It didnt even feel like Hood was directing it excpet for in a few spots here and there (like the opening credits sequence). For the most part it just felt like unused fotage from X3.
-The claws looked bad in a lot of parts. Like they were cartoonishly oversized.
- Him clanging them together to make sparks. That was soo cheesy lol
This is exactly what I meant by piss poor script. They can't let him walk away yet thats EXACTLY what they do. This isnt the only instance where crap like this happens either.
Wraith tells Logan not to make fun of Freds weight so what does he do? Makes a ton of fat jokes and gets no reaction until he says something not even remotly close to a fat joke. WTF?
-Explaining everyones codename :They actually put forth effort to explain/mwention everyones codename ...why?
- Weapon Zero should have just been called Neo
-Wolverine being the "best there is": At what? Watching people do stuff? thats al he does just stand around and watch. And Sabes wants to be better then him why? He can't stand around like a lump?
-The claws looked bad in a lot of parts. Like they were cartoonishly oversized.
- Him clanging them together to make sparks. That was soo cheesy lol
Creed: "We can't just let you walk away!"
Logan[gives him a dirty look and walks away]
Creed: "Jimmy!!"
This is exactly what I meant by piss poor script. They can't let him walk away yet thats EXACTLY what they do. This isnt the only instance where crap like this happens either.
Wraith tells Logan not to make fun of Freds weight so what does he do? Makes a ton of fat jokes and gets no reaction until he says something not even remotly close to a fat joke. WTF?
-Explaining everyones codename :They actually put forth effort to explain/mwention everyones codename ...why?
- Weapon Zero should have just been called Neo
-Wolverine being the "best there is": At what? Watching people do stuff? thats al he does just stand around and watch. And Sabes wants to be better then him why? He can't stand around like a lump?