Hey, Ive been browsing shh for years, ive barely ever posted. But I just saw the new Punisher and I really really need to vent. This is not going to be a positive post in the slightest, but bear with me.
First off I need to clarify that this is better than the Lundgren version. Thats not saying much. I'm not a fan of the 2004 version, but the translation of Bumpo dave and Joan the mouse were strong, and the russian scene was one of the best and most original moments in film for that whole year. Its a shame about the rest of the film, because lines like 'Gods gonna sit this one out' are not gonna fly. Neither is John Trovolta as a villain, whos not even a decent adversary because he answers to two cardboard cut out cuban gangsters.
The best thing, and the positive point that seems to be the general consensus is Tom Jane. And the potential there.
Now that my indifference is out of the way, let me explain why Hollywood just took 5 steps back with this reboot (why reboot anyway, get it half right first time, half the franchises are being tampered with in a heavy handed way to the detriment of the character)
Story story story, -I'm a huge fan of Ennis' run, for me its the definitive insight into the character because its the only one that has elevated castle into more than a crackpot. Hes a fully fleshed character, and even though there were highs and lows, he investigated a whole plethora of contemporary issues - prostitution, corruption, gangs, ethnicities and their place in society etc
But you cannot take loads of classic characters and mash them together, losing their heart and soul in the process. We had Loony Bin Jim, Jigsaw, ink, Pittsy, Soap, Micro, tiberius and his son, the jamaican Irish guy (Mcginty?) - Almost a best of cast in terms of recent Punisher story. None had proper conversations or interaction for them to be memorable, some good witty lines yes, but not a scene with meaning or heart that you take away with you after the film. You can take all the memories of blood and guts with you after, but if theres no character or soul then all youve got is generic action film no296858393945 in Hollywood history.
To eloborate on plot - we had a post 9/11 new york backdrop which isnt a bad idea, some generic blue chemical serum as a background fear (As annoying as MI3 when we dont actually learn what its going to be used for = its not the primary focus, but if you create an expectation, no matter minor its usually best to deliver an answer)
Castle shot a cop, we have an inkling of an emotional plot with his family. Shame it was nothing but 80's cheesyness, with a little girl full of sweetness and love forgiving the PYSCHOTIC WITH A SKULL ON HIS CHEST, and hugging, waving and holding the finger of a vigilante. Not strong at all, Castle on the verge of quitting out of shame was a non issue.
Jigsaw - This movie was all about him to be honest. Now i'm 5 eps into the Wire, and this is the only thing ive seen Dominic West in, and hes damn good in it. But what was with Jigsaw? He was ridiculously over the top, both with and without the terrible make up. It was almost a supernatural villain, but to be at odds with the Punisher who is gritty and down to earth and in this contect doesnt exist in any other world but our sorry own ddidnt work in the slightest. He was also ridiculously camp, in his white crocodile suit. Painful to watch, and the heroes only as good as the villain.
Loony Bin Jim was a loony, and took the role of that Tiny amazing martial arts guy in the Fury Russia arc of Ennis' run. Not a bad fight scene (which is what the movie had as its sole pro) but as a character, terrible. (yummy yummy yummy....scriptwriter needs to be hired)
Mcginty and his super fly streetrunners. Terrible.
Colour scheme - Well done, but not suited to this. Punisher is black, white and conflicts of shades of grey. Watchmen colours dont translate.
The FBI guy was an ok character, the accent annoyed me. Not sure if it was bad or because ive only seen him as brit in the Bond films. But again, hints of drama, but nothing with any meat to it.
What Did I like?
Ray Stevenson, like Jane showed major potential. Just dont give him lines from 80's action films and let him be a character.
Soap - Decent relief, well balanced. A character that ws actually almost faithful and well translated.
The armory and his hideout, not as good as Janes, but the weapons and knowledged seemed authentic and Stevenson looked a natural. Some of the effort into this clearly paid off.
Blood and gore was fine. As much as its blasphemy, character is priority and action is secondary (Hulk 03 got this right) Im willing to debate this, I'm aware that this is abit of a ridiculous statement when our hero is called the punisher. But character and plot, and the balance between the two is always the base of whatever product your making when youre creating a world and what happens in it.
Action is a by product of whos executing it - pun intended. The film went over the top at times (upside down chanderlier hang and slo mo are cliche..) but the original and well directed moments such as castle and the gang with the door between them shot followed by grenade made up for it.
I would kill for a Tom Jane and Ray Stevenson version where we see an old version on the edge and a young version. Batman style.
But first off a villain has to be picked thats gonna prove a challenge. John Trovolta and Jigsaw are too extremes, one is John Trovolta, and one is over the top. Both are ridiculous in their own way.
Cant think of much else, really needed to vent that. Apologies for typos and inconsistencies, didnt proof read.