U.S. Senate apologizes to Native Americans for mistreatment

Yeah, you owe it to my great-great-great-grandfather, biotches!
I honestly don't see the point in this. What was done was absolutely terrible...but, well, there is no real way to right these wrongs and furthermore no one alive today carried them out. Why should we apologize for things we had nothing to do with?
Senate to Native Americans: "Let's bury the hatchet and smoke a peace pipe"
:huh: that's about as funny as a heart attack
When are they going to apologize to the U.S. and Iraq?
When are they going to apologize to the U.S. and Iraq?

Iraqi's We Apologize For Removing A Ruthless Dictator That Killed Hundreds Of Thousands Of Your Men, Women And Children. We Apologize For Giving You A Voice In Your Politics. We Apologize For Bringing In More And Better Infrastructure Than You Had Before We Came.

- Your's truly,

The U.S. Senate

Makes sense to me :huh:

On the true topic at hand though, I am a bit unsure how I feel. While I absolutely hate the actions of America in essentially eliminating the Native American presence on this continent, I don't think the people of today are responsible for it, thus they should not be expected to apologize.
You know what will be funny? In 350 years When the Black Senate apoligizes for enslaving honkies.
Daer Indeans.

Im so sorri we tok your land. We didnt meen to. You r reelly nice and stuff so you shood no have never lost yor land to us.

Iraqi's We Apologize For Removing A Ruthless Dictator That Killed Hundreds Of Thousands Of Your Men, Women And Children. We Apologize For Giving You A Voice In Your Politics. We Apologize For Bringing In More And Better Infrastructure Than You Had Before We Came.

- Your's truly,

The U.S. Senate

Makes sense to me :huh:

On the true topic at hand though, I am a bit unsure how I feel. While I absolutely hate the actions of America in essentially eliminating the Native American presence on this continent, I don't think the people of today are responsible for it, thus they should not be expected to apologize.

I agree with everything above. That's twice today that you nailed exactly what I was thinking.
Iraqi's We Apologize For Removing A Ruthless Dictator That Killed Hundreds Of Thousands Of Your Men, Women And Children. We Apologize For Giving You A Voice In Your Politics. We Apologize For Bringing In More And Better Infrastructure Than You Had Before We Came.

- Your's truly,

The U.S. Senate

Makes sense to me :huh:

On the true topic at hand though, I am a bit unsure how I feel. While I absolutely hate the actions of America in essentially eliminating the Native American presence on this continent, I don't think the people of today are responsible for it, thus they should not be expected to apologize.

who mentioned anything about the people of today? why do you like to assume things:huh:
who mentioned anything about the people of today? why do you like to assume things:huh:

When one apologizes - like TODAY's senate did, you have to except some of the blame for it to be valid.

For the Senate - representatives of our country who work on behalf of the people of America - to apologize is for the people of today to accept some responsibility to the horrible, inhuman, savage treatment of the Native Americans from another generation.
I will accept no blame for someone elses mishaps.
Are they asking for there 10 acres and a mule?
Why do it now? Because they have the sense to do it now, that's why. It's silly to sweep something under the rug just because it happened before you were born.
Why do it now? Because they have the sense to do it now, that's why. It's silly to sweep something under the rug just because it happened before you were born.

You can treat the treatment the Natives endured as horrible, disgusting and vile and not admit fault when you have none to bare.
I think we the Hype, should also apologize. And to black people.

You can treat the treatment the Natives endured as horrible, disgusting and vile and not admit fault when you have none to bare.

No, but your ancestors did........your great great great grandfather might have been apart of it..the same government is still here....so what to do ,say nothing at all.
No, but your ancestors did........your great great great grandfather might have been apart of it..the same government is still here....so what to do ,say nothing at all.

Actually my ancestors probably had little do with the actual tormenting of the Native Americans, though I am part Cherokee.

The government in place now is far different than the one in place then. This government doesn't treat minorities as second class citizens (or worse).

I also explicitly addressed your idea of "saying nothing at all" - you call what happened to the Native Americans exactly what it was - horrible, disgusting and vile. You view it AS such. You do not make excuses for it, nor do you try to hide that part of American History.

You stay away that it happens, but realize that no one alive today is accountable for it.

That is, of course, that rational way of looking at it.

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