Untold Legend of the Batman


Dec 29, 2002
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Has anyone else read the original comics or the paperback? Apparently this mini-series came out in the early 80's.

I just got a copy of the paperback. I wish I had this when I was a kid, because it looks like any other paperback book. I could have read it during the designated reading time in class and the teacher wouldn't be any the wiser that I was reading a comic. :)
Yeah, picked that paperback up from the library a couple years ago. Funny little thing. Good comic, too. Of course, if it was published today, everyone over at the DC boards would be crucifying Dan DiDio and Geoff Johns, regardless of if they had anything to do with it, for "wanting to bring back the Silver Age blah blah blah"...
is this black and white? the preview on amazon.com is, and its only 1 cent, im thinkin about getting it
yeah i have the little paperback, and reprints of the three issues that came with (or by ordering from) the batman cereal in 89. i can't remember which version i got first though.
is this black and white? the preview on amazon.com is, and its only 1 cent, im thinkin about getting it

Yes, the reprint is in black and white.

It's a nice story, and stuff like
Alfred not knowing Bruce is Batman until Batman and Robin come to him for help one night
can be forgiven because of the always awesome art from Jim Aparo.
Yes, the reprint is in black and white.

It's a nice story, and stuff like
Alfred not knowing Bruce is Batman until Batman and Robin come to him for help one night
can be forgiven because of the always awesome art from Jim Aparo.


before the crisis that was correct?
I feel really old now... I have the original comics which I bought when they came out! :csad:
Hey guys, yeah I've got the paperback of that along with a pretty cool audio drama set.

It is like 4 (?) tapes and each one comes with a small reprinting of the original comic. I no longer have a tape deck, but really need to get that converted to digital so I can listen to it again.

Whenever I get around to it I will try and post some audio clips so you all can hear. Fun story.
I love, absolutely love, Untold Legend. It combines the 30's origins of Batman with the then present early 80's Batman, and stops off at every major milestone in the series inbetween. We see the very first Batman was Thomas Wayne, the very first Robin was Bruce Wayne, Alfred fighting in the war, the Red Hood becoming the Joker.....it's clssic stuff, and surprisingly uncommon. Ultimately it comfirms the entire published history of Batman as one big story. It's wonderful in that regard.

It could be seen as the climax of the pre-Crisis era of Batman. DC really should publish a proper, colour trade paperback - but I guess the fact that it is so rare and rarely heard about adds to it's mystique as the lost history of Batman.

before the crisis that was correct?

Yes it was.Earth 1 Bruce Wayne was rased by his uncle if I remember right.Alfred was not the butler to Bruce's family.Alfred's father was.Alfred was a actor after he left the U.K. royle army.Alfred became Bruce's butler because of the death bead wish of his father to follow in his footsteps.
I first got the audio cassette back in 1990 which was weird because Batman sounded British but I've erased it since then, I did manage to get the original three issues a while back.
I hate that Infinite Crisis crap and I hate when they mix other characters, specially super powered ones with the Batman universe.
I hate that Infinite Crisis crap and I hate when they mix other characters, specially super powered ones with the Batman universe.

Not sure why you brought that up.No one here has been talking about "Infinite Crisis" in any way.And noone brought up any super powered characters with the Batman universe.

Maybe your getting your stories mixed up???

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