The Dark Knight Rises Villains you most want to see in sequels? (Post fan art if yee wish)

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Jul 7, 2005
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I would love to see:

Poison Ivy (it could be possible)
Two Face (DrokyFresh, my man! ... or woman)
Mad Hatter (We already have them!)
Ventriliquist (A must! That'd be so freaky)
Maybe Harley Quinn if she didn't have the costume...something a bit

So yeah!

PS I know the Joker's in the sequel, and I know we've seen the scarecrow, but he's most likely gonna be in the sequel..go Cillian!

PPS If I've missed ANY villains please say!
Good poll. I'd like to see all of the vintage rogues: The Joker, The Penguin, Catwoman, The Riddler, Two Face and the Scarecrow. I think your only serious ommission was Ra's al Ghul, whom I would like to return.

I'm not a great fan of the SAW-serial killer ideas people have been suggesting, as I think it deviates to far from the character, and we already have a psycho-killer planned for the sequel. I think the Riddler would work wonderfully as a secondary villain though.

To repost my previous idea:

Have Nygma featured as the 'right hand man' to a powerful mob boss (Throne or Maroni). He is the intellect to compliment the muscle, concocting harebrained schemes in leading the authorites away from the crimes his boss commits, a'la the riddles. He could also be an expert in (what I like to call) 'The Riddles of Human Nature', such as the hidden truths behind body language, tone of speech, lies, in this sense he is a human lie-detector, which would make for some fantastic interrogation scenes if done right. He should wear the green suit, bowler hat, and have the cane, but with no question marks dotted over him.

Scarecrow I want to return. He should be in the sequel. Batman captures and detains him to Arkham, uses his insight into learning about the Joker, who it is discovered is a prior paitent of Cranes (sort of like a Clarice Starling/Hannibal Lecter relationship, but with obvious alterations)
I liked the Riddler as the Gotham Smart guy, the dork Batman hits up for information when he's at a dead end, ala' Dark Victory.

Also, anyway I look at it, I think using Crane like Calander Man is a bad idea. The Joker should be an enegma to all.
The Villians I would like to see varies..
1.) The Scarecrow: there needs to be closure from Begins with Batman getting Crane.
2.) I really like the idea of the rumor going around that the villians maybe The Joker, The Penguin, Black Mask, and a mob boss (Maroni or Thorne). It mixes in villians we have seen and haven't seen. Black Mask is a modern age villian, mixing him in with classic Rogues Joker, and Penguin.
Villians I would like to see down the line of sequels are The Riddler, Two-Face, Catwoman, Mr. Freeze, Poison Ivy, Man-Bat, Professor Hugo Strange, Bane, Councilman/Boss Rupert Thorne ( if he isn't the mob boss in Begins sequel), Sin-Tzu, The Mad Hatter, Killer Croc, Harley Quinn, and Clayface.
Not of the 4 first movie´s. With the other ones i don´t have any problem if needed.
dutchmarvel said:
Not of the 4 first movie´s. With the other ones i don´t have any problem if needed.

Why? BB isn't connected with the first four why can we not see them? We're seeing the Joker in Batman 2, we've already seen him. You gonna have a spaz about that? I just find that comment a bit contradictory and useless...sorry.

and to Shamik:

Ultimate Movie-Man said:
but Nolan has already confirmed that the Joker isn't wearing white make up...

No, he has not. Not even close.

Jett from BOF talked to a "Treatment Insider" who said that the Joker would not have a fixed smile or make-up, meaning natural smile, unlike Jack Nicholson, and that his skin is bleached white, not make-up he applies. The actor will still use white make-up, but in the story it'll be his natural skin color. Get it? This insider also said that Joker would look very similar to how he traditionally looks.
Oh okay, sorry! My mistake...thanks Katsuro! That's made me a lot happier!

