I think the goverment should have far more control over its people and people should have less free will, maybe only on weekends...
choice is taken out of the equation as to your profession and you are given a job which is believed to yield your greatest ability
schools take a less relaxed roll to learning where all the social growth usually comes in one's second childhood when retirement roles in...
entertainment is far too controlling of what we do and say and they have to great a monopoly over us, some forms of entertainment would be banned or at least controlled since it has such a powerful influence on an individual.
advertising would be far more creative and less smutty and sleazy.
Religion would be practised but if one felt that it gave way to the way a place was run and governed, then i'd prefer if they uprooted and left the area if they truelly thought no middle ground could be reached
definitely a destruction of all kinds of nuclear war head type and army based weaponary and the resources of these scientist would be used to find safe and clean methods of preserving the earth.
differences between nations would be settled in an olympic style event where the best athlethes and brains of that nation would go up against the brains and athlethes of another nation in a televised event sponsored by Mcdonalds. Wars don't require bloodshed, we are told from a young age that violence is not the answer, yet anytime there is conflict, violence isn't used as a method of coming to terms with your 'enemy' but really silencing their voice so there 'is' no more conflict, it's ultimately stupid.
I'd simply put a stupid fat tax on fast food, fast food is a luxury and people normally pay for luxuries, if you can't afford it, thenyou have to buy the healthy foods in stead. At the moment it is the other way round and i think that's wrong, being obese should be a privelege, one that means you can afford to have your own private health care because you'd certainly be struck off the national health service if you were in that condition (but the way the system was set up, means it would work).
Also people wouldn't be trusted to keep themselves healthy, incentives, such as a reduction of cars and more of an incentive to use public and non polluting transport, as well as tax cutting targets that refer to your health that would benefit simply things like one's mortgage and salary could also help plenty shift the bulk. Money and convinience is a great motivator, you only have to see that if points were not taken off somone's license for drink driving or careless driving, there would be less of a dent in the statistics. people don't care about their health of the health of others, they care about penalties, fines and losing their freedom. If basic lifestyle changes or protocol made by the government also took this approach to managing their citizens, then they would be less malnutritioned unhealthy members of a society
also i would have controlled breeding, where males sperm is either collected on immigration or when puberty hits a native members. Socio-economic tests would then be performed to make sure a stable population is maintained with small variations in class so a child from any family has an equal opportunity to suceed in life than any other. Couples would then need to have the same amount of tests performed on them to see if they were goign to adopt then if they were going to breed naturally. Also for every child being born, the family would have to monitor another child of another ethnic genetic make up. This would help show that there is less differences between race and religion than many would expect and would help breed not a multicultural society, but a truelly multicultural nation with far less segregation if any.
oh, there would also be mandatory std and health tests, this comes in tally with the health incentives mentioned earlier, the productivity of a nation is directly proportional the the amount of people in its dependant age demographic that are healthy enough to work, sick people take a drain of this limit and regular examinations to either stamp out or catch diseases early is the best ways to do this.
a short one but i would say that public servants of the normal working trade, the invisible people that keep our lives running (milkmen, postmen, firemen, nurses, taxi drivers, roadsweepers, refuse site workers) should get the majority of the money. Anyone who gives up their lives to serve others should be more rewarded than the ones they are serving. This should breed through greed a more self sufficient nation that will eventually be able to take care of itself
oh and general trade would also be re-taught in schools, mechanics, electrician work, bricklaying, tiling, plaster laying. With the surplus of people with these skills, you'd only be about two degrees of separation away from anyone who could be able to help you pro bono (simply because you would be able to return the favour with your own skill you learned).
That's about it i suppose...
i don't think these are bad ideas but from previous threads i've made, people do think i'm a lil nazi..