Iron Man 3 War Machine during TA?


Mar 26, 2006
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Where was War Machine during the Avengers battle? What was the mission that Iron Man sent him to do? Can someone please explain? :huh:
As explained in a recent prequel comic, that's supposed to be official, Tony had sent Rhodey out to investigate an attack by the Ten Rings terrorists in Hong Kong. While he was there, War Machine also ran into a hi-tech Hammer-issue robo-tank belonging to the US military that had been stolen by Ten Rings.
As explained in a recent prequel comic, that's supposed to be official, Tony had sent Rhodey out to investigate an attack by the Ten Rings terrorists in Hong Kong. While he was there, War Machine also ran into a hi-tech Hammer-issue robo-tank belonging to the US military that had been stolen by Ten Rings.

As in the same kind of tank thing in that mandarin lego set? You wouldn't happen to have a pic of that tank from the prequel comic would you? If not, i'm off to the comic shop!:woot:
As in the same kind of tank thing in that mandarin lego set? You wouldn't happen to have a pic of that tank from the prequel comic would you? If not, i'm off to the comic shop!:woot:

It was a super-generic looking future tank...nothing special.

A big metal rectangle with tapered sides and a big cannon on top.
As explained in a recent prequel comic, that's supposed to be official, Tony had sent Rhodey out to investigate an attack by the Ten Rings terrorists in Hong Kong. While he was there, War Machine also ran into a hi-tech Hammer-issue robo-tank belonging to the US military that had been stolen by Ten Rings.

Thanks! Just hope they mention something in the movie in that effect for most of the GA who will be clueless like I was.
What prequel comic was this? I'd love to pick it up.

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