I know I'm probably going to start a debate with this, but I recently played through all three games back to back on Crushing while trying to get the Platinum trophy for each, and after playing Among Thieves, I thought it was much better than what I had remembered from Drake's Deception. But then after playing through that, I couldn't help but feel like I enjoyed it more. But comparing the two, I can't really figure out which I like more. I mean I liked Among Thieves because it was the longest of all the games and I feel like, story-wise, it had this very epic adventure feel to it with the whole idea of not just fighting a bad guy, but also possibly saving the world. Not to mention, the whole Elena/Chloe stuff was a great dilemma to toy around with.
But at the same time, I feel like the gameplay and set pieces in Drake's Deception really took things up a notch, and while the stakes didn't seem as high, I thought it was a nice personal story for Drake. My only real gripes would be how Sully dominated most of the game, making other characters like Elena take a back seat for most of the game. But other than that, looking back almost a year later, I am reminded of not just why, but also how much I love this franchise.