What Action Sequences do you want to see in the sequel ?

Hunter Rider

Staff member
Oct 24, 2004
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Having seen the pics of the great looking armoured car chase sequence they're filming for SM-3 and having read the descriptions of some the TF action seqeunces it got me thinking what would fans like to see action-wise in F4/2 ?

Couple i would like to see

Sue using her invisibility to stealthily break into Doom's fortress in Latveria,picking of security devices and guards utilizing the many facets of her powers

Sue creating a hover circle to float up and save ppl from a burning building(perhaps under attack from the rumoured giant robots)
I want to see a battle between the F4 and tons of Doombots in Castle Doom, Latveria of course...I also want to see Doom himself launching a massive attack in New York or elsewhere...
GoblinScrier said:
I want to see a battle between the F4 and tons of Doombots in Castle Doom, Latveria of course.

That would be at the top of my list.

(and I have a funny feeling you and I aren't alone);)
I'm all for "Doombots" more action, gadgets and gizmos galour....but I want them well editted, well written, well sequenced, well directed.....

I also want the relationship of this group to come FIRST....

If those things do not happen we will simply have 115 minutes of nothingness...
JMAfan said:
I'm all for "Doombots" more action, gadgets and gizmos galour....but I want them well editted, well written, well sequenced, well directed.....

I also want the relationship of this group to come FIRST....

If those things do not happen we will simply have 115 minutes of nothingness...

I agree but the purpose of this thread was just to have some discussion on some action sequences we would like to see in the movie:)
i think if the reports of Sliver surfer as one of the bad guys is true, and Johnny Storm/ Silver Surfer fight through the sky would be really cool...

also if like someone like shoots at Mr. Fantastic and he uses his body(like they use some mind bending CGI) and he doges like 400 of them at once or something that would be cool...

and let the thing do his thing
I want to see Thing lift something heavy, and possibly throw it.
hunter rider said:
I agree but the purpose of this thread was just to have some discussion on some action sequences we would like to see in the movie:)

And I agreed with all that had been mentioned thus far....I'm just of the opinion that action for the sake of action turns into nothingness unless there are other aspects brought out....and the action that is chosen for the movie is done well....so I'm all for everyone's wants here....but I want those "wants" to be done well....
Casius--J said:
I would like to see some cool torch sequences. Like creating a flame thrower to melt doom bots.

Flying around them in circles which in turn melts them.

etc etc

Hey CJ, good to see you.....good idea....:up:
I would like to see some cool torch sequences. Like creating a flame thrower to melt doom bots.

Flying around them in circles which in turn melts them.

etc etc
An actually fight with all 4 of them versus Doctor Doom done right.

I want to see this just like I want to see all of the X-Men take on Sentinels together. Too bad that will never happen.
Warhammer said:
An actually fight with all 4 of them versus Doctor Doom done right.

My only problem with the FF1 Doom fight is that it establishes movie Doom as too powerful a figure. He seemed like a Terminator 2 type character. How else can you stop him now?

I love the Doombot idea. It would allow the FF to cut loose in a PG-13 film. Each member should get their own showdown...

It would be cool to have a Mr. Fantastic VS. Dr. Doom alone, or Human Torch VS. Dr. Doom alone.
How bout make Dr. Doom good enough that all 4 of them have to fight him at once
I know it is not necessarily an action sequence but what I wouldn't give to see a battle of wits when Doom and Richards confront each other and I swear if he doesn't call him "Richards" in this movie, I will just scream...to me, that is crucial because it is a way of having Doom downplay Richards to make him look inferior...contempt for him
GoblinScrier said:
I know it is not necessarily an action sequence but what I wouldn't give to see a battle of wits when Doom and Richards confront each other and I swear if he doesn't call him "Richards" in this movie, I will just scream...to me, that is crucial because it is a way of having Doom downplay Richards to make him look inferior...contempt for him

Good Call

I agree with lots, action in space, but as far as action shots, longer shots and from farther away, make it seem as EPIC as possible
i dont know. the action was easily the worst part of the original.I wanna see some huge scenes....fantastic car chase is a must have though.
I want to see Siver Surfer come to earth telling every one to evacuate thier planet. The Fantastic 4 then should come and fight him only to learn that he is infinitly more powerfull then they are. The nhave Reed talk to him and find out about the coming of GALACTUS!!!

man that would be the best...

if no Surfer and GALACTUS then i want to see the 4 get in to the Fantasticar and fly to Latvira t oinvade Dooms castle and face an army of Doombots before haveing a final showdown with Doom in the throne room. the battle should be huge and Doom should be killed..... only to find out that it was a decoy robot in the first place and that Doom is back in the US attacking New York!
I don't know if it constitutes as an action sequence but I'd love to see Ben picking up huge, ridiculously big, ornately designed pieces of equipment in Reed's lab.

That's what I'd love to see.
^^^^ yes that would be cool to see...
I'd like to see Jessica Alba bump into a wall, and then all of her clothes fall off. You know, somewhat like how she gets all of her roles.:)
Alcatraz said:
I want to see Siver Surfer come to earth telling every one to evacuate thier planet. The Fantastic 4 then should come and fight him only to learn that he is infinitly more powerfull then they are. The nhave Reed talk to him and find out about the coming of GALACTUS!!!
This is a really great idea, but can Story handle such a massive epic, consisting of the devourer of worlds and his herald?

Will FOX be willing to put the huge amounts of money, for creative special effects needed to bring Silver Surfer and Galactus to life?
Agent 194 said:
I don't know if it constitutes as an action sequence but I'd love to see Ben picking up huge, ridiculously big, ornately designed pieces of equipment in Reed's lab.

That's what I'd love to see.

Like this?


I'd also like to see something like this:


And eventually this:

Visionary said:
This is a really great idea, but can Story handle such a massive epic, consisting of the devourer of worlds and his herald?

Will FOX be willing to put the huge amounts of money, for creative special effects needed to bring Silver Surfer and Galactus to life?

Could Story handle it? don't know, haven't really seen what he can handle as of yet...

Will Fox be willing to shell out the money.....no.

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