He had a damn amusement park at his ranch, not to mention all the people who claimed they were molested by him. Seems like a pattern.
As a huge fan I 'm well versed in the facts of this issue. It's misleading to say "not to mention all the people who claimed."
The last accuser was proven to have falsely accused Michael. They had video tapes, audio tapes, eye witness accounts, credit card receipts used for proving whereabouts, contradictions, back tracking, admissions of lies, and as much evidence as a defendant could possibly want on his side in an accusation of child molestation.
If Michael wasn't so freaky it would have taken the jury 30 seconds to come back with their verdict.
There have been two other people who claimed that while children something happened to him.
One of these claim that as a child while roughousing Michael tickled him and while tickling him, Michael tickled him on the outside of his pants. I really don't think this person was lying, however when reading the transcript of the interview with the investigators it was proven in court that the investigators used the power of suggestion on this kid. He was 11 at the time, being questioned about time he had spent with Michael 5 years prior to that. He totally walked in believing he had never been touched inappropiately and walked out thinking he had been traumotized. he even said this in a later interview. The investigators kept telling the kid over and over again, "yes it happened, it happened. You blocked it out of your memory." and etc.
The first original accuser? That's a different story. There is a very good chance that the first original accuser was abused by Michael Jackson. And Michael does fit the profile for an Arrested Development Pedophile. They are much different than the regular pedophile, and the telling of events by the accuser is consistant with the kind of abuse that kind of pedophile would inflict.
MIchael has the arrested development disorder. That's clear as day. It's emotionally and socially stunting. And a lot of times people with this disorder are only capable of forming a bond with a child. They can't socially connect with adults and have adult like conversation or social skills. They think, talk, and behave like a child, and only want to hang out with kids. Because of this they are only capable of having romantic feelings for children.
However many people with this disorder don't feel sexual attractions for children. They still find them seuxally neutral, but prefer to hang out and be friends with kids, instead of adults.
The normal pedo actually intends to destroy the life of the child. It's their entire motivation for doing it.
The strongest evidence against Michael is the fact that the original accuser gave investigators an accurate description of Vitligo scars on the underside of MJ's penis.
However I can tell you about a birthmark on the left side of a girls' breast, and I never saw that girl's breast. I can also tell you that this guy I know has an 11 inch penis, and I never saw his penis. People talk, and secrets spread throughout circles. It's not that improbable that one out of so many people who know about this, will use this to exploit a rich man. He could have been banging the kids mom, dad, or anybody that knows them.
The strongest evidence on his side? From 1993 to 2003 he had access to thousands of children, yet not even one of them claim they were abused. That is extremely inconsistent with the behavior pattern of a pedophile.