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Warner Bros to Adapt Live Action Bleach

They would be better off making a naruto or fma movie to be honest.
An FMA trilogy wouldn't be very difficult, but Naruto would need a lot of time and effort put on the special effects, Zabuza arc wouldn't be difficult, but the casting could be tricky, while Naruto is blonde the Uchiha clan should be entirelly Japanese. And with Naruto they would probably need more movies, but then again they could allways change and compress parts of Shippuden, since there are many parts that could be improved upon.

If i got my wish realised Disney would make a One Piece movie :p
But as it is that's the most difficult series to adapt.
Bleach is another series I'd like to see made live action but at the same time it's terrifying to think how it could be mutilated beyond recognition.
Honestly both Bleach and especially Naruto have too much back story to be faithfully done

Naruto especially
As of right now, any anime adaptation will be stuck in Development Hell. Well, until James Cameron's 'Battle Angel' coming out in 2017...rather, 2057
only anime adaption i want is cowboy bebop Hollywood wont have to worry about white washing complaints since the hero is jewish
I'm not very interested in certain adaptations like Evangelion or COwboy Bebop because i think they work very well in their médium, evangelion would be like somebody making a tv show adaptation of 2001: A space odissey, it simply wouldn't be near the excelence of the original. While cowboy bebop is a series os one-shot stories that relate into each other, would work better as a live-action tv show than film.

Since it's doubtful they would reach 7 films i had an idea for how Bleach could work as a trilogy, but they would have to completelly drop the Quincies and the Soul King + Royal Guard.

Film 1: Introduction and Gran Fisher arc
Film 2: Soul Society arc slightly compressed
Film 3: Final War, Aizen's plan to use a thousand souls can be something like turn him into a god or something like that instead of being a key to access the Royal Palace.
Thinking about it there are 3 ways they could go with this as a film series:

Bleach 1: Gran Fisher arc adapting volumes 1-3
Bleach 2: Quincy Arc which ends with Rukia being taken and Ichigo getting his new Blade
Bleach 3: Soul Society Arc
Bleach 4: Arrancar arc until Grimjow's defeat
Bleach 5: End of Aizen War
Bleach 6: Fullbring Arc
Bleach 7: A Thousand years war

But this would obviously be a lot of movies, and i doubt they would be able to keep going on for so long, so my other proposal would be a trilogy mixing elements from Quincy war with Aizen's and completelly deleting the Quincies:

Bleach 1: Volumes 1-3 again
Bleach 2: Soul Society Arc
Bleach 3: War with Aizen where the Espada first invade the SS, Basically the Thousand Years Blood War Arc but with Aizen and the Espada instead of Juha Bach and the Quincy

If WB was willing to do a little more than a trilogy but it still didn't seem like the franchise could reach 7 movies then this would be another possibility:

Bleach 1: Volumes 1-3, duh
Bleach 2: Uryuu arc up till Rukia get kinapped
Bleach 3: Soul Society
Bleach 4 + 5: They could explore the possibility of Aizen and Juha Bach becoming allies like Juha tried in the manga, this could give the movies an original but epic aproach, while keeping faithful to the source material since it would Basically be a What if and fans would have something to discuss since it wouldn't have the same end as the manga.

These are just possibilities, the first film should allways be a stand-alone that adapts Volumes 1-3, if it's successful then they can move on with the sequels, if it's not then no worries, in least it doesn't end with a cliffhanger.

In my opinion the last option is the most exciting, a different yet familiar direction where we have 2 very powerful villains who may as well turn against each other, Espada + Vandenreich would certainly obliterate should society, and there would have to be a lot of sacrífices.
This is a really bad idea. Bleach is not a series that can easily be adapted to live action. The fighting style, techinques, powers, and creature design will be VERY hard to do in live action without looking ridiculous or stupid. It's the same reason why I was instantly skeptical of a live action Avatar TLA movie (even before the **** up lord Shayamalan got involved). Also, it would be easy to cut too much out of the story. WB should instead make a Ghost in the Shell or Mardock Scramble movie, they could be fantastic in live action.
The Hollows designs could allow them to be very creative, i don't see the problem there, the costumes are usual ones and the shinigamis wear uniforms from feudal Japan, i don't see anything that could become ridiculous there.

