What DC Characters Do You WANT to See on Smallville?


Jul 25, 2002
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Okay, maybe Adam is Bruce and maybe he isn't. I personally hope he is, but if they leave it ambiguous then I will be just as happy (because that is more or less admitting to it). But whether he is or not, what are some DC characters (Superman-related or not) who you'd like to see show up on Smallville?
Bruce, WW, Flash, GL, MM, LL, JO, and I'd love to see some big time villains show up, like Brainiac!
I'd like to see a young Wally West, as Kid Flash. I think they should show some sort of older heroes that could kinda inspire Clark or something.
I dont really want any DC characters to be on Smallville, its messing wiv it too much if u add other characters. Bruce Wayne is probably the only one that mite fit in but even adding him may be a bit too much
None what so ever. I hope they keep it as real as possible and stick to superman history.
again I think you cant get too out of hand with this, but I wouldnt mind seeing Lois and possibly Bruce Wayne, though I dotn see that one happening
I would like to see a new kind of supervillain. One that comes back and haunts Clark now and then and dies at the end of the series or something.
NO DC CHARACTERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It just takes away from them. Clark shouldn't know them when he's a kid... and visa versa.

Leave Smallville alone. Let it stay, 'small scale'.

There is no need for cameos, especially now. Lex should be the only villain, and Clark should be the only hero.

The only 'hero' aid that Clark should get is from Freaks of The Week who have gone 'good'. Example: The guy who could shake hands and make you do anything he wants. He's a good guy. Have him return.
I want Bruce to show up while he's traveling the world and training. He could've heard some interesting rumors about weird stuff going on in Smallville. He might pretend to have business interests with Lex or Lionel. Bruce could find out about kryptonite and Clark's origin. At the end of the episode(s), Clark could call Bruce insane or something and Bruce would turn around, look Clark right in the eye and say "you have no idea, kid."

I always liked Bruce and Clark's relationship because Clark is the only member of the Justice League that Batman really considers his "friend," and yet Batman is probably the only normal human this side of Lex Luthor who can kick the **** out of Superman.

It sounds like a winner to me. How 'bout you?
how about Ace the Bathound or Beppo the Supermonkey, or Streaky the Supercat?
There was a referrence to Wally West in the show's pilot episode. Clark was looking stuff up on his computer, and he was reading an article about a kid in Keystone breaking the track record.
Originally posted by jonty30

That'd be as far as I stretch... but it's actually a 'good' idea.

Just make Krypto another 'FOTW', but one who Clark saves and befriends. Make Krypto a test animal from one of Lionel Luthor's Labs. Then you get you 'animal testing' moral issue story, as well as giving Clark Kryptoi.
Originally posted by Superfreak
That'd be as far as I stretch... but it's actually a 'good' idea.

Just make Krypto another 'FOTW', but one who Clark saves and befriends. Make Krypto a test animal from one of Lionel Luthor's Labs. Then you get you 'animal testing' moral issue story, as well as giving Clark Kryptoi.

It could involve Clark's blood and DNA experiments.
I'm in-between on this. I REALLY want to see Bruce and Lois, as well as some other super-villains from the comics who would have recurring roles, but not necessarily other heroes. Still, it might be really cool. One thing they have to retire is the "freak of the week" concept because it's really getting sour. Last week was SUCH a dissapointment.
Last weeks FOTW was so obvious it was pathetic, Clark gets superhearing, so let's give him a supersonic villain
i don't want them 2 add any DC characters 2 the show. i think it's great just the way it is. although things happen on the show that are impossible it stills tries 2 stick 2 reality as much as poss. if u start throwing all sorts of other super heros in2 it, it'll soon turn in2 anyone Lois and Clark....and we all know what happened there
Doesn't Bruce Wayne own the Daily Planet? Maybe they could work that into part of a story....
:batman:+ :supes:=:D

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