What does Taboo mean to you?

people who eat swordfish steaks , my roomate had that last night and i cant stand the smell.

also people licking each others bumhole , it will never be acceptable in my book.
Everything that my religion says is wrong. Including punishing a rape victims.
Drugging someones drink and raping them.
covicted child molesters roaming the streets freely , thats wrong.
Taboo doesn't mean something is wrong, it means it controversial or inappropriate for typical discussion.
Taboo doesn't mean something is wrong, it means it controversial or inappropriate for typical discussion.

An antomyn for Taboo can mean something not allowed and therfore considered wrong, this though would have to be within a specified cultural situation. In this case the thread poster. You are also right though in that it can also mean something inappropiate and not just in a discussion.
Anything that harms another person if they did nothing to provoke it. Plain and simple.
covicted child molesters roaming the streets freely , thats wrong.

What if they have served their time? As a parent I am obviously anti child molestation, but you cannot lock people up forever. When someone has served a sentence they deserve to be released.
What if they have served their time? As a parent I obviously anti child molestation, but you cannot lock people up forever. When someone has served a sentence they deserve to be released.

i dont believe someone capable of doing such a thing gets better.
this one actually is a continuation of his other because it has alot to do with his ultimate question

Actually, I don't see that. I suspect this will go in a completely different although equally interesting direction.
I certainly hope so , this one has the potential to go in alot of different directions
I'm shocked no smart ass has posted a jpeg of the board game of the same name.

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