Comics USM Annual #2 Spoilers.


Feb 20, 2004
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Jean DeWolfe is told by a doctor at the hospital that Moonknight is awake from his coma. When she goes to his room he is gone. Flashback shows that his multiple personalities are telling him to wake up so he can finish what he started. Later at the police department, Spider-Man appears with a webbed up Shocker after a fight and an encounter with Foggy Nelson friend of Matt Mudock/Daredevil. DeWolfe summons him to the roof and tells him of the Kangaroo/Frank Oliver gang figure making a play for the territories in the city. DeWolfe wants Spider-Man to track him down who does so, but with reluctance. Kingpin is having dinner with a senator when he receives a call from Jean who tells him that she sent Spider-Man after the Kangaroo. He hangs up pleased. It is also revealed that Fisk told the Kangaroo personally to leave or else.

Peter is thinking about the conversation that took place, how it does not feel right he hears fighting. Daredevil is fighting the Kangaroo, and is annoyed with Peter for interferring. Murdock's radar goes off and he see the Punisher who has fired an explosive at them. Cut to 2 more flashbacks of Punisher's and Daredevil's connection to the Kangaroo where Frank kills the Kangaroo's cousin in prison before he escapes, and one of his associates visits Murdock in the hopes of doing business with him. Castle is now unloading rounds at the heroes when MoonKnight appears and hits Punisher as Spidey puts webbing on him. Daredevil takes out Kangaroo just as DeWolfe and police show to find Castle webbed up and MoonKnight escaping. Her and Spider-Man start to talk when she is shot by Punisher. He says she was working for Fisk and Murdock says he is telling the truth. Peter swings away. Issue wraps up with Daredevil tracking down MoonKnight making him an offer to put together a group to take down Kingpin to avoid situations like the one that happened. As they discuss this Fisk is shown mourning for DeWolfe.

While the first annual dealt with Peter dealing with a new relationship this one is more or less a follow up to Warriors, with a darker, gritter tone. If you like Kingpin/crime stories then you'll most likely enjoy this issue. Dialogue between the character is strong and Brooks art is good again imo. Be cool if Brian wrote a mini about all these heroes getting together or follow up on it in USM soon.
please can you keep the horrible cancer that is USM (exluding clone saga :p) in the Ultimate Spider-Man thread. just stick all of that (whatever you're saying) in spoiler tags. thankyou.
I enjoyed the issue.

Only problem I had was with the disrespect shown to Spider-man and his powers.

But meh, everyother writer today does it today anyway So whatever.:( :( :( :o
ragingdemon155 said:
I enjoyed the issue.

Only problem I had was with the disrespect shown to Spider-man and his powers.

But meh, everyother writer today does it today anyway So whatever.:( :( :( :o
I suspect that will improve after issue 100. When you become 16, you become much stronger. It's one of those peaks.

Who do you think will come to Peters' sweet sixteen? If any?

I wonder if Nick Fury will be at the b-day party? It would be the funniest thing ever with him wearing a birthday hat, and bobbing for apples.
Sounds good... I probably won't like it as much as the first, but who knows, maybe I'll be happily surprised with it :). I'm kind of disappointed to hear
that Jean dies. I was hoping that they might keep her around for a bit longer
tom123 said:
Sounds good... I probably won't like it as much as the first, but who knows, maybe I'll be happily surprised with it :). I'm kind of disappointed to hear
that Jean dies. I was hoping that they might keep her around for a bit longer

Believe me, after you learn a little "tibet" thats given in this issue.

You won't care that she died.

I'm glad! :)
ragingdemon155 said:
Believe me, after you learn a little "tibet" thats given in this issue.

You won't care that she died.

I'm glad! :)

Are you referring to
her working for Fisk, or something worse?
Extra #6 in BB said:
I suspect that will improve after issue 100. When you become 16, you become much stronger. It's one of those peaks.

Who do you think will come to Peters' sweet sixteen? If any?

I wonder if Nick Fury will be at the b-day party? It would be the funniest thing ever with him wearing a birthday hat, and bobbing for apples.

If he ever does show on his 16th Peter needs to hit him again.
Jasmine said:
She got shot in the chest.

lol Jasmine you should've put the whole answer in the spoiler tags.:p
I refuse to fix the spoiler tags in what i just quoted.
Kool-Aid said:
lol Jasmine you should've put the whole answer in the spoiler tags.:p

I usually don't when I type these up.
for gods sake, is it so hard to use the USM thread???
I thought the issue was perfect, very, very well done. I can't see how anyone could hate USM, this issue was a reminder to me why I collect every issue. I even felt bad for Kingpin, poor Willy seemed pretty upset over what happen to DeWolfe. Plus I can't wait to see what develops between MoonKnight and Dare Devil!:up: :up:
tom123 said:
Are you referring to
her working for Fisk, or something worse?

Nah I knew she was working for Fisk..

But she was also
hitting the sack with him...ewwww!!!
it's sort of an unwritten rule in USM that Spider-Man has to singlehandedly f**k up every single romantic relationship the kingpin is in :o
Shocker 9000 said:
I thought the issue was perfect, very, very well done. I can't see how anyone could hate USM, this issue was a reminder to me why I collect every issue. I even felt bad for Kingpin, poor Willy seemed pretty upset over what happen to DeWolfe. Plus I can't wait to see what develops between MoonKnight and Dare Devil!:up: :up:

i loved it too. i also loved the art. brooks improved it since annual 1:up: :up: im glad jean got wat she deserved.

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