Tell me how hard is it to stage a tracking shot with people running and then superimpose a cartoon character on top? The problem with the Hulk when adapting to the screen has always been there's nothing to ground him in reality. Transformers they had the actual cars so that when they transformed, it was bad ass, hell they even made full scale models of the transformers. Spider-Man, Superman, and even IRon Man there are real shots of the man in the suit. What do you have with the Hulk and Abomination? They got nothing but CGI and so essentially you're watching a frickin cartoon. I don't care how good the cgi is there always needs to be something that makes it live-action and from the preview there is nothing.

Perhaps I'm the only one that feels this way.
Well the last movie's mistake was the pacing. The cg was brilliant. Most of it looked totally realistic. I'm sure that when this one comes out it will have much better cg than HULK had, so there really isn't a problem here.
Tell me how you'd practically make a 9 foot Hulk?..

You're arguement about Transformers having actual cars isn't a great arguement... The Hulk has Ed Norton, Ed transforms into the hulk, & he's a real person :wow:

& u said it urself, in the preview there's nothing... It's a preview... & I cannot honestly see how they could do any practical Hulk or Abomination work, only thing I could see them do is create craters, throw things around, & add the hulk & Abom in as CG...

& In terms of grounding hulk in his world, This film should have much more footage of him on the ground, amongst New York City streets & citizens... Ang Lee's Hulk was just jumping everywhere...

I don't care much for how the Hulk is portrayed, whether it's live action or CG, I'm not an ass that watches a film & nitpicks all the faults in the CG, I just watch the film & c if I'm entertained... As long as Hulk looks as he does in the teaser, I'm happy... Although knowing that it's unfinished means that it'll look much better...
Couldn't they have done like this did in Harry Potter and LOTR's?
You know, when they take a shot of someone, but make them look like a giant compared to the people around them.
Like Gandalf compared to Frodo, or Hagrid compared to Potter?
Then you could basically have your weightlifter type with amazing prosthetics and makeup and enlarge him for the movie.

Then again I feel like all the current CGI needs are a few tweaks and it'll be amazing.
No body builders please. CGI really is the only way for Hulk to work Bubonic.
If there's already a thread on this but did they not learn there mistake with the last movie? Tell me how hard is it to stage a tracking shot with people running and then superimpose a cartoon character on top? The problem with the Hulk when adapting to the screen has always been there's nothing to ground him in reality. Transformers they had the actual cars so that when they transformed, it was bad ass, hell they even made full scale models of the transformers. Spider-Man, Superman, and even IRon Man there are real shots of the man in the suit. What do you have with the Hulk and Abomination? They got nothing but CGI and so essentially you're watching a frickin cartoon. I don't care how good the cgi is there always needs to be something that makes it live-action and from the preview there is nothing.

Perhaps I'm the only one that feels this way.
How can you ground something that is truly non existant? I agree that the physical tie ins are essential but there are models built for this purpose. We haven't seen them yet. That's what Stan Winston was working on.
If there's already a thread on this but did they not learn there mistake with the last movie? Tell me how hard is it to stage a tracking shot with people running and then superimpose a cartoon character on top? The problem with the Hulk when adapting to the screen has always been there's nothing to ground him in reality. Transformers they had the actual cars so that when they transformed, it was bad ass, hell they even made full scale models of the transformers. Spider-Man, Superman, and even IRon Man there are real shots of the man in the suit. What do you have with the Hulk and Abomination? They got nothing but CGI and so essentially you're watching a frickin cartoon. I don't care how good the cgi is there always needs to be something that makes it live-action and from the preview there is nothing.

Perhaps I'm the only one that feels this way.

well, bruce banner is a live action actor who transforms into a cg hulk...
i don't see anything wrong with the CGI. I think because since Hulk is such a beloved character, people are a little bit more concerned then...let's say the awful CGI in "I Am Legend". Seriously, that movie had terrible CGI.
Well the last movie's mistake was the pacing. The cg was brilliant. Most of it looked totally realistic. I'm sure that when this one comes out it will have much better cg than HULK had, so there really isn't a problem here.

i totally agree. if the beginning and middle weren't so slow then i don't think it would've gotten the negative views it did. if you start watching the original flick starting from the time Banner is captured, it's a much more enjoyable experience than watching it from the beginning. i don't think the effects or action were the problem, it was the pacing.
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