We all have them and it's kinda good to get it all out in the open. I think that I have a few strange phobias that many other people may not have.
- My bed in my room is up against the wall and I like to sleep with my back facing the wall. If my back is facing the opposite side, I get the feeling that something is going to come and get me from behind. So I sleep with my back facing the wall.
- I do not like to put my head under the shower because it distorts my hearing and temporarily blinds me. Not real blindness but with water and such. And when my face is drenched and I can't open my eyes because of the water, I feel like something is standing outside the shower looking at me. So I wash my head and face really quickly when I'm in the shower.
- For some reason I find it creepy when I do or watch something on the computer and it's taking up most of the screen. Allow me to explain, has anyone here ever played Disney's Toon Town? You know how the whole screen is the game? Well it's kinda creepy to run around with the characters in my face and stuff. Also has anyone heard of the new movie called Orphan? Well if you go to the site you'll see a picture of the girl and the movie trailer. That is fine but after the trailer is finished it blinks to a screen with a bunch of family portraits slowly moving. I cannot stay on that site for more than 15 seconds. I keep thinking some creepy picture is going to pop up or that girl will suddenly appear. This is definitely my strangest phobia.
- I'm not sure if this is a fear or phobia or whatever but I don't like to get small cuts because I think that it'll get infected really quickly. It also just feels weird having a small opening on your finger or arm. I heard somewhere that there's a name for this but I'm not sure if what I was reading was real or not.