What i find absolutelly ridiculous is when people complain about the costumes not translating well to live-action when super hero movies have already proved you can adapt them well without changing much and no longer look lame:

If anything anime/ manga have most of the time cooler and more realistic designs. IMAO
The stuff that happens in this manga is crazier and weirder than what we see in most superhero comic books.

Also, American comic books are something mainstream moviegoers respond to because they are memorable and iconic. They are like modern myths. Audiences identify with the look of Superman, Batman, Spider-man, etc.

This is a wholly different animal. It won't translate into a Hollywood movie.
The powers are what worry me the most (also, nothing that we've seen in superhero movies even comes close to the bizarre weirdness that Bleach has). From a special effects perspective, its going to be hard to do and not look bad. TLA movie didn't have all of this, and it still looked bad.
The stuff that happens in this manga is crazier and weirder than what we see in most superhero comic books.
Uhm, no it's not. If anything i found Bleach as a manga very "grounded", a lot of the stuff that happened in some american comic books just feels like the writers were on drugs.

Also, American comic books are something mainstream moviegoers respond to because they are memorable and iconic. They are like modern myths.

No, they are american. Just another source material, Tintin was also different, yet they were able to adapt it well, it's all about who's on the helm of a movie.

Audiences identify with the look of Superman, Batman, Spider-man, etc.
Because they had decades of stories to identify them so well.

This is a wholly different animal. It won't translate into a Hollywood movie.
It's from a different country, so it's written in the different way, that doesn't mean it can't be adapted, if movies adapted comic books word for word it would just feel weird, with mangas it's the same thing, you take the plot and work from there. Most Manga writers also watch a lot of movies, and even use references in their stories.

Bleach is even one of the easiest shonens to adapt, you drop exagerated comedy that is usually in mangas and use usual film comedy instead.

The powers are what worry me the most (also, nothing that we've seen in superhero movies even comes close to the bizarre weirdness that Bleach has). From a special effects perspective, its going to be hard to do and not look bad. TLA movie didn't have all of this, and it still looked bad.
Bizarre weirdness? The audience loves new types of action, and even from that i don't think Bleach is that weird, as i said before it's one of the most "grounded" shonens in terms of thone.

TLA wasn't an anime adaptation, it was based on an American Cartoon, and the powers didn't work well the same way powers in Twilight Breaking Dawn and other movies looks off, they're rushed and the director doesn't know how to make it.

TLA's problem was really that it was terribly directed, However you can easily look at other movies that did the powers better, like most new superhero movies.

The first Bleach film wouldn't even require such big effort put in the fights. You simply take the first 3 volumes plot, and take what you need, Ichigo becoming a shinigami, learning how to be one and finally confronting the Gran Fisher, you can skip most of the stuff in the middle, Kon would have to be deleted, etc.

The fights wouldn't be that difficult, it would allow the production to be creative with the hollows designs and the rest is Ichigo waving his giant sword. In a word with the Matrix, the Man of Steel and Pacific Rim i don't think any of these fights is impossible to make.
Three volumes is too much for one movie, you'd have to cut too much stuff out. How do portray all the weird looking kido without it looking bad? How do you make Grand Fischer or Mayuri not look stupid?
Three volumes is too much for one movie, you'd have to cut too much stuff out. How do portray all the weird looking kido without it looking bad? How do you make Grand Fisher or Mayuri not look stupid?
I disagree, it's more than enough, most of the stuff there in the first 3 volumes are almost like filler, you can have the Grand Fisher arc as the center of the movie, and develop the characters in different ways, as the story goes on each chapter and volume even stars to gets fewer contente due to Kubo becoming extremelly lazy and having a slow as hell pace.

And how you make them not look stupid? How did they make Odin, Thor, Iron Man, Loki, Dock Ock, captain america, and so many more not look ridiculous? What are character designers for? They're not even beyond ridiculous characters that would be really hard to change, Mayuri wouldn't even be in the first film for that matter.
Either way, However they make this film, even if they want to turn this into a film series, the first film should allways be Ichigo getting the powers mixed with the grand Fisher storyline. Best not to put too much money on it and get some decent marketing instead, the plot should mainly be about the characters progression and setting a dark mood for when the hollows show up.

Hell, the art department could go crazy with the hollows, like the production team was able to in Pacific Rim, they're pretty much a mix of Dementors and Kaijus, the oportunity to get some interesting designs and scenes. But the film shouldn't try to be too serious, the Hollow aparitions should have an impact, but the relationship between characters should be witty and casual.

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