Sweet can't wait.
Jett really should edit his site more carefully.
Honestly, I wouldn't mind seeing almost any of these. I'm confident that Nolan will bring the best out of whichever characters he uses. But the ones at the top of the list would be Joker, Two-Face, Riddler, Ventriloquist/Scarface, and Bane. I'd love to see a Knightfall-ish story (thus washing out any memory of the Bane goon we saw in Batman & Robin). I'd also like to see an entire movie dedicated to Two-Face and his origin.
Honestly...whoever the hell Nolan wants to use. His choice of villains in both BB, and now apparently BB2 were/are just excellent, and I have full confidence whichever villains he picks for the films, they were be extraordinary. If I had one specific...wish, it'd probably be to see Harleen Quinzel as head of Arkham in BB2, and maybe a Harley Quinn cameo in BB3.
Really, they dont even have to give her the costume. I'd love it if in the second one, after Joker is captured and goes to Arkham, they bring in Harleen to talk to him and that's it. Just a nod to character, they dont even HAVE to show her. It could be like the end of Red Dragon, where that guy mentions to Hannibal Lecter that Clarice is here to see him, but they dont even show her or anything.
i'd like to see The Riddler, Batman and Gordon going to him for help, like in 'Red Dragon', i'd like to see Ed Norton play the character.

Had hatter, as a child raper, wacko, maybe abit to violent for a batman film?

and small camoes by, Bane, Ivy and Black Mask.
People should want to see villans that have never been put on screen before, the most imo. That's why i'd like to see Nolans translation of Killer Croc and The Ventriliquist...
Give me Harley Quinn and I will be happy, I listed the other classic villians as well, but Quinn is my number 3 villian behind the guaranteed Joker and Two Face.

Would also love to see Hush and/or Black Mask
CoolAsICE said:
Honestly, I wouldn't mind seeing almost any of these. I'm confident that Nolan will bring the best out of whichever characters he uses. But the ones at the top of the list would be Joker, Two-Face, Riddler, Ventriloquist/Scarface, and Bane. I'd love to see a Knightfall-ish story (thus washing out any memory of the Bane goon we saw in Batman & Robin). I'd also like to see an entire movie dedicated to Two-Face and his origin.

Oooh. Great idea!:up:
Katsuro said:
Really, they dont even have to give her the costume. I'd love it if in the second one, after Joker is captured and goes to Arkham, they bring in Harleen to talk to him and that's it. Just a nod to character, they dont even HAVE to show her. It could be like the end of Red Dragon, where that guy mentions to Hannibal Lecter that Clarice is here to see him, but they dont even show her or anything.

That works for me. Or they could go the other way (like Karen Page in Daredevil or the Gordons in Batman Begins) and show her (maybe even with a nametag or name on the door, etc.) but not have her really identified. Or something like how they dropped a ton of names during X2...

I'd like to see Harvey Dent, too. Not Two-Face. Not yet, at least. But a movie or two where the new D.A. is fighting the good fight, helping Batman keep folks behind bars.

I'd like to see some Bane action, too. Not a big role. Maybe the muscle of Thorne or whoever's in charge now. His lieutinent, his second in command. Someone who's smart, cunning and maybe planning to overthrow him one of these days...

What, no Man-Bat love here? Or Clayface? Yeah.. they could be hard to realistically pull off, but IF they could, it'd be sweet...
I would love to see Bane in one of the sequels done really well.
I want too see the Joker the most. Then Two-Face. Then Dr.Harleen Quinnzel. Then Scarecrow Stage 2. Then Catwoman. Then the Riddler. Then the Mad Hatter. Then Poison Ivy. Then Black Mask. Then Bane. Then Penguin. Then Mr.Freeze.
I think that should bring in Hush, Man-Bat. Because we've never seen those characters before and with the Man-Bat character Batman would have to face a much larger form of his fears. I also feel they have redo Bane because then they can have him breaks Batman's back and bring more scope to the Batman character. Where he tries to regain his strength away from Gotham.
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